Mera-Mikettio Arc, Chapter Eight: Bright Ending

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Mera: ......

Mikettio: (looks at Ben) 

Ben: Don't look at me. I don't know a thing.

Mikettio: But we're here to help Mera and restore the Youmakai, right? 

Mera: How do we phrase it, though? The voice had said that if we mess this up, it's over. 

Indeed it had. Their final task to restore the Youmakai and get rid of the side-effects of Mera's Epithet is to tell the voice why they had come here with conviction. 

Ben: We only have one shot at this, so let's make it count. 

Mikettio: (frowns) 

Mera: (mulls, but then blinks, thinks: Wait, hold on...) 

A small flashback comes back to her, remembering what her mom had told her one night. 

"Mera, maybe one day there'll be a time where you doubt yourself as a person. When that happens, I want you to remember that no matter what mistakes you've made as a person, you are still growing. You can change. All you have to think about is how to fix your mistakes and avoid them in the future."

Mera: What Mom said that time... (snaps her fingers) I got it! 

Meanwhile, Mikettio is thinking about what his mother had said as well, one stormy night, as the roof of their home leaked a lot. 

"Kettio, you can't let what others beat you down. You need to trust yourself. Like the leaks on the roof, if you let these holes grow, they'll destroy you inside out." 

His mom was right. He has to be positive. He has to believe in himself. 

If not him, who will? 

Mikettio: All this time, I've been harsh on myself, believing that this is who I am; a ruthless fighter. But maybe... Maybe this isn't all of it. (looks up) I know what to say now. 

Ben: (smiles, steps aside so they can go forward) 

The two take the cue and soon find themselves standing in front of the table again.

?: Have you found the answer? 

Mera, Mikettio: Yes. 

Mera: I'm here to be a better person. To be able to turn a new leaf and start a new life. One with my friends and loved ones. 

Mikettio: I'm here to bring the world I grew up in back. The world my mother believed in, and the world that can be better, like me. I'm here to learn new things and use them to grow as a person. 

Mera, Mikettio: I'm here to make the world a better place, even if it's a small portion of said world. 

?: ... You have noble intentions. As a result, I will grant your two wishes. 

A glow emanates from the scroll in Ben's hands, and he passes it on to the two. 

Mera feels the energy coming back, and for the first time in her life, without Molly's help, there is no pain. 

Mikettio finds a sense of pride towards his good deed, and he now understands what it means to be a better person. 

When the light fades away, they open their eyes to find that they're outside the town, with some grass growing on the ground they're standing on. 

Mikettio: ... (shocked) We did it...

Mera: (smiles) WE DID IT! (hugs Mikettio and Ben) Thank you thank you, oh thank you! 

Mikettio: (laughs, feels happy too) You're right, we did it! 

Ben: (hugs them back) I'm so proud of you two! You did it! 

Mera: No, it's all because of you, Ben. (wipes some tears away) Thank you, Ben. You truly are amazing! 

Mikettio: Same here. You gave us a chance to be better, and I have you to thank for realising my faults. 

Ben: Ahahah, it's really fine. Plus, I was practically useless for most of it. You guys got here by yourself. (smiles) You guys should be proud of yourselves. 

The three laugh. It feels good for the journey to be over. Their purpose has been fulfilled. 

And now, it's time for them to go home. 

Ben: (opens two portals; one for him and Mikettio, and the other for Mera) Welp, I guess this is it, Mera. 

Mera: (hugs him) Thank you so much. Do come visit us when you have the chance.

Ben: Noted. (pats her head, smiles) Be a good girl, kay? 

Mera: You got it. (hugs Mikettio too) Thanks for caring for me. Stay safe. 

Mikettio: (blushes) Likewise. Don't go rogue again. 

Mera: (laughs) Will do. (steps through the portal, leaving them there) 

The two smile, and they soon step into their own portal, ending their adventure in the Youmakai, and returning to their loved ones, unaware of the adventures awaiting them there. 

&& Mera Salamin and Mikettio Arc, End&&

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