Taishi Touma Arc Summary

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Keita: Thanks for saving our butts, Touma-san.

Touma/Azami: No the pleasure is all mine. Cipher-san and his daughter have helped me with my mental struggles. I owe them that at least. Not to mention Tooru.

Tooru: (chuckles) It's nothing, really. You're my friend.

Ben: But still, it was surprising to know you're Erina's dad.

Tooru: The dinosaurs didn't surprise you?

Ben: (laughs) Sarah kinda asked for it.

Sarah: HEY!

Keita: (sweatdrops) But either way, welcome to the group, Touma-San.

Touma: (chuckles softly) The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for all your help.

Ben: (shrugs) It's what we do.

Note: Apologies for not writing it. I had the story happen in a role play with mama_kurogiri, , so I decided to just write down a summary. For more information, feel free to comment below or ask either of us.

Task 5 will be coming soon, but just so you know, you can vote for people in the previous assignments! Also suggestions are up so give me some offers!

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