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(Wooo! I'm really loving writing thisss)

Kid's POV

What happened to me?

I hated her.

But now....

His eyes couldn't seem to leave you. He was bubbling over with questions, and unnameable emotions.

What is happening?

You and Emma were constructing a weird pillow/blanket fort thing in front of the TV, and giggling.

She is putting everyone's lives in danger.

You looked up at him, and smiled. He blushed.

And yet I can't think coherently when she's around.


"Are you mad at me? Because since we got back, you've been making weird faces at me."

You asked him.

"No! Nope! Not at all!"

He fumbled with the pillow in his hands.

You cocked your head at him.

"Well, I think your face is mad at me."

You joked, smiling. He snorted a little.

"Maybe, because you gave me a small heart attack by being GONE SO LONG."

She laughed.

"I was a bit busy not being murdered by Paul, and passing out in a limousine."

And there was that sting again, which he tried to convince himself was not jealousy.

I'm worried about her well being. 

Not the fact that she was in a limousine with two preposterously rich, preposterously handsome twins who have already shown interest in her, who are everything that I'm not....

Not. At. All.

He twisted a string of his not blonde, not brushed hair with his finger.

Should I brush it?

Would that be too weird? To be brushing my hair in her house? And then that might draw attention to how messy it is-nope, definitely not brushing my hair-

You were giving him a weird look again, and he came over to help you and Emma, silently mulling over ways to brush his hair incognito.

I don't even know how to wear a tie-

"You're making that face again."

Emma observed. (Y/N) was looking at him.

"Are you okay?"

You asked.

He cracked a smile.

"As okay as I can be after running away from a maniac who is dating my mom."

He deadpanned. 

"So, my friends, what shall we do tonight?"

You asked.

"G rated things only!"

Her mom said, poking her head in.

"Yeah, yeah, we're 14!"

You shouted back.

"Some of us are 12!"

Emma shouted.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now