Chapter 15: Obito 🍋🍋🍋

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Obito had invited me out for dinner the day I saw him in Kirigakure and I innocently accepted. We had agreed on meeting at a restaurant named Tonki. It was a nice restaurant  made for nightlife. He was already waiting for me as I got there. We sat at a table and ordered drinks and food right away. Our drinks were brought right away. We had ordered a bottle of sake. We now waited on the food. "So hows life treating you on the road?" Obito asked me. "Pretty good. I've met with the Latin clan and trained some with them." I said to him.

We both had dressed up for the occasion. He had a maroon colored button up shirt that he rolled up to this elbows. You could see part of his arm sleeve tattoo. He had a beautiful Koi fish tattoo design. It snaked up as it swam within clouds, colored in reds, orange and black. He also had black slacks and black dressy shoes. He looked quite dapper in this clothes. I've only ever seen him in his jonin and Anbu clothes. Girl's turned there heads as they passed him. Him having one side of his face scarred didn't really matter. The Uchiha looks were certainly there. I had a short purple dress that nicely covered up my lady lumps and bums. I also had a black cardigan over it. The nights here in Kirigakure can get chilly.

"Poor guys." He said this as he smiled with a tease. "Poor guys?! Why?!" I asked narrowing my eyebrows. "Because they can't concentrate with a beauty like you." He said looking straight at me with that same smile. "Whatever Obito?!" I said with a blush waving him off. "They've been actually pretty nice. The whole clan has. I will admit some of the the guys moms have said I would be a perfect fit for their sons." I continued, laughing this off. Obito threw his head back laughing. "No way! Have you accepted?" He asked. "No! I am not trying to stay here in Kirigakure." I said as I shook my head. "I've told you my plans. Be out here for a couple months and go some where else." I said this matter a fact. I'll eventually go home at some point. "Oh yea go home to Shisui, hu" He said, seeing what I would say. I blushed at the comment and laughed nervously. "Shisui . . . . He'll have probably moved on by then." I said as my mind went back to Meimei, her telling me what she had seen when she spied on Shisui the days right after I left.

Obito raised an eyebrow, "If its meant to be, it'll be Lady Yumi." He said with a sincere smile. I looked down and blushed. My mind kept going back to the words Meimei told me. "I'm sorry Lady Yumi but hes moved on quiet fast. He hops to one village to another to visit them." My heart ached as I remembered.

Obito noticed my silent pain, he knew I knew. "My nephew doesn't know what he had." I looked up and laughed. "Its okay! Anyways, tell me whats new with you?" I asked him changing the conversation. I was done thinking about Shisui right now. He soon started telling me a story about how Kakashi, Gai and him had gone on a mission. Some how in that mission he made Kakashi and Gai seem as they were a couple so the mission can be done. I laughed with tears, "Obito! Your so bad!" I told him. "Yumi it was the only way! The lady kept flirting with Kakashi, basically throwing herself over him. We couldn't escort her like that!" Obito kept going with his story. I looked at the time it was getting late, plus I felt myself kind of drunk. I should really stop. "Obito you've been so fun but I need to go home." I said to him smiling stopping our enjoyment. "Aww, really?!" Obito said slumping. "Let me at least walk you home." He said and signaled the waiter for the check. I grabbed my purse to get my wallet out. "No, no. A lady should never have to pay." He told me as he gave a bill already to the waiter. "Aww thanks!" I said placing my wallet back. "Anytime!" He said this with a wink. "Okay lets go." He said as he stood up and gave me his hand. Looks like he walking me home.

We both made our way down the streets of Kirigakure. I was kind of serene with the Mist and lights. The street lights lighten what they could. You could see groups and couples walking down the busy street. Everyone laughing and having a great time. He kept the conversation going as I led the way to my small apartment. Blending in with the atmosphere of the night.

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