The Bravest Coward

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(I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to publish. In all honesty, it was mostly because I just got into the Danganronpa fandom, so a lot of my free time was eaten up by that. Also, this chapter is not going to be from your POV at all, but mainly from that of Mrs Huxley, and perhaps a little from Lily or Cindy)

Mrs Huxley's POV


Brave wasn't the word to describe her.

It hadn't been the right word in her youth, and it sure as hell wasn't now.

At this point, is was less bravery, or perhaps dignity that motivated her to demolish her husband and his oh-so-precious company, and more spite. Spite, and a mother's affection for her children.

Mrs Huxley hadn't disliked you, but she hadn't quite liked you either. You were putting dangerous and rebellious ideas in Felix and Ted's minds that were going to get them killed. But you'd also had that spunk. The spunk Felix had never had, and Ted had never had the confidence to show. 

She reached for the door handle of the main entrance, but stopped when she felt a tug on her arm. She turned, and was almost surprised to see that it wasn't Ted.

"Madame Huxley?"

Chloe asked. Mrs Huxley smiled tightly.

"Please, call me Alice."

Chloe smiled, but it barely masked her evident worry.


Chloe continued hesitantly.

"Although I know that we are not exactly friends, I do believe that I know you fairly well."

Alice froze.

"And I know you well enough to know when you're doing something you fear your husband may not like."

Chloe finished. Alice's eyes darted to the corner, where a small red light had caught her eye. 

So that's how.

She realized.

That's how he always knew what we talked about.

She looked away quickly, hoping she hadn't just given away that she knew about the cameras. She turned back to Chloe, expression withering.

"What I choose to do, and not do is none of your concern."

Alice snapped, trying to keep the guilt off her face. Chloe's face fell.

"I understand that completely. I just need to you to remember that although my duty is to serve your husband, my primary loyalties are to you-"

"Well then that's an issue you'll have to work out yourself."

Alice spat. Chloe nodded mutely.

You are going to get yourself killed, and I can't let that happen.

"Now, I have some Saffron Crocus flowers in the garden that I must attend to. You'll come with me, as a woman of my standing has no business getting dirty."

She said it with as much spite as she could, and yet Chloe still looked up, understanding.

"Of course, Mrs Huxley."


She wished that she wasn't, but it was practically etched into her very being. Cowardliness. And now here she was, dragging the one person she could call a friend down with her. 

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