Chapter 28: Surprise

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Hayai arrived in the afternoon, "You sleep as if your a dragon." I looked at him groggy, "Yes Zennyo's told me before. Whatever that means." I sat up, everyone stirred at at our voices. He nodded at the scroll beside me. "Your boyfriends coming." My eyes went wide, "What?!" I asked, he nodded his head. "Surprise! Read it," I sighed, Hayai was about to disappear. "Wait Hayai!" I said with a hand reaching out. He cocked his head looking at him, I reached in my bag. "Here," I said giving him a small bag of coins that can be used for prayers. Anko was starting to sit up, rubbing her eyes. Hayai came close to grab the bag, I grabbed his head pulling it to me and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Sorry I haven't given you guys presents lately. But I appreciate everything all of you do." I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on his big head for a couple of seconds. He growled low in acknowledgment, I opened my eyes and he was opening his. Smiling I said, "Who loves this grumpy dragon?" I asked him teasingly, he backed off and shook his head. I placed the bag in his mouth, "And make sure to share!" I scold him, "Yeah, yeah." Anko laughed, "I can tell he loves you too."

I woke up the girls and read the report, we were to relocate to a nearby village, find a touristy Onsen and lay low. Shisui and his team would investigate and take it from there. Us remaining nearby for back up."So who's all coming?!" Asked Ino with a high pitch as she put her hands on her cheeks blushing. Anko sighed, "Shisui, Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba and Naruto." "Awwww," they said in union. "Will they be staying at the Onsen with us?" Hinata asked blushing, "It doesn't say, but I have a strong feeling they will." I said knowing how Shisui is.

We headed out to the village Aunt Tsunade wanted us to go and soon found a Onsen. It wasn't that far of a travel for us, 45 minutes out. We arrived and soon settled in for a room big enough for all of us. Anko and I in one room, Kari, Hinata and Tenten in one and Sakura and Ino in another.

We all got ready and went down to the hot springs. The girls blushed as they saw Anko and mines bodies. I had a some scars on my side abdomen from Kabuto, that I was paranoid about. Anko has some on her back, they eyed our scars. "I'm thinking of covering it up with a tattoo. Put a dragon on there." I said to them, "That would be cool." Anko said, "It's a price to pay being a kunoichi hu?" Asked Tenten, "Yes, ours body would be worse off if it wasn't for Aunt Tsunade and her medical studies." I told her, they all started talking about who knows what as my mind drifted off and I relaxed.

"Caawww" I heard a loud crow, bringing me back. It was a crow sitting at the edge of the wall that separated the men and women. He eyed me as it hopped around the edge. Shisui? I thought, the crow flew to the flooring near me and jumped a little getting closer. I turned my whole body, and it few off by my movement.

The day passed by and soon dinner came. I started randomly searching for his chakra in the afternoon but nothing. We had room service brought to us. We were enjoying ourselves when we heard a knock at the door. I looked at Anko, the girls looking at each other. We looked at Hinata signaling her to using her Byakugan. "It's them." She whispered blushing, Anko went to the door. Opening the door she took one look, "Sorry no boys allowed." She said and shut the door, we all laughed. She opened it back up and it was all of them.

"Is this kind of some vacation?!" Kiba asked, as they walked in eyed us and our food. Akamaru wagging his tail for the food "Hey we've been hard at work and training!" Ino responded, Shisui smirked at me not saying anything since he went in. "Should I order more food?" I asked Shisui, "Yeaaa!" The guys agreed for him, he went around and sat next to me. Everyone eyed us but talked amongst them selfs. I gave him my best Uchiha impression, "I thought you were mad at me?" I asked him aloud, "Ooohhhh!" Everyone over heard and reacted, I laughed unable to keep my straight face. I hugged him before he tried to do anything, he laughed back. Kissing his cheek, I whispered "I missed you Uchiha."

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