Sohma Akito Arc, Chapter Seven: Intrusion and an Attempt on his Life

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Ren: (steps into Akito's room, smirks as she sees something) Alright, Akito, time for you to remember your place. (takes her pen out, goes to the notepad and sits down)

There is a knock on the door. Ren freezes, and rushes to hide in the closet.

The door soon opens to reveal Ben, who blinks as he sees the notepad. 

Ben: Huh? What's that? (moves closer to check it out)

"No! If he sees what it has, it'll be too late for me!" 

Ren snarls, and lunges out of the closet to tackle him to the ground, keeping him pinned down with amazing strength.

Ben: (eyes widen before they narrow) You. 

Ren: (laughs) Me. So, you finally fell into my hands. No one is here to protect you. You're all alone. Alone, I say. (forces Ben down even more)

Ben: (hisses, growls) Y-You won't win this. You won't get away with tormenting Akito like that. 

Ren: No one will listen to you in this household. No one cares for Akito. They still bow before me, the true Queen of the Sohma household. (grins) Who would care for a broken piece of glass like her anyway-

Ben: I do. 

Ren: (is taken aback) W-What? 

Ben: I said, I do. (meets her eyes bravely) I care for Akito. She deserves to be seen as a human being. She doesn't deserve to be seen as a monster that hurt others. She can be better. She's trying her best, even in this. You have no right to criticise her! NO RIGHT! So don't you dare try to pull her down again! Stop making yourself out to be the best when you're the worst!

Ren: (growls) That's it! I've had enough of your stupid optimism! Just go back to being a villain, for crying out loud! 

Ben: As if! 

Ren: ... Fine, then just die.(takes a knife out of her kimono, grins darkly) Well then, goodbye. (knife moves to stab him)

Ben closes his eyes, ready for the hit. He is ready for it.

All he wants is Akito's safety. 

He wants to preserve her smile. 

"I'm so sorry, Akito... This is goodbye, I guess..."

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