Chapter 29: Talk

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"I've already told you! You have to meditate daily, look for your summoning with your mind, heart and soul!" I said to Kari, Ino and Sakura. "Then why was it easy for you to have a contract with Zennyo?!" Kari asked frustrated, "Kari I've already told you. By mom being such a devote follower with the Gods, Kamis and all that. Me doing as she pleased I found my myself lured to them!" I said to her pleading with my hands. "It's something spiritual for me. Plus I don't see them as weapons, I see them as who the my are. Friends, comrades and partners" I sat back down on the ground crossing my legs. "If there's a summoning for you, your souls will call out to each other." I ended the conversation, and closed my eyes to concentrate and meditate. "This is harder then what it is." Ino said, we had been out in the Nara woods for about 2 hours meditating and they saw no point in it but Sakura. I signed "Let's go." I said done with them.

It had been 1 month so far of helping train Kari, Sakura, and Ino. The 3 had shown promising healing skills, better then me. They wanted to take a break from medical and see something else. I volunteered to take them today and it wasn't working out.

We walked back to the hokage building, the girls talked about going out to eat with the guys tonight. "Shika and me are tired of that!" Kari said complaining, Ino, Sakura, and me rolled our eyes. I've asked her what her status is with him, but she swears their just friends. Yea friends that watch out for each other a little too much! Besides what friends blushed on sight upon the other. 

We arrived at with Aunt Tsunade and Shizune, the 3 were about to leave. "Kari hold up I need to talk to you." I said as they were about to leave, Sakura and Ino looked at me and saw my serious face. Kari raised an eyebrow and walked back, Aunt Tsunade and Shizune knew I was up to something. "Close the door." I said softly, "Yamato no one is to come in here for a while." Aunt Tsunade called over the phone, she didn't know what the hell was going on but she was ready to be my back up. Shizunes face scrunched up and stood at the ready. I looked her in the eyes. We were the same height if not I would be looking down at her. "Kari it's time we had the talk. Your way over due for it." I said crossing my arms, she blushed know what talk I was referring to. "I already know all about it! I don't need the talk!" Kari looked away, crossing her arms. "Ok so then why don't you explain it to us?!" Aunt Tsunade said, challenging her. Aunt Tsunade, Shizune and I lifted our heads, ready to hear it. She squinted her eyes, okay and she spilled it.

For the most part she did good, but in the most important information she didn't know the full details. We spoke with her and corrected her. It was embarrassing at first for her but after a couple minutes she became confident. We spoke about how important using protection was. And if she were to have sex, to be with someone she felt she was going to be with for a while and most importantly someone she truly felt she loved.

"So you need to tell me or one of us if your even thinking about having sex so we can get you on birth control!" Aunt Tsunade lectured her, thats when I had a vision. Me holding my stomach, and saying "let's do it". It all too soon went away, my mind started racing. When am I due for my next birth control shot? I had my reminder at home when I'm due. Was I talking about getting pregnant?! It looked extremely like it. The feeling I felt warm and loving. My heart was racing and my face heated up. I need to leave! "Oh my gods! Yes, I know!" Kari said done with this conversation. She opened the door and left not giving us more time to scold her. "I'm watching you Kari!" I said hopefully Shikamaru was nearby and heard.

"I need to go home real quick." I said turning to Aunt Tsunade and Shizune. "Why?!" They both asked in union. "I need to see if I'm due for my birth control!" I said face red, Aunt Tsuande rubbed her face while Shizune rolled her eyes. I transported out and ran into my room. I was due for it today! I quickly transported to the clinic and went through the steps to get my shot. This was a clear message sent from the Gods!

SENJU LOVER, ❣️Shisui Uchiha ❣️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu