Chapter 23: Explain

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We had already been flying for a full 10 minutes searching for them. "Yumi your hairs in my face." Itachi said irritated. I looked back, his face full of my hair. I pulled it in one hand, "Sorry Itachi!" I said embarrassed. 

"Hayai what can you tell us about the Oni?" I asked as we were flying fast. There was still plenty of land before getting to Yugakure. "He gets few offered from humans. He was banished to a peak and can't leave. So they would still need to climb it to get to him. But he's very convincing, promising power also anything else to get a human to sign a blood contract. His appearance is a gentle old monk so you would like he's harmless. By the time humans reach him, their tired and willing to do whatever to get it over with. Not even second guessing the too good of a deal. He's also deceitful on what they are promising to them." Hayai explained to us. "How can such a thing exist?" Itachi asked, "as long as there are wicked humans. A truly wicked human becomes one when they died." Hayai responded, these tale tells. My mother always advising us not to dwell with these thing just be aware they are real. Tells my mother advised us all true in someway or another. Maybe the stories twisted a bit after centuries. My experience with my summoning the dragons and them taking me to their realm showed me many truths. And a world not fit for a human.

We flown an endless forest. Nothing but what looked like little bushes underneath us. We searched for their chakras. Itachi with his Sharingan scanning. Hayai and I using our senses to scan.

Time was passing by and no signs of them. I cursed myself wishing I should of asked for ones of Kakashi's dogs. "Lady Yumi, Meimei states their hot on the tracks. We can go back to meet them head on." Hayai reported to me, waiting for my order. We must have been flying fast to miss them. "Go!" I said, and Hayai turned back. I started getting a pricking feeling all over me. I started feeling my heartbeat through my ear. Thinking about my sister, what the fuck was she thinking?!

We pulled up to them Kakashi, Shisui, Meimei, Naruto and Obito were with them already. They all turned as we landed. Itachi had his Sharingan and a stoic face, probably ready to knock Sauske out. I narrowed my eyes at Kari, ready to pouch as if I were a predator. Kakashi, Naruto, Shisui and Obito backed away to give us space. "Explain yourselves," Itachi stated with a deadly low tone. "Naruto already did it for you." Sauske said not looking at us in the eyes. I looked at Kari, she couldn't even look me in the face.

"I really do give a fuck, I want to hear it from you two." I said as I balled my fists. "If you two do not start talking I swear I will knock you two out until next month." I stated, trying not to yell. My chakra was riled up, I felt it surge through me. My heart started racing, hearing my heartbeat in my ear. I felt ants all over me, my senses becoming high. I felt Itachi's chakra also light up, his gaze upon Sauske becoming one of danger. Both our auras almost seeming demonic. They both now looked at us scared and the vision I had about them ran through my mind. "Lady Yumi" I heard my name, making me come back to my senses. It was Meimeis voice, I looked at her realized what I was becoming. The look she gave me of pleading with me to reason. I signed and and centered myself. "Look you two," I said and I began telling them the story of the Oni, Hayai and Meimei helping me out on explaining the severity this. After the explanation they didn't say much. I knew they thought of this a too much of a bad risk. 

"Both of you carry heavy names, much more a heavy expectation because of us. But trust me it was wasn't easy for either of us. Sauske you know just some of my struggles." Itahcis said, Sauske looked up at him. Itachi them looked at me, "And as for Yumi only knows her. We both carry our burdens we only know." Itachi advices them. " It's not an easy road trust me, we were in your shoes at one point. I know your Sensei's can only do so much as they can be on missions themselves, but we found resources and we hustled. We nagged, begged, studied, and found people and friends willing to help us find our way and gratefully theses people genuinely helped us. If you two are in search of help, guidance please speak up. I know we both carry busy schedules but just because of this you shouldn't turn to a easy alternative." I advised as well, "Sauske, I am sorry my duties have tide me up. I will make much more effort to help you in what I can. I now see my absences has affected you." Itachi said full heartily. "Kari, I'm sorry as well. I promised I will help you out, both of you." I looked at them, "Now please lets go home." I smiled at them, they both looked down now embarrassed not knowing what to say. I approached Kari and gave her a sudden tight hug and held her "Come on onii-chan, who loves you!" I said to her smiling and hugging her, "Stop Yumi!" Kari said whining to me as she tried to push me off.  Sasuke and Itachi sweat dropped at the scene between us sisters. Itachi approached Sauske and gave him a poke on his forehead smiling, "Come on Sasuke," he said gently as he started walking. 

We approached the rest of the group, "Sauske! Kari!" Naruto excitedly said as he saw them. I smiled at all of them, they took us all in getting the idea things were settled. "Lets go home." Itachi said to the rest. 

We approached the village gates and Lady Tsunade and Shizune were waiting for us with an Anbu. Kari and Sasuke embarrassed to see them placed their heads down. "Senju, Uchiha. Looks like you two decided not to become horrifying Oni's." Aunt Tsunade commented looking down at them, "Your two realize you had some of most valuable shinobis looking for you. If for some reason I needed them at that moment while they were gone, it would have been your two heads!" Aunt Tsunade continued crossing her arms, mad at them. "I want you two tomorrow bright and early in my office. Kari, your going to maintain the house spotless for 3 months. Itachi, make sure Sauske does the same. Im sure your mother will appreciate it." We all looked else were, as they were being scold. "Lets go!" Aunt Tsunade said and with that turned around. "What do you think she'll have us do?" Kari asked looking at me, I looked back at her. "What will she NOT have you do!" I said with a serious face. 

We walked home Kari and I. I started feeling bad as I thought of my little sister, and how Aunt Tsunade will be working her for the next couple of weeks. Kari hasn't know her as long as I have and doesn't have the same relationship as I do with her. I've done things to where my Aunt was absolutely pissed at me but always came around. 

"Lets got to the store to get some snacks. We need some for the house." I said to her getting her out of her thought. Her head jerked as I had spoken. Her eyes only showed me a pleading look, I placed an arm around her. "Your gonna be fine! I've done some things to get Aunt Tsunade mad but trust me she'll come around." Kari looked ahead of the road, mind still going 100 miles. "I still am kind of scared for her but in the way of I don't want to disappoint her." I continued, "Hey maybe she can train you too! Maybe you can learn her seal? I never really went for it" I said, "You think I could?" Kari asked as she perked up at this, "Yea! We'll talk to her tomorrow." I said as we both walked in to the convenience store. 

SENJU LOVER, ❣️Shisui Uchiha ❣️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя