Chapter 26: Morning After 🍋🍋🍋

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***"Oh Shisui!" I moaned as he curled his fingers into me. It was the morning after the celebration. I had gotten drunk and snuck away with him.***

Shisui and Itachi had looked for us through the dining hall and found us taking shots with the group. They had joined us later on that night being done with their duties. I greeted Shisui with a big kiss and the taste of sake. They started drinking but weren't to our level yet.

It was a big group of us, Anko and me were set in our moods. Teasing Iruka in every way possible, "Yumi remember when Iruka went with us on that one mission?!" Anko said nudging me, "the first and only time?!" I asked back, we both cracked up at the memory. "Aww come on!" Iruka said rubbing his face, "how the hell is it possible to lose so much blood from nose bleeds!?" I said, a hand of mine covering my mouth as I laughed.

Anko, Iruka and me had been assigned to a mission to gather intel. During the mission he kept catching Anko and me half dressed, or half naked.  It was kind of our fault, Anko and I are pretty comfortable being half naked around each other. So we kind of would forget him, and before you knew it he would walk in on us in our bras and panties attempting to get ready for the day or for bed. Of course we would react and scream him away. But after day 4 he lost too much blood.

Iruka blushed at the memory, Shisui shook his head at us, giving me a glare. He probably wasn't liking me reminding Iruka of my body. I leaned in his ear only for only him to hear, "Shishi! You know your the owner of my body and heart." I said and kissed his cheek. He looked back at me and smirked.

Our night was full of laughter and love. Love for the village, comrades, family and lovers. Kari had left with Shikamaru to be with there friends. Aunt Tsuande has left with Shizune to probably gamble. The night went on with so much energy. "The fireworks are starting!" Someone yelled and we all rushed to go outside. Shisui and I separated from the group, us wanting to see the fireworks privately. 

We went to the rooftop, I stood in front of him and he hugged me from behind. We watched on the fireworks, it felt intimate. Being people were right below us, him at my back feeling his warmth and his breath. I felt safe and at one with him. I yawned feeling tired and sleepy. "Your sleepy already?" Shisui asked tugging me tighter, "Yes, sorry." I said knowing it was still early considering the festival.

"Do you mind if I just slept over tonight?" I asked looking up at him, he blushed a little. "I'm always fine with that, but what about Lady 5th?" I waved my hand, "She'll get over it. Her peace of mind is me staying on birth control and me praying I don't get pregnant. I just have to watch with Kari and set a good example." I said looking back at Shisui. He was now smiling, "What?! What are you smiling at?" I asked him as his mind wandered. "We should just get you pregnant and see what happens." He said as he hugged me and placed a hand in my stomach. It had to be the sake talking for him to say something like that. "Shisui!" I swatted him away,

I had gone to my Aunt when I started having sex. "If your gonna have sex like a women then take care of your self and protect yourself like a women. We have more to lose then a man!" Ever since that I've been on a birth control shot every 3 months. She embedded in my mind how important birth control was.

We arrived at his house, thanks the gods no one saw us on our way here. Everyone was either home already or saying goodbye to the night. I had no clothes here so I asked for one of his shirts. He was changing into pajama bottoms and setting the house up for the night. I laid on the bed waiting for him but soon found my self falling fast asleep.

I heard birds chirping the morning after. The daylight showing into his room. He needs to get blackout curtains. I turned to my side and he was fast asleep. His hair was extra messy, he had a arm above his head laying there lazily. His chest going up and down with each breath, the thin white sheet laid half way to his stomach. The sunlight making his skin a bit tanner. My eye wandered down and he had a bonner. I smile it looked funny, the sheet laying completely flat then a sudden mountain. I slowly go up to go to the bathroom, doing my best not to interrupt his sleep. It felt nice and warm waking up to him. Plus we hadn't had sex, so it was an innocent night for us minus the drinking.

SENJU LOVER, ❣️Shisui Uchiha ❣️Where stories live. Discover now