3.6| dates and discoveries

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3.6| dates and discoveries

"Come on, Alex!" Galexia said. "Or else you'll be late!"

"Just a second!" Alex called out from the bathroom, lacing her converse. She opened the door and stepped out. She straightened her green plaid skirt and tucked in her black sweatshirt, adjusting the color of her white shirt underneath. "How do I look, do I look alright?"

"You look great!" She smiled. "You should probably put some sock on, or you're legs will freeze to death" she said and Alex began searching for her thigh high black socks. When she finally did, she removed her red converse to put them on.

"What about now?" She said, looking down at herself.

"It's great, but you'll get cold, take another jacket!" Galexia said and handed her a purple sweater.

"But that won't go with the outfit!" Alex pouted, "we don't have time to look for anything else anyways"


"No it's fine, it's not that cold anyways" she reassured Galexia.

"Alright, then" Galexia said, ushering her out of the dormitory. "Best of Luck!"


Alex carefully looked to her left and right to see if someone was watching her or not. When she was sure that no one was in the corridor she rushed towards the statue of the one eyed witch. She tapped the hump with her wand and muttered "descendium"

The statue opened and revealed a small passage for her to pass through. After walking for what seemed like forever, she finally reached the cellar of honeydukes. She looked at her watch and realised she was 10 minutes late. She rushed to the exit of the shop, hanging her head low in case anyone notices her. Thankfully, no one did. She started looking for three broomsticks and after 10 more minutes of looking for it, she finally found it. She could see Cedric waiting for her inside, straightening her clothes and adjusting her hair, she took a sharp breath in and went inside. She went over to where he was sitting. He smiled charmingly when he noticed her approach him.

"Hey sorry, I'm late" she said and took the seat infront of him.

"Oh no it's fine" he smiled. "I'll go and grab us some butterbeer" he said and she nodded. She looked around, her head still hanging low. A tall Christmas tree stood just a little away from her table.

"Shit" she muttered under her breath when she saw Professor McGonagall entered, with Flitwick and Hagrid. Cornelius Fudge followed behind. She did the first thing she could think of—she lifted the table cloth and hid under the table. From underneath the table she could see Cedric arrive near the table, she could see his shoes. "Hey, Cedric" she whispered, hitting him on his foot lightly. He bent down and she lifted the curtain up, his eyes widened. Alex pulled him under the table.

"Shh" she said and waved her wand to get the two butterbeer he had bought from the top of the table. "Someone will notice me. Don't lift up the table cloth" he looked at her with shock.

"What is happening?" He chuckled. Alex inhaled sharply.

"Well" she said. "My godfather didn't sign my Hogsmeade form, so long story short I am not allowed to be here and Professors and the minister of magic are here!" She said yelling in a whisper. There was a small silence, Cedric was looking at her with utter bewilderment. He finally broke the silence, laughing quietly.

"People weren't wrong when they said you've got a thing for trouble" he said, she blushed, taking a sip of her butterbeer.

"You don't have to sit with me here under the table" she said, drinking her butterbeer.

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