Chapter 43: New Leads

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A couple weeks passed and investigations were becoming heavier. New leads were coming up with Orochimaru and the Akatsuki. Which meant 2 big cases and our shinobi being used up. Everyone being paired up with their best comrade. Shisui and Itachi included being paired up.

We would see each other when he would briefly come back, only to leave a couple days later. I would stay over every time he came back, only to say goodbye to him at the gates a day later.

Aunt Tsunade sent Anko and I on a mission to investigate a possible hideout of Orochimaru's. We had plenty of evidence on him partnering with the Akatsuki. Kari was pissed she couldn't go but Aunt Tsunade needed shinobi in the village in the case of an emergency.

Anko and I traveled east to an island off the coast of land of the hidden mist. The island was a tropical paradise, exotic birds and animals roamed around. It reminded me a lot of the forest of the Latin clan. A lot of the trees and plants similar.

We searched the island all over and couldn't find much. I had Hayai and Meimei helping, "Lady Yumi! We found something! I cave roughly shaped the mouth of a snake." Hayai reported to me. Anko and I nodded and soon followed him, Meimei joining us half ways.

The entrance was sort of shaped of a snakes mouth. Having its mouth open to enter, we entered the cave with caution our senses on full alert. "It seems like no ones been here in months." Anko said, there were small traces of people being in here but only that. No actual evidence, we met a dead end. Nothing but rock wall, I pressed on hand on it trying to sense anything out. Nothing, "beneath us." Hayai said, we looked down and back and each other. Silently we squatted down and pressed our hands on the ground. I closed my eyes reaching  out, I could feel it. Empty space under us, but something was blocking it. A seal?

"We need to find the seal." I said looking at all of them. As if they read my mind we all started looking. Eyeing every rock and corner, "Here!" Meimei yelled, "You can't see it but I can feel it." It was on the same wall that was a dead end, both Anko and I touched the area. Anko suddenly gasped and grabbed her neck. Making her curse mark appear on her neck. The same mark glowed dark reddish on the wall. "Its connected," I looked back at her and the wall. "Let me try something." Anko said and she pressed her arm again on the wall. She furrowed her brows and concentrated, both marks glowing at the same time. "Release!" Anko shouted, the wall disappeared into stone stairs leading down. Every couple of feet a glowing lamp leading the way down. Meimei without a word flew down, as we slowly made our way down. Making sure there were no obstacles for us, "Clear." Hayai stated, we stepped into a large room. Filled with old jars, big and small. Some with objects inside us unable to figure out what they were. Others with the water clear for drinking and others the liquid so murky.

"Lady Yumi!" Meimei called on me, she had gone to a ways away towards the back of the room. I followed her voice, Anko and Hayai close behind. It was a desk with what seemed like old notes laid out. Some of the writing faded out. But what was recognizable was a crest. The Senju crest, my senses became heighten as I looked on. Orochimaru or one of his minions has been looking into great grandfather Hashirama's healing abilities. Then something about wood release, the notes incomplete. "I'm taking this," I said rolling up the scrolls and notes.

"What do you think he's planning?" Anko asked as we left the hideout. I looked ahead, "Maybe he's still after the same objective, find the perfect jutus to live on." I said shrugging my shoulders, over thinking. What if this all part of something bigger? What if he tries taking one of us? The remaining Senju's?

We left after we did another scan of island and it's surrounding waters. Riding on Hayai silently, Meimei had left as we left. "Yumi have you given the thought of pursuing the healing technique's from Lady Tsunade? Like the thousand seal?" I looked ahead and sighed. "Yes but if that would happen, that means giving up my contract with the dragons." I could sense Hayai slightly got still for a second. "I can't do that," I said tightening a fist. It banged my heart at that thought.

We arrived back at Konoha right before dawn. I was in front of my house with Anko and Hayai saying our goodbyes. "Tell Iruka we need to do a double date." I said to Anko as I waved her goodbye. She laughed, "I sure will!" "Lady Yumi!" An Anbu appeared making us both jump. I could tell it was Sai, "Lady Tsunade needs you urgently!" My eyes got big, Anko and I looking at each other. I transported out with my heart pounding.

"Yumi!" Shizune and Aunt Tsunade both looked a mess. Dark baggy eyes, they both looked worried and frantic. "What's wrong?!" I asked heart pounding, looking at both of them. Sai and Anko soon appeared. "Kari," Aunt Tsunade said with watery eyes. I held my breath, placing a hand on my chest. "She been kidnapped." Aunt Tsunade looked at me worried, "What?! By who? Where?! I need more Aunt Tsunade." I felt as if my body was floating, like if I was in a bad dream ready to wake up any moment.

"The same rouge nin that tried kidnapping Naruto took her. She was training with Sakura and Ino at the training grounds when they ambushed them. We have a team after them." Aunt Tsunade stated, I wanted to throw up, I want this to be a dream. "Who?" I asked with a hand at my neck and another on stomach. "Naruto, Sauske, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Neji. All the other jonin are on missions."

"Where are they headed? I'll catch up with them!" I said desperately, "All we know is that they were flying south of us, they could be anywhere." Aunt Tsunade looked at me worried, "Our best trackers are all on missions. Stay here until someone arrives." She continued softly, I covered my face as my tears come pouring down. My crying being heard loud and clear by all. What if it's too late? What if she dies? What the fuck could they want with her?! "This had to be to making Naruto go out .I'll figure something out!" I said leaving the office. I went into my office and sat on the desk. My tears still going but my mind running full speed. Kari and Naruto! Gods! Please keep watch on them!

"Summoning Jutus!" I called upon Hayai and Meimei, they both looked at me surprised at my state. "Please I need your help." I asked begging them, they bother nodded they heads. With concern in their faces, I told them the whole story.

"Lady Yumi, we will go in search for her. Be at the ready when we call." I nodded my head, "in the meantime I'll try and see what else I can come up with. I'll call upon one of you if I find something." I said with a fist on my chest. I had multiple ideas going through me, one of them had to work. I ran out of the office and went in search of scrolls. 

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