Chapter 25: Zen

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It was the day of the festival and we had woken up by the knocking of an Anbu "Lady Tsuande! Is everything well?!" I over heard from my room. I was already 1 in the afternoon, last night was one of those girls nights to remember. Laughs and deep shit story telling, Kari was passed out the whole night. Thank the Gods! "Of course I'm fine!" I heard her yell. I tossed in my bed trying to get back in position to sleep. "Yumi! Which kimono are you wearing?!" Kari barged in my room, still never knocking. "Mmmm?" I only responded, as I turned my head to her. She stood there in her pajamas crossing her arms. "I bought a dark green one with blue feather designs when I was in my travels. I guess that one." I barley answered her, my throat was dry. "Hmmm," she thought to her self, thinking of what kimono to wear.

The day passed by fast, getting ourselves ready. Helping each other out with our hair and makeup. We needed to head out early, we had a ceremony we have to do at the temple to bless Aunt Tsunade. After that a meeting with the Lord of Fire, dinner and then the grand celebration.

We were already on our way to meet the Lord of Fire. Our entourage consisted of the heads of all the clans, as for a few back ups. "Yumi, the Lord of Fire has a son about your age. Make sure he feels welcome." Aunt Tsuande ordered me, I looked at her with a discorded face. "Ughh! I heard he's full of himself!" I said not wanting to do it. "Great you have something in common." She responded back, my mouth gaped open. I was not like that! How dare she say that! We stepped in the room and took our positions, waiting for the Lord of Fire to get here. I rested my head in my head already dreading this. The main doors flew open and the Lord of Fire appeared with his guards and small entourage. We all straighten ourselves.

There was one specific slim man, extremely tall, soft white head in a low lose pony tail. He had crimson colored eyes and a handsome face. He had a firlty smile on his face, as he looked at the room. He had a white and baby blue Yukata that only enhanced his feature. He was one fine man.

The Lord of Fire made his introductions and confirmed that man happen to be his son. "He's cute." Shizune whispered to me. I did my best not to roll my eyes. Yes he was good looking, but I was more into the tall, DARK, and handsome type. He took his place right next to me of course. Aunt Tsuande spoke with the Lord of Fire about some crap that I cound't even concentrate on. The whole time I could feel his stares behind my back, I now dreaded talking to. I signed and centered myself, my Aunt did say to make him feel welcome. I looked back at him smiling, he got embarrassed as I caught him looking at me. "Is this your first time Konohagakure?" I asked him, trying to strike up a conversation. He blushed at my sudden question, "Yes it is." He answered back politely with a smile, I turned back to Aunt Tsunade. "Your Lady Yumi right?" I heard him ask, I turned back and smiled. "The one and only" I said with a giggle. "My eyes have now laid upon a true beauty," he said as he looked straight at me. My mouth gaped open for a little, I had to compose myself. What the hell? I guess the rumors are true, this guy likes to conquest women by slick words. I heard people hold there breaths around us, "Konohagakure? Yes, its a beauty." I responded back, raising my eyebrow. He lightly laughed, "I speak of you my lady." He responded back looking at me straight in the eyes. I heard a huge sigh from the back. It was Shikamaru! He was with Kari, they over heard. Shikamaru rolled his eyes and Kari silently laughed. After the chunnin exams Shikamaru was promoted to a jonin, shadowing his dad to become an advisor. That's why he was probably here.

"Thank you. You are too kind." I responded back, he was trying to get me under my skin. Trying to get me nervous. I darted my eyes at Aunt Tsunade, she was now listening to the Lord of Fire. "Its Zen." I heard him again, "Im sorry?" I turned back in response. "My name is Zen. If your wondering." He said with a wink, "Oh, uhm. Well its lovely to meet you Lord Zen." I said trying to be genuine, "Like wise, princess." He responded, I'm just over here trying to be nice and he probably thinks I'm interest in him!

SENJU LOVER, ❣️Shisui Uchiha ❣️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant