Chapter 32: Latin Clan

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We transported to the woods of the Land of The Hidden Mist. Kari looked around, these woods were completely different from what she was use to. The trees higher and were of all different species. Some had leafs that looked like long thick stings cascading down gently. Others so high up and thick, they had bushes growing on them. Some trees barks were prickly, while others were so smooth you would think it was a concrete post. The birds sing differently here, changing tunes as they sung. We came at a good season it was cooler, meaning summer would be ending soon. Just like in Konoha, usually in the middle of summer if was pretty humid and hot.

"So keep in mind everything I've told you of the Latin clan. Their going to judge you at first for not speaking their language fluently. But the young ones won't care, they speak universal, like us." I advised Kari, we jumped through the forest. On our way to the village where the Latin clan resides. It's just right outside of Kirigakure "So they really think women shouldn't become kunoichis?" Kari asked, "Yea the men do, the younger ones ours ages don't." I looked back at her, "So you think it'll be a big problem when we ask about Kenjutsu training?" Kari asked, I signed "I don't think so. Lord Hyakkimaru is rumored to having a different ideology now."

Lord Hyakkimaru was the head of the Latin clan, also being the master swordsman. His skills are rumored to be the best of the best. Having techniques only he knows and will not pass down to just anyone. He was a kind man he just had antique thoughts. He let me train out of pure luck, being he was my mother's uncle. He kept watch on me while I was in the village, and stepped in when my Sensei wasn't teaching me much. My skills became sharper because of him and for that I am grateful.

All the men of the Latin clan were well know for their sword skills as well. Rumors were the 7 ninja swords men of the hidden mist sought out there teachings. I mean the Latin clan is legendary for Kenjutsu skills.

The forest had cleared out and the village soon was at view. A white wall ran all the way around the village. They had 2 men on watch at the entrance, they became alert as they saw us. One of them seemed familiar. They had the Kirigakure shinobi uniform on, another way of declaring their loyalties. "I'll do the talking, you just go along." I gave Kari a side eye.

We approached them and they seemed to kind of recognizing me. Bowing to them, I spoke in their language. "Hello, I am Yumi and my sister Kari. We are here to speak with Lord Hyakkimaru." They looked at each other then back at us. "Hey I remember you! You were here a couple months ago." He was the one that looked familiar, light brown eyes, sun kissed skin. A very flirtatious face, soft black short hair and a short well lined beard. "Yes, I was." I laughed, the other guard looked at his comrades and his sudden trustworthiness. "You're Morio right?" I asked him, he blushed. He was about to speak but the other spoke. "State your business." He spoke to us trying to intimidate us, "I'm here to speak with him on personal issues, something for him to hear." I held my head up, my gaze to him, "Hhmmp" he said. "Morio you can take her," he ordered.

Kari and I were lead into Lord Hyakkimaru home, bigger than the rest of true village. He was well guarded by more swords men at his entrance and through out the house. They all put on stoic faces but I could feel as we passed them turning to us or starting to speak with one another. Morio went in first announcing our arrival to him we waited outside the office, soon he came back out. "Go ahead." He said nodding to us, we stepped in and he was already waiting for us. He sat behind a low desk and having a nonchalantly face on him. He's face with fine wrinkles but has aged well and was probably one fine man in his day. White soft hair in a ponytail that was full of volume and hung perkily. He had side bangs that semi covered his right eye. Dark brown eyes that gave a spark of kindness. He was in a his typical dark blue kimono and with a small Latin crest over his heart, a white anchor. His forearms covered in bandages. We both gave a deep bow, "Lord Hyakkimaru, sorry for coming unannounced." I said looking up, "Lady Yumi, you are always welcome here." He said giving us a kind smile "Thank you, Ive brought my sister Kari." I said and waved my hand to her. She bowed deep again for him, "It is an honor to meet you my lord." She said and didn't sound so bad speaking the language, "So what brings you two here." He asked raising an eyebrow, "My sister wanted to get to know where our mother came from and . . ." I paused looking down and back up, "To at least give her a chance to train under your approval. We're only here for a couple of weeks. I would like for her to see just how hard the Latin clan trains. I could teach her some, but there is no better way then to be taught here. I know she won't get much during that time, but it would mean a lot for us and in memory of our mother." I said as held my breath, "Your mother. I'm sorry for you me loss." He said sympathetic, we had received a message from the Latin clan receiving their condolences. None of them actually showed up which caught me by surprise. Probably too busy with Kirigakure business.

"Thank you." We both said in union. He sighs looking at us, thinking about Kari. "I'm afraid they are too far in for her to pick up anything." He apologized, Kari looked down already bummed out. "But why don't you ask yours cousins? You left your influence when you left. A group of girls, including your cousins started training on their own, soon after we decided to start training them as well." He smiled at me, "What?! Really?! I hope I didn't leave you problems." I said bowing, "No problem I can't resolve." He winked, "Please settle in, you may stay with us." He said opening his arms. "Thank you, but I'm sure my uncle Unkei would come looking for us wanting us to stay with him." I bowed again. He chuckled at the mention of uncle Unkei. "Very well."

My uncle one of the most kindest men I've met that would probably give you the shirt off his back,  he's retired and lives his days drinking beer while getting nagged by his son, 3 daughters, and his wife.

"You've going to love our cousins!" I gave Kari a side eye, we walked down the road to uncle Unkei. All the houses had walls surrounding them, enclosing their properties. "Their more your age, their fun and hilarious!" I said excitedly, "Oh so like me?!" Kari said cockily, "Like us!" I retorted back.

You could hear commotion as we approached the door. We knocked on the average sized home, having a large backyard. You could hear their chickens and dogs from here. Chomei, the son was the one to answer the door. The second eldest, almost a spitting image of uncle, except uncle had more white hair. Black hair that stuck up, dark brown eyes, tanned skin, and a face that naturally questioned life. He cocked his head looking at me, "Who is it?" I hear someone scream from the back. "Yumi?!" He questioned me, weirded out I'm here. The 3 daughters, approached.

Emiko the oldest, soft black long hair, dark brown eyes, light skin. A long face and an attitude that didn't take shit.

Daichi the 3rd born light brown light hair, light brown eyes and light skin. A face of a doll and sweet like my uncle.

Ume the baby of the family, light short brown hair, hazel eyes, light skin, and a face of mischievous.

"Yumi!" They all said in union surprised and excited, "What?! Yumi's here?" My uncles voice, he approached while everyone gave way for him to come through. He took me into his embrace right away, "My little doll! What are you doing here?!" He put me at arms length, "I bought my sister Kari! She wanted to know where momma came from!" I said showing Kari, he hugged Kari tight. Kari a little taken off by how touchy he can be. "Finally I get to meet you! I swear my nieces look like angels! All of them!" He just about yelled, while our cousins rolled their eyes.

Our aunt started making food, I tried helping but they insisted on us sitting down. Our girl cousins helped her. While we sat and talked, he was already drunk but insisted on taking a bottle of sake out.

We ate and talked over why we were here, Kari was getting along right away with the rest. Emiko and her were the same age. "Cousin we'll training you!" Emiko said with determination on her face. "Yea! It'll be fun! I'm sure you'll pick up fast like Yumi." Daichi looked at me smiling. "We can gather the rest and do our owe training!" Chomei said as he rubbed his hands together.

I felt so happy for Kari, fitting in right away with the Latin clan, our other family. The Latin clan can be many things, too loud, too antique, too touchy, but family/clan always came first. Plus they loved to have fun.

Later on that day we gathered with the rest of the cousins. All of them happy to see me again and curious about Kari. Kari fit along right away, our cousins already setting a plan in motion for a training schedule for her. "Hey my dad just sent word he wants to make a big dinner tomorrow!" Daichi announced to everyone. "Awwww shiiiittt!!!" Every other person said, "What does that mean?!" Kari asked more on everyone's excited responseM. "A party!" I said laughing at her, "Another thing, the Latin clan loves to party." I said as I whipped my hair back.

***I looked around with a huge grin. My cousins cracking jokes, playing games. Yumi was dancing with uncle Unkei laughing with him. Everyone was having a good time, some were already a little tipsy. "Come on Kari! Drink up!" One of my cousins yelled, Yumi had let me drink just a little of the alcoholic mixed drink. I wasn't really liking it, but this while new atmosphere I was. Being I just met these people they've taken us in just as family should.***

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