4.7| Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

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4.7| Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

"Can I borrow your invisibility cloak?" Alex asked Harry. The common room was buzzing with the chatters of the students, as no one really wanted to do much work on a Friday evening.

"Sure" Harry shrugged.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked, extremely riveted by her sudden need of the invisibility cloak. "Want to sneak into the Hufflepuff common room?"

"Very funny, Ron" Alex said, flashing him a sarcastic smile. "I don't need the cloak for that, I already know how to get into the Hufflepuff Common room and I'll be going there tomorrow"

"Why?" Hermione piped up, suddenly finding their conversation more interesting than her 'SPEW' paperwork.

"It's Cedric's birthday tomorrow" Alex said, looking around for sugar quills in the pile of candies lying beside her for them to eat, because she didn't want to see the look on their faces and turn as red as a tomato. She saw a glance pass between her three friends. "Before you start—don't"

"Well why do you need the cloak then?" Harry asked.

"I've got to buy him a gift, obviously" Alex said, rolling her eyes and getting up.

"It's in the se-"

"The second drawer of your bedside table" She completed. "I know"


Alex had got dressed the next day in her tea length, black dress which flared out from the waist. She groaned looking at herself in the mirror.

"You look good" Hermione reasoned as Alex threw herself on her four poster bed. "You really do!"

"I look overdressed!" Alex said.

"You look just fine" Hermione said, forcing the girl to get up. "and you're late, anyways" She said as Alex sat up. Looking at the watch she cursed under her breath.

"Alright, I'm taking your word for it" Alex said, grabbing the matching cloak and buttoning it around her neck. "I'll see you"

"Go" Hermione said, grinning. "Cedric won't be able to take his eyes off of you" Alex rolled her eyes at the shorter girl, yet also gave her a small smile. She grabbed her black boots and rushed out of the dorm, only to return some seconds later. "What happened?"

"I forgot his gift!" Alex said, grabbing the box wrapped in silver wrapping paper with a blue ribbon on top. "Bye!"

She hurried down to the Hufflepuff common room. Cedric had told her to look for a stack of barrels near the Kitchen and he'd be standing outside the common room.

"Oh, thank god you're here!" Alex said, spotting Cedric. He grinned

"Of course, couldn't let you get drenched in vinegar"

"I'm glad" she smiled as he tapped the correct barrel to reveal the Yellow and Black common room, there was honey-coloured wood for the tables and the round doors which lead to the boys' and girls' dormitories. It seemed to have been decorated, but Alex wasn't sure as she has never visited it before. The common room was very well lit and crowded, students chatting and just relaxing in the huge room. "And, of course! Happy birthday" she smiled, handing him the gift. He gave her a pleasant smile.

"You didn't have to-"

"Stop. I wanted to" she said, holding his hand firmly. He had no choice but to accept it. "I hope you like it. I didn't really know what you liked or didn't" she blushed.

"Don't worry about that" he said, leading her forward. "If it's your choice, I'm sure it's great" he smiled, leading her towards the couches where his friends were sitting. "It's not really a party- it's just me and my friends hanging out"

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