Chapter 55: Dragon Explosión

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While we were waiting out for word on Gara, Naruto and Susuke were supposedly walking around the Hidden Sand palace but in reality ran off in search for Gara them selfs. When we finally noticed what happened we took action and attempted to find them. Itachi and Shisui finding us as we searched for them. We had just found Sauske and Sai. They were deep fight with Deidara. Kakashi, Yamato, and Sakura left off to look for Naruto.

"I got this!!!" He yelled at us as to not interfere, Sai was above us with one of his eagle drawing starting a safe distance.

The battled got bloodier Itachi's own patience was wearing thinner and thinner. His fist balling up and his jawline hardening, "Sasuke!!" Itachi screamed as a clay dragon engulfed him easily, "You fucking idiot!!!" Kari screamed as I held her back from the fight. Itachi and Shisui set in a flash after Deidara, BOOM! That same dragon exploded flying us all back. I could only see dust, dust blocked my vision from everything. I searched for his chakra but I couldn't sense him anywhere, "Sasuke!" She went into the smoke looking for him. "Sasuke please!" She just about cried at his name, "Pull her back Yumi!" Shisui screamed, just a few steps in and I caught a grip of her and yanked her out several feet. I could't give her any comfort on what condition he could be in but Shisui threading advise gave me enough to get a grip of Kari. We saw lighting building up from the ground and make a strike. Then I felt a charka point cut in that same blow.

Coughing right after, "I told you I had this." Sasuke grumbled, I could make out the figures as the dusts and smoke started clearing. Sauske was slumped over Deidara's body, "Sorry I know I should of kept him alive for interrogation." He looked back at Itachi and Shisui as they stood a few feet away surprised and relieved. "Ugh," He groaned as he grabbed his head. Kari ran to him pulling hin up just to be laid down. Sai slowing landing back on the ground.

She put out her hands to start her chakra. I ran up to see in what I could help, her eyes were glossy holding back tears. "Stop being so reckless," Itachi walked up shaking his head with relief. A smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, Shisui put his around around my shoulder. Sighing I took a step in closer to him feeling just a little bit of peace. Sasuke softly set his eyes on Kari, words awaiting to spill but unsure how to express them. Putting up some courage he began "Thank you Kari," his voice sweet and warm.

My eyes widen for just a second, no it's not that. It's all in my head, I threw that though away. This little asshole with no feelings would never, much less Kari. Nahhh, "We should start looking for Naruto." Itachi claimed turning our focus back to the task. Kari was still working on Sauske and hadn't said a word, "Go ahead just give me a couple more minutes with Kari she's almost done." I wanted to protest but Shisui turned to me signaling me we need to leave them alone. I nodded and followed Itachi as he started the search again. Sai following suit.

As we stepped farther and farther out of range I looked from one side of me to the other and back again. "What the hell is going on?" Silence, Itachi and Shisui looked ahead. Sai looked confused opening then closing his mouth as to figure out what I was talking about. I knew in my gut the conversation that was being had was going to be a hard one. I just couldn't really bring myself how to process it. After a few minutes Itachi spoke, "I think he's going to confess." Itachi's stoic face looked ahead, I stumbled a little at this. "Sauske has a huge crush on your sister." He paused unsure if he was really authorized to say this. "He poured all his charka and guts on this battle he's in that lighted headed state where he's just gonna say whatever." Itachi sighed, "The adrenaline altered his state." Shisui confirmed, "How do you feel about this?" Itachi questioned, I looked back at him still unable to process this. "It feels weird, I don't know." I scratched my head, "They still are both really young, many things could happen." I looked back at Itachi, I knew he had deep doubts about this politically. But as my relationship with Shisui I had to make the best moves and also speak with them. There's also the other side to this, what will Kari's response be? Im pretty sure she has no idea where she stands in feelings with Sauske. At least I think, especially after whatever what Kari and Shikamaru were.

I sighed looking back at Itachi, "Let's just see what the responses will be." I smiled at him encouraging, "If anything we have the experience of your dad to help us, not to mention us." I said looking back at Shisui. Shiusi smiled back with a wink to both of us.

***Sai's mind worked as his mentors spoke of Kari's and Sauske posible new relationship status. "So does that explain the hateful comments Sauske says under his breath when Shikamarus around?" He thought, "I'll beat his ass." Sauske would say, Sai thought this was just Sauske's own way of appraising himself.***

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