Chapter 54: Gaara

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The desert sun was starting to get on me nerves as we leaped through. "How much longer?!" Yelled Naruto irritated as we raced to get to Suna, "An hour or so for the desert." Yamato groaned back annoyed with him.

Our party from the Leaf ended up being Naruto, Kari, Sauske, Sakura, Hinata, Yamato and Kakashi. Shisui and Shikamaru was to come a day later after their duty's. He insisted on coming. Although he didn't say it, he wasn't fond of having Yamato and Kakashi too close to me. "What is the Kazekage to think of when he sees you with them too? Questions and rumors will start that the weddings off." I rolled my eyes as I thought back, "What is it Kakashi Sensei?!" Naruto's voice pulled me out of my thought. Kakashi stopped as he looked to the sky.

I followed his gaze, a pale brown colored hawk was closing in on just. As he got closer a small scroll was in his claws. Kakashi placed his arm out for the hawk to go to him, the claws soon gripped his clothed arms piercing in barely. Kakashi took the scroll reading it quickly the looked up to Yamato and me. "What is it?" Sauske asked already suspecting something off, "Gaara's been kidnapped." My eyes widened gasps from the girls escaped, "What?! WHY?!" Naruto yelled snapping the scroll from Kakashi reading it for himself, "Members of the Akatsuki?" My stomach turned, "What the hell could they want with him?!" Naruto threw the scroll pissed.

I looked over to Kakashi then Yamato, "Yumi can Zennyo take us?" Kakashi asked, "Summoning Justus!" I commanded Zennyo, she sprang before us her red eyes picking up what she may be summoned for. "Zennyo we need you to take us to Suna as soon as possible. The Kazekage's been kidnapped." I asked bowing deeply to her, the group followed my lead. All of them tensed up, they forgot the presents of a dragon can make you feel like you're before royalty. Her eyes closed and bowed her head in agreement, "Thank you." I said as we quickly settled on her, I patted her twice indicting we were ready. Her wings barely beated taking to the sky in pure seconds, "Whats going on?!" Naruto worried, "Why would someone want Gaara like this!" I looked back to see him, his fists were balled containing her anger. "We're gonna find out Naruto." Kari said looking forward waiting for Suna to become visible.

"Lady Temari's there," Yamato said as the great smooth rock walls of Suna appeared, she was with a group of Sand Shinobi at the ready for a battle. Naruto jumped off running to Temari, "Naruto you need to calm down," Kakashi said as Naruto approached them. "Where's Gaara?! What's going on?" Naruto so close to Temari towering over her, "Lady Temari," I greeted with a formal bow. Kari and Hinata following me. "The Leaf is at your service, in what may we help?" I back up looking up at her. I could sense her fear, fear of losing her brother. The pressure of being head of command, for a split second I saw a cry for help on guidance from one Lady of the Clan to another. But her pride was in the way, "Thank you." She tired to compose herself, "First I need help with my other brother Kankuro, he was there." She turned for us to start following her, "He was there. It was late last night, Gaara and him were checking out reports of suspicious birds in the area. Birds not from this region, thats when they appeared. Gaara and Kankuro did their best protecting the village as they laid an attack. Gaara let his guard down thats when they were poisoned by needles, leaving Kankuro and having Gaara taken away."

Temari took us to a hospital unit within the Kazekage building, "Sakura, Kari please help my brother. Both of you are Lady Tsunade's student you must know a way." Demand and desperation in her voice as we entered the room, he was in a fetal position with no shirt. Groaning in agony, both Sakura and Kari ran to his bed side. Looking at the table that laid next to him, trying to figure out their next move. My hand involuntary went to my chest trying to stop my heart from beating so fast. "We need to extract poison," Sakura said. "And from there create the antibiotic." Kari nodded putting up her hair, Hinata neared the table. "I'll assist," she nodded ready to do whatever they needed her to do.

We watched as Sakura and Kari's hand glowed in green and worked over Kankuro, "Any ideas on why the kidnapping?" Kakashi asked, "None!" Temari threw her head back in grief, "YOU!!!" We heard a crackling voice behind us, I turned to find an old lady pointing at Kakashi. "White Fang! For being so respected your pretty stupid to be here!" She got a kunai from under her sleeve making a leap for Kakashi. I leaped in front of Kakashi, "Back away!" I ordered, "The famous Lady Yumi." She halted looking me up and down, "isn't that dress a little too short?" Her eyes reminded me the scolding of my mother,  "Lady Chiyo!" Temari yelled, "Get out! I don't need to worry about an old women with grudges. Can't you see their helping my brother!" Temari made all of us take a step back as she got between Lady Chiyo and our group, her eyes glossy holding back tears of desperation. I looked back Sakura, Kari and Hinata ignoring the drama occurring in the hospital unit.

Lady Chiyo gave us one last look and turned her back on us. "You may have them fool but not me! Senju! Hatake!" She yelled as she kept walking down a hall, I looked back to Kakashi. The mention of his dad must've been like a punch to his stomach. His eyes were averted to the girls, Yamato and I gave each other looks indicating we should move on.

Sakura and Kari had some blob in front of them wiggles, "this is what's gonna get us an antibody for the poison." Sakura's forehead started showing beads of sweat on her forehead. I raised an eyebrow not knowing what the hell I was really looking at, Kari seemed to read my mind. "This is the poison, with this we'll be able to make it an anti biotic for him." I raised my eyebrows still unsure of the whole process. "So what happened?" Yamato spoke up as we refocused, "Gara was out with a squad to make sure thing were to run smooth for your arrival. That's when he noticed some huge white bird thing in the sky, Gara and the squad got ready to battle." She looked away from her brother to look outside the window. "Some how in tow of all of that he was over powered and taken," she signed. "What are the descriptions?" Kakashi asked, Temari looked at Kakashi, Yamato, and me and sighed again. "Black cloaks with red clouds. One was a red head and the other a blonde with long hair and something covering one of his eyes." She paused knowing the group, we have sent over what information we did have on possible international threats. "The Akatsuki," she confirmed.

Saskue had been listening intently, Naruto joined halfway through the conversation. Kakashi, Yamato and me looked at one another, "Them again?" Sauske asked, requesting truth in his tone. "Could it be they want the tailed beast in Gara?" Naruto asked, I didn't want to answer but it was only right. "I thinks so," I just about whispered. "Do you have scouts out? Any idea with coordinates?" Kakashi wanted to focus on Gara now, "Yes I have several squads out right now." She looked away at the window. Hope in her eyes of a messenger coming in any second.

"Lady Temari, if I may I'd like to send out help to the village." Kakashi asked, she looked back at us. "Yes go right ahead," she nodded. "Take us to your communication center." Kakashi asked, in the end I sent Meimei to aunt Tsunade.

We all held on anxiously as the hours passed by with not an answer by anyone.

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