Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Eleven: The Promised End

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Kurogiri: (walks back to them, seems sad but happy)

Ben: How did it feel saying goodbye to Oboro?

Kurogiri: I didn't feel much. I had only known him for a while, but he was a kind person. I'll miss him. (sighs) and I wish we could have gotten time to know each other. 

Ben: (Laughs) He's with you in spirit. Literally. So don't worry. Plus, he definitely knows you well. He's been inside you since you were born. 

Kurogiri: (hums) You have a point. Anyway, I assume it's time to head back. 

Tenko and Enji then return to them.

Tenko: I paid my respect to my grandma and parents and dog. (smiles gently) It felt liberating. 

Enji: And I visited my wife. She's prepared to fix things up with me. (sighs in relief) I'm glad. (turns to Ben)... (bows) Thank you for shouting at me. I... I had really needed that. 

Ben: (blinks, then laughs) Nah, it's cool. You did well too, y'know. Don't sell yourself too short.  I mean, look at the door you broke down! Not to mention your flawless control of the sword! 

Enji: (flushes) I-I had learned to use swords in my early years... T-To replicate anime scenes. 

Kurogiri: (amused tone) So you ARE an otaku.

Enji: .... (flushes)

Tenko and Kurogiri laugh and the other two soon join before they get ready to split up.

Tenko: .... (looks away) I'll miss you, Number One...

Enji: (coughs) S-Same. 

Ben: (grins, leans into Kurogiri) I think that Enji's bi.

Kurogiri: (looks affronted) Excuse you, I ship Tenko-kun with someone else.

Ben: (interested) Really?

Kurogiri: Yes, but I would die before telling you. (smirks) 

Ben: No matter. You will spill and I'll be there to catch you, nyahaha~

Kurogiri: (scoffs, but smiles as he makes a portal) Come on you guys. 

After a bit of more banter, they decide it's time to go, and they say their goodbyes as the three move closer to the portal while Enji stays back, his backpack slung over his shoulder. 

The three then wave at Enji, and they stepped through the portal to return home, ready for well-deserved rest. 

&& Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Enji, and Kurogiri / Shirakumo Oboro Arc, End &&

Epilogue with A Guest Appearance of  mama_kurogiri's OC

"Hey, Point Dexter, look at this!" 

"Hm?" the red-haired male looked up from his book to look at his daughter. 

Sarah grinned as she held up the newspaper. At its front, one could see the headlines saying Endeavor changes Hero Name AND is Now Quirkless?!

"You did great, Point Dexter," she said. "He's become way less prideful, and he's beginning to mend his relationship with his family. I heard from Shoto that even Touya was allowed back. Tenko and Kurogiri have gone off on a duo mission somewhere over the rainbow, and for once Tenko didn't even complain. You really whipped them into shape."

"I did nothing," he waved it off. "Some people just have their redemption arcs come later on, but others never had the chance, so I'm just the person who holds out a hand to them."

"You did that well," Sarah agreed. "And you did protect me from EW Daisuke. I owe ya one for that..." 

She stopped, and then she blushed as she mumbled, "D-Dad...." 

Ben's ears perked up, and he felt a grin spread before he hugged her, "I love you too Sarah." 

"L-LET ME GO ********************* !!!!" Gosh he was so embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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