Chapter 18: First Kiss

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I walked through the woods going to where we use to hang out. The moonlight was bright and the stars were well present. The leafs on the trees shined and went back and forth, swaying with the wind. You could get lost in the beauty of this forest. The waterfall at the edge of the forest was small yet gorgeous. It poured into the river that barely had water, enough to get your feet wet.

Our whole group at one point use to hang out here. Slowly we got busy with our life's and stopped coming one by one. Shisui and Itachi would still come here to train at times. Sometimes it was Shisui and I hanging out wanting to be alone from prying eyes.

The place was still the same as I arrived. Some old bullseyes marks were still there at the clearance. I nonchalantly made bullseyes trying to distracted my mind. I got butterflies as I started thinking about Shisui's and I first kiss, which was here and was not by all means suppose to even happen.

Several of us were hanging out, Izumo and Kotetsu were practicing their Shurikenjutsu with their kunai's. Anko had opened her big mouth and said they wouldn't be able to make all 10 bullseyes at the same time. "Wanna bet on it?!" Izumo said challenging her. She elbowed me to go along and I followed. "Bet!" I said narrowing my eyes at them, "Okay if we make the marks. You two have to kiss us!" Kotetsu said smiling to Izumo, Anko and I turned red not knowing how to answer. They were calling us out. Everyone else made a "ooooo" sound and started laughing. "Okay and if you two lose you buy us Dango!" Anko responded back, "Anko! What if they do make the marks!?" I shouted getting nervous, I did not want to kiss either one of them. "Don't worry Yumi. We'll be eating Dango." Anko said with a smirk looking at them. I sighed and knotted as I looked at them, suddenly several kunai's go flying pass all of us and make all marks at the same time. Everyone turned, it was Shisui, he still had his hand up. And he had the biggest smile on him. Itachi rubbing his face, embarrassed to be with him. He looked specifically at me and didn't take his eyes off. My mouth was gasped open, "Shisui! This was our chance!" Said Kotetsu, hands flying everywhere. I had started to develop the smallest interests for Shisui, nothing big. I hadn't even mentioned it to Anko. But I had my pride and I wasn't going down that easily.

Everyone stared between Anko and me and Shisui. "Well the deal was made with Izumo and Kotetsu." I spoke up as I looked at Shisui. Shisui walked up to Anko and me and stood in front of me. My heartbeat went faster at each step he took. He had the hugest grin on his face, I wanted to just smack it off. "What's wrong Senju? Can't keep a bet? Or are you scared to kiss me." I blushed, why isn't he putting Anko into consideration and why is he challenging me?! "Why would I be scared of you Uchiha?!" I shot back looking up at him in the eyes, burrowing my eyebrows and crossing my arms. Everyone just watched us, waiting for something happen. "Alright then what are you waiting for?" He said as he pointed to his lips. He was really challenging me! "What about Anko?" I said not knowing what else to say. "Oh you want Anko to kiss me too?" Shisui kept looking at me, provoking me with his grin. "Don't worry he can buy me Dango. Beside he wants a kiss from you." Anko said as she smiled at us. I tore my stare down at Shisui to give her a look of are you serious?! I wasn't gonna back out, especially with him challenging me in front of everyone. I turned back to him "Okay, get closer." I said not moving. Shisui got closer to me we were inches away. "I'll kiss you on the cheek." I said not breaking our stares. "Aww that's not a real kiss!" Guy piped up. "That's okay." Shisui said more to me in a husky tone. He turned his face expecting the kiss. I got up on my tip toes and yanked his shoulder down inciting him that he was too tall. I reached in to give him a kiss. All eyes on us, no one said a word. Some got closer to look. Anko was already squealing.

My lips were barley grazing his cheek when he turn his head quickly. He leaned in hard on me and I ended up kissing him on the lips! He even made a smooching sound for everyone to hear. My head went back and my right hand went flying to slap him. He was too quick and back flipped to avoid it. Everyone started laughing at us, or more at me. "Uchiha!" I said as I stood there in shock. Shisui winked at me, "Anko I'll buy you your Dango later!" He and Itachi jetted out, both with the hugest smiles on their faces.

I smiled at that now beautiful memory.

I pulled out my kunai's for probably the 20th time. That's when I felt him. I felt his presence near by. I decided to leave to avoid him. He appeared suddenly in front of me in my path, a few feet away. I blushed looking into his eyes and his at mine. I bowed my head down and started walking again. Avoiding him as if we were out in public. I felt the sting of tears coming and the pain in my chest. He grabbed my forearm making me stop. He turned his body to me. I only looked down at the ground it was unbearable to see him and not hold him.

Emotions came to me, anger for him not being there for me, for being with other girls, embarrassment and shame for what I did, and pain because I lost him. "Yumi" he called out to me. I could only look up to him, and held back my tears. He held back not saying anything only looking into my eyes. We only stared at each other. I couldn't take it anymore and so I jumped to him hugging him. He hugged me back and held me tight. "Shisui! Im so sorry!" I cried in his chest. "You don't know how much I regret what I've done! Forgive me!" I sobbed to him. He kissed the top of my head. "You don't know how much I've missed you, how much I needed you. It's been so hard without my parents, without you." I cried to him, grabbing a hold of the from of his shirt. "Yumi I'm sorry too." He softly said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed it the most." His chest shook but he composed himself. "I feel like I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again." He struggled to speak to me and he hugged me tighter. "What I did . . . Also wasn't right. You left and I became someone else. Someone who lost focus." He whispered to me. "Shishi I love you so much it hurts!" I cried to him trembling. He grabbed my chin and made me look up to me. Tears going down my face, he held back searching my face. He leaned down into my face and kissed me. I kissed him back, each of us with hunger for the other. Our mouths eating each other up, tongues fighting each other. My heartbeat only for him and my soul called to his. He was my darkness and I was his light. His body reacted to mine and I felt his erection. My core pulsed for him. We missed each other's minds, hearts and body's. I was on my the top of my toes to reach him. He was leaned in on me with his arms around my waist pulling me up to me. I moaned loud, living and loving this moment. My hands grabbed fists full of shirts. I wanted him, and I never wanted to let him go. "I love you Yumi" he said in between kisses. His breathing getting ragged and heavy. "I love you too Shishi." I immediately responded back. He let go of our kiss and went to my neck, sucking and bitting me in between. He looked for my sweet spot and found it right away. I moaned even more, and felt my core vibrate. "I need you now baby" he whispered to me. "Take me wherever you want." I said impatiently. He drew back and and looked at me. Smiling at me and I smiled back. He gave me a quick kiss and said "Lets go home." He maintained one arm around me and let loose his other arm. He lifted 2 fingers and flickered us home, to his house.

SENJU LOVER, ❣️Shisui Uchiha ❣️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu