1.8| a forest full of mysteries

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1.8| a forest full of mysteries

"Who is it?" Hagrid asked, as Harry knocked on his huts door thrice.

"It's us Hagrid" Alex called out, it didn't take him too long too open the door and letting them in. They sat down and Hagrid offered to make them tea.

"So yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?"

"Yes" said Harry. There was no point beating around the bush. "We were wondering if you could tell us what's guarding the Philospher's Stone apart from Fluffy"

"O' course I can't" Hagrid frowned at him. "Number one, I don' know meself. Number two, yeh know too much already, so I wouldn' tell yeh if I could. That Stone's here fer a good reason. It was almost stolen outta Gringotts—I s'ppose yeh've worked that out an' all? Beats me how yeh even know abou' Fluffy"

"Oh come on Hagrid" Alex said.

"Yeah you might not want to tell us but you know everything that goes on around here" Hermione said. "We were only wondering who did the guarding really"

"Yeah we are only wondering who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him apart from you" Alex said, and Hagrid's beard twitched, he was bitting back a smile.

"Well I don' s'pose it could hurt ter tell yeh that, let's see ...he borrowed Fluffy from me ,then some o' the teachers did enchantments Professor Sprout— Professor Flitwick— Professor McGonagall—" he ticked them off on his fingers, "Professor Quirrell-an' Dumbledore himself did somethin', o' course. Hang on, I've forgotten someone. Oh yeah, Professor Snape"

"Snape?" Ron said.

"Yeah—yer not still on abou' that, are yeh? Look, Snape helped protect the Stone, he's not about ter steal it"

The four of them exchanged looks, they were thinking the same thing. If Snape on protecting the stone, it must've been easy to find out how other's have guarded it, except quirrell and fluffy—"

"You're the only one who knows how to get past fluffy aren't you Hagrid?" Harry asked Hagrid, anxiously.

"And you wouldn't tell anyone, right?" Alex asked. They all ignored the rattling coming from the fire. They were too worried about the stone to stop what was in there.

"Not a soul except me an' Dumbledore knows about fluffy" Hagrid beamed proudly.

"Well that's something" Harry muttered.

"Hagrid can we please have a window open. It's too hot here" Alex said.

"can't Alex I'm sorry" Hagrid said. Harry nudged Alex lightly and gestured at the fire. Hagrid was looking at it too.

"Hagrid what's that?" Harry asked. But he already knew the answer. Underneath the ongoing bright orange fire was a black egg. Egg way bigger to be a bird's egg.

"Ah well that's er—" Hagrid said, fidgeting with his beard, he glanced at the fire which kept rattling.

"Where did you get it Hagrid!" Alex asked.

"It must've cost you a fortune!" Ron said inspecting the egg.

"Won it" said Hagrid. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, ter be honest"

"But what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I've bin doin' some readin'," said Hagrid, pulling a large book from under his pillow. "Got this outta the library Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit -it's a bit outta date, o' course, but it's all in here. Keep the egg in the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on 'em, see, an' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. An' see here—how ter recognize diff'rent eggs—what I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them"

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