Chapter 17: Heartache

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I woke up to the daylight, birds signing and a laugh. "Kari I didn't know you had it in you! What did he say?" Anko and Kari? I was faced to a side and turned, "What did you do?" I asked suddenly. Both their head turned, Kari and Anko two faces I adore to see. "Onee Chan! Your awake!" Kari said as they both ran up to my bedside. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" Anko asked ready to take whatever requests. "Well I feel fine so far," I sat up "ugh maybe a little light headed." I said feeling unstable. "I'll go tell Lady Tsunade your awake." She said as she stared to make her way out. The first thing I did was lift up my hospital dress to see the wound. "What are you doing?!" Asked Kari as she saw me lift it up, "Relax I want to take a look at my wound." I said as I looked down. I was almost healed up. I just had some glue looking stuff on my gash to maintain it closed. "Okay it doesn't look that bad." I said relieved as I covered myself up again. "That's the first thing your worried about? Really?" Asked Kari rolling her eyes. I laughed.

"So tell me what happened?" I asked wanting to know it all. "What happened with what I was telling Anko or what happened to you?" Kari asked needing to know where start as she smiled down at me. "Well I do remember somethings but start from he top." I said laughing. She sat on my bed ready for the spill. She told me everything. I did still remember a lot of it. Getting on Zennyo and when we arrived.

"So who was all here?" I asked her wanting to know if he was really there. She sighed, "Aunt Tsunade, Master Jiraiya, Shizune, Naruto, Gai and Kakashi Sensei, Anko, me, Itachi and Shisui." She said Shisui with a high pitched voice, rolling her eyes. Maybe he does care just a bit?  "Your body started reacting really well so they all went home. I've been staying here." Kari smiled at me. I ruffled her hair "aww so my sister does love me!" I said to her smiling, she backed away rolling her eyes. "So what day is it?" I asked her. "Monday," Kari answered back. "Not bad, went down on Saturday and up on Monday." I said thinking about it. "It would of been sooner if you hadn't drunk the night before and had eaten." I knew that voice! Aunt Tsunade and she was ready to nag me. "Aunt Tsunade!" I said with a nervous smile, she was with Shizune, Anko, and Kakashi.

"Come on how was I to know this would happen?! My plan was just to talk to you!" I said to her. She sighed "I'm glad your okay. Alright everyone leave the room! I need to examine her. Everyone left not giving an opportunity for the others to speak. She approached me with a smile. I smiled back at her. "I missed you!" I said holding back tears. She sat down next to me and took me into her embrace. I hugged her back "Aunt Tsunade there's so much I need to tell you! So many problems I've had!" I said to her as my voice trembled. "What happened?!" She asked worried. "I can't tell you here. We need to be home for that. When can we go?" I asked as if I were a child. She sighed "you can go home today if you take it easy for the next couple of days." I smiled, a huge relief came over me. I wasn't ready for the questions of are you okay? And what were you thinking?

Aunt Tsunade did my exam and everything seemed good. "Your still on birth control right?" She asked eyeing me, I blushed but responded "Yes." "Good! I'm not ready to be a grandma." What did she mean by that?! "You should really consider The Strength Of A Hundred Seal. It would  help you in situations like these." Yea I could have a chance at complete healing but that would mean letting go of my summoning the dragons. "You know that's not my style. Plus I have a close bond with Zennyo, Hayai and Meimei. If I were to do this seal, that would mean losing them. I can't do that to them." I thought back on how I would need to explain to Zennyo and thank her as well as thank the Gods. She mentioned something about speaking with them. Dragons were on another level of summoning. More spiritual you could say, their very picky with who they make deals with. Perhaps it was the all the prayers I had made when I was younger that helped me.

We both stepped out of the room, me already dressed with my light pink dress and ready to go. Everyone was a little shocked looking at me. "Kari take your sister home." Aunt Tsunade said with a smile. "Is she really okay to go home?" Kari asked. "Are you questioning my decision?" Asked Aunt Tsunade as her eyebrows furrowed. "No, no!" Kari responded right away putting her hands up. "I thinks better if Kakashi takes," her Anko said making everyone turn to her. "You know just in case she gets light headed again." Anko smiled giving a wink. I think Aunt Tsunade caught on to whatever Anko was doing and went with it. She pushed Kakashi to me, "Go Kakashi!" He got a bit nervous not knowing what to say. "I'm pretty sure he's busy you guy's!" I said crossing my arms. "Thats okay! Its not like he'll be gone all day!" Now Shizune was in on it! "Come on Kari I need for you to show me a couple of things." Aunt Tsunade pulled her going the opposite direction. They all giggled while my sister was the only one out of the loop looking clueless. She looked back at me as she was being dragged by the 3 of them. I looked at Kakashi, "Sorry!" I said nervously. "Its okay. Either way I came here to see your well being." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

We walked out of the hospital side by side and made our way through the village. He was telling me he had shinobi look for me as soon as he felt my chakra surge. I told him the truth and what my original plan was.

People stopped me a couple of times asking how I was. If I was really going home already. We had run into Obito too, "Lady Yumi I'm glad to see your fine." He said seeming sincere. "Thank you." As I kept on walking Kakashi following close behind. We were halfway there when I started feeling light headed again, I placed a hand on my chest and Kakashi noticed. "Yumi do you need to take a break? You haven't even eaten." He said, "I'm fine!" I said waving him off and kept walking. I suddenly stumbled, Kakashi caught me before I fell to the ground. "Thanks!" I said grabbing hold of his arm. "Maybe we should get you something to eat?" He offered, "Its is my turn." I blushed thinking he was still on for our little lunch get togethers. "Takoyaki?" He suggested, he knew I loved it. We had eaten it twice in the week. "Sound good to me!" I said as I laughed. We went to a stand and ate there. After we were done we went back to walking home.

We got finally got home without any more stumbling or interruptions, "Thank you Kakashi and I'm sorry for keeping you from your work." I said to him as I bowed. "It's okay. Rest well." He said, I went to my door to open it, "Yumi?" He said grabbing my attention. I turned to him, it seemed like he was hesitant but spoke up. "I'm glad your okay. I'll see you soon." He said with a smile and wink. He took off before I could answer him. What was that? I thought to myself.

I went inside, everything was still the same. Even the groceries were still in the same place. I placed what was still good in the pantry and threw away what was no longer good. I started feeling the loneliness, going back to the aching pain in my heart. I missed him, just by hearing his voice made everything come back. But neither of us reached out to the other. Was it due to our pride? Or was the betrayal too far to go back? Who am I kidding, this is probably the worse of its kind. I took a shower and the day went on. I decided to pray and meditate at our small Kamidana we have in our garden. And so I prayed and thanked the Kamis, the Gods, and sent my thanks to Zennyo, Hayai, and Meimei and whatever spiritual beings that maybe keeping watch. I let out my emotions and release my problems to them, asking for advice, asking for forgiveness but most importantly thanking them for another day of life and what I had. I told them even though I have lost I am still thankful for what I have.

Before I knew it, it was getting late. I was brought out of my thoughts by the caw of a crow. It looked at me with interest and hopped to me but still keeping its distance. I thought of Shisui, his crow genjutsu and the Tengu bell I had given him. And my heart ached again for him. I stared at the crow as I sat at our altar. Should I reach out to him? But how? He hasn't came to check on me, not after my parents death or now. I need to go somewhere, I'm getting my head too wrapped up over a man that probably hates me.

I got up scaring the crow. I'll go the edge of the forrest by the waterfalls to take my mind off. As I was about to open the door Aunt Tsunade, Kari and Shizune barged in. "And where are you going?!" Asked Shizune with her hands on her hips. "I was about to go on a walk." I said to all of them. "Oh no! Your going to tell me everything!" Aunt Tsunade said and dragged me to the living room to talk. Shizune and Kari walked behind. She sat me down, her sitting across from me with her arms crossed. Shizune and Kari sat next to me. I sighed looking at then, "Just please listen before you say anything." And so I told them, I told them the whole ugly truth. I cried my eyes out all over again and my heartache began all over again. My parents and lover and my fuck ups.

We stayed up late, and had a heart to heart. We all poured our souls out. All of us speaking of how we felt on our lost loved ones. Our true feeling. Our fears. I explained to Aunt Tsunade the promise I made to dad. I told her I only trusted her with his position. I told her everything.

It was late hours and everyone fell asleep with tears in their eyes. I decided to still take my walk and distract this broken heart. And so I went out into the night.

***It pained Shisui's heart to see Yumi with Kakashi, laughing and smiling. Having lunch with him. He watched silently with Itachi. Itachi felt for his cousin, but hoped they would overcome this. "Just talk to her." Itachi said quietly. Shisui sighed, "I went too far for her to come back." His heart pained for his actions, and the love he still has.***

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