Chapter 52: Formal Dinner

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About a week later we were having our official engagement dinner, all of us dress in our best kimono's. Mine being a red one with white lotus flowers outlined here and there. My hair up in a bun with a white comb piece holding it together. I sent word to Master Jiraya for him to attend, I had a question in mind for him tonight. We had everything catered and hired servers, no way in hell was this night going to fuck up. My stomach was in knots as I waited for Lord Fugaku and his family to arrive, I would catch myself sensing out their chakra but found Master Jiraya's arriving. I opened the door before he had a chance to knock, "Whoa!" He chuckled with his hand still up, and a bottle of sake in the other. "Congratulations kid!" He chuckled opening his arms for an embrace, I jumped into his arms holding him tight. "Pervy Sage! Your here!" Naruto ran up, "Naruto, look at you! You actually took a bath!" Master Jiraya chuckled, I let him go give Naruto a look over again. Naruto didn't want to but we made him dress up too, with a light grey yukata and a small orange obi going around. "Well come in we're just waiting on Lord Fugaku and his group." I spoke walking inside, "Tsunade!" Master Jiraya was surprised to see her and more that she was in a kimono, her's was a green one with light yellow lotus on the edges. Her hair the same as much as I tried to fix it she would swat my hand away. "Jiraya!" She looked over to me giving me a look in questions. Master Jiraya looked from her to me, "What is it?" I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head. "Well might as well ask you now." He cockled his head to the side brows knit together. "Uhm so I was wondering," I started with a shaky voice. My stomach turning in knots again as how nervous I was. "If you would be the one to be in place of my father?" I looked up to him as my eyes watered and a knot grew in my throat, his expression was now lost. Thinking on who knows what, "Really?" His voice barely audible, I could only shake my head. Aunt Tsuande and Naruto warmly smiled at us as they watched, "It would be an honor." He clutched his fists as he stepped forward looking down at me, I could see how he held back the tears. "Hey then that means Tsuande will have to be my date," He thew his head back boasting in laughter. Aunt Tsunade closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Jiraya please behave yourself tonight, I really need this night to go smoothly for my niece." Her eye opened sharply to him, "I think their here!" Shizune came jogging nervously to us. We looked at the door sensing out, and right on cue there was a knock.

Master Jiraya and Naruto settled back as Aunt Tsunade and I answered the door. Shisui was there with a beautiful set of red roses, "Good evening." He faintly blushed bowing more to Aunt Tsuande, Lord Fugaku and the group were right behind him. "Please come in," Aunt Tsunade bowed making way for them to come in. In all it was Lord Fugaku, Mikoto San, Itachi, Sauske and of course Shisui. They were all nicely dressed in similar black kimonos with a Uchiha crest on each side of the kimono. Mikoto had on a dark purple one on with gold detailing, "Lady Tsunade, Lady Yumi." Lord Fugaku and their group bowed to us respectfully to us. We bowed back and greeted them, "Lady Yumi, Lady Tsunade both of you look beautiful." Mikoto San blushed at us as we greeted, Kari walked in still trying to adjust a bracelet. She had on a sky blue kimono with set with dark blue iris flower decorating one side, "Oh Kari look at how much you've grown!" Mikoto San cocked her head to the side as she smiled sweetly at Kari. All of Lord Fugaku, Itachi, Shisui and I watched Sauske for his reaction. His eyes widen at the sight of her then averted them as he sensed us watching him, "Hello Mikoto San! Lord Fugaku, Itachi, Sauske and Shisui. Or should I could you brother now?" She sung with a chuckle making some of us chuckle, Master Jiraya, Naruto and Shizune came in greeting them as well. "Everything is set Lady Tsunade," Shizune spoke softly to her. "Please follow me," Aunt Tsunade ordered leading the way to our dinning room. Shisui placed an arm over my shoulder, I looked over to him with a faint blush. He smile back encouragingly, making my nerves settle just a little. We both could hear Sauske irritatingly whisper to Kari, "Here let me help you. I can't believe your still fidgeting with this bracelet." Kari rolled her eyes as Sauske helped her with the bracelet she was trying to put on.

Aunt Tsunade sat at one end and Lord Fugaku at the other Minato San, Shisui, Me and Master Jiraya on one side. Itachi, Sauske, Naruto, Kari and Shizune on the other. Shizune signaling the staff to start, "Well have you agreed on a date?" Aunt Tsunade asked, I could feel my face heating up. "Yes, we've actually look at the first weekend in June. Since the weather is most appealing. Plus it would make travel better for anyone one that's coming from afar." I spoke trying my best to control my voice, so far I felt like I didn't sound nervous. Maybe it was the sips of sake I had before everyone arrived. "That would be lovely," Mikoto San agreed. Lord Fugaku's stoic face never changing, nodding in agreement. Lady Tsunade nodded, "Well that's one thing down." She tapped her finger on the table lightly thinking, her mind was working on what will be ahead. "Well the wedding will big politically, the Kage's will all be pretty surprised." Master Jiraiya nodded rubbing his chin thinking as well, "Lords from other nations too, the question of marriage started popping up when you came of age." Master Jiraya looked from me to Aunt Tsunade. "They had given up courting Tsunade after the offers during her time." Naruto snickered thinking that was a LONG time ago. Aunt Tsunade turned her eyes on him freezing him in this place, Aunt Tsunade rolled her eyes. "I wonder why grandfather and uncle didn't do some type of clan marriage." She looked at Lord Fugaku with the slightest hope of a good reason, Lord Fugaku shrugged this shoulders. "Maybe they were content with just the peace treaty between the clans." Aunt Tsunade nodded in agreement to that possibility, "Security will have to be tight," Lord Fugaku changed the subject, "I'll be looking into all possibilities and strategy's for security and safety." Shisui said looking to aunt Tsunade, Itachi nodded in agreement. " As soon as the announcements are sent we'll have to be on high alert. News like this will trouble some people who are opposed for who knows what." Itachi stated matter of factly.

The conversations soon became of business and ordinance. Master Jiraya was also going to be big help on lords and lands from other nations. Mikoto San and Shizune offered to help me with organizing the wedding. Shisui would be more in the security and political side. Kari, Naruto and Sauske excused themselves taking note these conversations were pretty useless to them. By the end of the night we decided on sending the announcements in about 2 weeks as in also get started on the preparations.

Lord Fugaku and his group left with a Sauske seeming to not really want to leave. They were playing some card game that he was winning at, Shisui stayed behind so we could be alone. We walked into our small yard, "So how do you feel?" He asked as his hand reached for mine, leading me to the small bench we had. I could feel my face flush and stomach turn. I looked up at him and smiled with all my loved into his eyes. "Excited, nervous." I trailed off as I looked down, a small chuckle escaped him. "It's like I'm seeing a whole new side of you now. The shy and mature Yumi?" I narrowed my eyes at him, "So how am I'm like usually?" I scooted back a bit, his chuckle came around again as he moved with me. "Way more laid back, but it's understandable. This is our official engagement, to think we'll be married next year." He sighed looking up at the stars, I couldn't help but feel wonder of what the next year will be like for us.

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