Chapter 50: Ring

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"He told you all of this?!" Shisui said with a serious face. We were finally at his house, or how he likes to put it our home.  We were in the living room as I told him everything. "Yea," I looked up at him. He sighed, "Well, weather their all lies or not it'll be taken with caution." He replied setting his face stoic. I hummed in response, "Anyways I don't want to think about that right now. So where are you taking me?" I asked with a blush thinking back to what he told me before my mission. He blushed back, "Uhmm I haven't thought it through yet." He smiled at me, I pouted in disappointment. "But lets go to the temple tomorrow. I need to make promise a to the Gods." A eyebrow of mine shot up. "What kind of promise?" I asked, he chuckled. "You'll find out tomorrow."

The following day we had our breakfast at home and soon after we left and were on our way to the temple. He was deep in thought, I started feeling anxious as the minutes passed by. He wouldn't say a word to me, was he thinking about what I had told him last night? I reached out for his hand, his head whipped around to me. "Are you okay?" I asked looking up at him, he blushed and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Sorry, I'm just thinking about my parents." I hummed in response, "They . . . . Missed out on a lot." He kept going with a sigh, "But I'm content they were able to see me have the knowledge to be on my own." He finally looked down at me with a smile. My thoughts went to my parents, I wanted to speak about them too but I know I would start to cry. It don't want to start the day like that plus I don't want prying eyes on me crying.

"Lady Yumi!" I turned to that familiar voice. "Rei!" I smiled as the black long haired Miko jogged up to me, "It's so nice to see you here!" She said as she bowed, "Shisui! Nice to see you too!" She partly laughed at him, Shisui blushed. "Yea I know it's been I while." He said nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Hey I'll be right back, I'm going to buy incense." He turned to leave fast before I could say ok. I looked back at Rei, "So how has everyone been?" I asked her, I was pretty familiar with everyone here. I felt kind of bad that I haven't came to visit recently. "Everyone's doing well, grandfather is still with so much energy." She smiled weakly, I laughed at her expression. "Is he still trying to hook you up with random men?" I laughed as I shook my head at the thought. "Oh my God! You have no idea!" She said with irritation, "It's so embarrassing! There was some shinobi here not to long ago, he would not stop talking his ear off. The guy was here for 2 hours! I knew he wanted to leave but was too nice to say it." Rei face palmed herself.

We continued talking for a couple more minutes until I realized Shisui hasn't came back. I turned around and he was coming out from the back with Rei's grandfather, him patting Shisui on the back and laughing. "Speak of the devil, I'll go save him." She said walking away, Shisui started walking back before she could get to him, pausing briefly with him then continued waking to her grandfather. "Come on before we get trapped." Shisui said as he grabbed my hand.

He first lit the incense and placed it with the rest at the entrance. There were a couple people praying as we walked up the stairs. The temple had all the 7 Gods aligned I looked up at all of them all mighty and noble. I silently started praying to all of them. We got to the front and threw our coins, bowing and clapping to make our prayers heard. "Please my Kami's and God's, let this new information be lies!" I prayed, "Give us the strength we need to keep moving forward and the wisdom to make the right decisions. Please bless us with more health and patients. And thank you for blessing me with a wonderful man at my side. I honest don't know how I wound manage without him." I sighed as I finished my prayer, finally bowing and stepping back. Shisui stepped back just as I was done. I was about to start walking down the stairs when Shisui stopped me, "Yumi wait." I turned back and looked at him. He had placed a hand on my shoulder. His face soft and nervous, eyes shaking. He pulled me back up to the front, all the Gods watching us.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong as I got close to him. "Yumi, I have something to tell you." He began, I nodded for him to continue, looking into his eyes. "When we were just kids I had a small crush on you. I remember watching you as you played and became mesmerized by the charismatic Lady Yumi. As we grew older we became our own people, carving our own roads, making a place for ourselves in the shinobi world. And I still watched you from far become a strong and respected kunoichi. I heard and knew how you went behind your parents back just so you could defy their logic. And so I watched you, watched you with other, watched you make mistake and watched you become a woman I would love to be with. The opportunity came for my chance with you, luckily you took up my offer and I was finally able to watch you from close up. Then I watched you leave, I honestly thought things wouldn't be the same but I watched you come back and still that love I had for you was there." He paused and gave a shaky sigh, a fist was clenched and the other nervously in his pocket. My stomach was in knots, was he going to ask me? No?! I held my breath, "Now I want to watch you be right at my side for rest of my life. I know we have plans for our future together and I'm excited for it, maybe eager. And I know this may seem backwards, but I'll swear to you and swear to the Gods I will care for you and love you unconditionally until I stop breathing. I'll be the best husband and father I can be." I took a sharp breath, he took a knee down before me and pulled out a ring. "Yumi, lets just do it. Marry me please?" My mouth was gapped open and I felt frozen in time. I was forgetting to breath, my mind registered back and Shisui looked at me worried, my vision became cloudy as I came back to my senses. "I . . . . I . . I . Yes!" Shisui quickly stood up as I fell in to his chest. Tears came down my cheeks, my mind divided on Shisuis decision. Why dose he want to get married now? And finally he asked!

We suddenly heard the gong loudly, I straightened up and turned around. Rei's grandfather hit it a couple more times and then threw his hands up. "Congratulations!" He laughed and walked towards us, giving each of us a bow. He had a bouquet of red roses and gave them to Shisui, he then gave them to me. We heard clapping and turned down, we had a little crowd watching us. Rei, the rest of the Mikos and a couple of visitors to the temple. We blushed at the realization they were also witnesses. "Well just let me know the date! The temple will have to get ready!" Rei's grandfather laughed on giving Shisui a good pat on the back. "How romantic!" Rei said as she came up with some of the Mikos. "Let's see the ring!" A haired blonde one said, I hadn't even looked at it.

The band was gold, not too thin and not to thick. It held what looked like a oval shaped light colored emerald, on each side were 3 smaller diamonds. I cocked my head to the side on why an Emerald. "The color reminds me of your eyes." Shisui spoke as if he read my mind, "Awwww." All the Mikos looked at Shisui. His face got red at the attention, "Shisui! That is so sweet!" I said as my vision got cloudy again.

It took a while for us to leave the temple, everyone stopping us to congratulate us. Word was only going to travel fast. We arrived home, everyone was already there. Naruto had even arrived from his mission, they all stared at us as we arrived. "Did he asked already?!" Naruto said jumping up as he eyed my hand. "Ahhhhhhh!" Kari and Shizune screamed as they ran to me, giving me a tight hug. "All of you knew he was going to ask?" I looked at all of them, "I did have to ask for your Aunts blessing." Shisui blushed, "And make your family aware."

Apparently Naruto knew before the mission, some how Sauske knew and leaked it to Naruto. Naruto confronted Shisui before he had even asked my Aunt. The day he asked my Aunt he made Kari and Shizune aware too. He would have asked soon but the Orrochimaru mission got in the way. I had told them how he had asked "It suits you since your into praying and all that." Kari said, I laughed "Yea it does." I looked at Shisui, "Words going to spread fast about your engagement." Shizune looked at Aunt Tsunade, she nodded. "Lord Fugaku is aware as well, right?" Aunt Tsunade asked Shisui, he nodded answering. "They're aware and also waiting." Shisui responded, "Good, we'll need to have a formal dinner and make everything official. Afterwards we'll send the announcements to our alliances." Aunt Tsuande sighed, "Why do we need to send announcements and do all that stuff?" Naruto asked "Since Yumi's the great granddaughter of Lord Hashirama Senju being part of the founding clan of the village she's considered royalty in the Land of Fire." Shizune answered, Naruto's eyebrow shot up more confused. "So that's why they address all of you as "Ladies"?" Naruto asked, we all sweat dropped. Aunt Tsuande sighed, "Your just now learning that?" She asked him, "So what about the Uchiha clan?" Naruto asked us, "It would of been the same thing if Madara Uchiha had children but since he didn't, it falls on the head of that clan. So in that case when Itachi and Sauske are to get married official engagement announcement would be sent on their part. The same thing will happen for Hinata and Shikamaru." Aunt Tsunade explained, Naruto now held a perfect O in his mouth. "But being from the Senju clan and Uchiha clan I feel this is going to make things way bigger." Shizune looked at Shisui and me.

We both sighed at the same time, thinking of preparations and the questions that will be asked. "Both of you have a lot of work ahead of you." Aunt Tsunade eyed us, "So have you thought of a date?" Kari asked us, "We have't even talked about that." I sweat dropped answering her, "He just popped the question!" "I like spring wedding!" Shizune stated her opinion, "Ohh! What about when the Cherry Blossoms bloom!" Kari said excitingly, Shisui started to sweat drop. "You'll need to pick a date soon or at least an idea of when." Aunt Tsuande scowled us.

***"So he's asking her today?!" Mikoto asked Itachi at dinner. "By now he probably already has." Itachi looked up from his bowl of rice. Lord Fugaku kept eating silently but had his ear wide open. "Oh my, do you think she said yes?" Mikoto blushed at the thought, of course she said yes. We are talking about THE lovebirds Lady Yumi and Shisui. Sauske huffed, "We'll have to have the official formal dinner soon." Mikoto continued, "Fugaku, imagine when Itachi and Sauke get married." Lord Fugaku nodded but said nothing, Sauske rolled his eyes. "I don't think I'm getting married." Sauske answered her, "You know I heard they want to marry Kari away to Gaara from the Hidden Sand." Itachi said plainly, "Politically it would be a good move." Itachi spoke his opinion matter of factly, Sauske stood up. "What?! How?! Why?! That can happen!" Sauske shouted making everyone stop and turn to him with questioned looks. Itachi smirked at his little brother, "Sauske do you like Kari?" Mikoto blushed with a smile. "Uhmmmm." Sasuke's eyes averted to his brother and father, "Nii-Sann!" Sauske yelled at Itachi for putting him in this position. Fugaku sighed and started eating again, thinking of the commotions that's to come.***

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