Final Arc of Redemptions, Chapter Three: Dimensional Messes

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Belos: I must say, this man is quite fascinating. It is as if he is not from the human world or the Boiling Isles! (grins) This means that I can do whatever I want in this body!

Ben: What exactly is your plan though? You can't eradicate magic like how you planned to! 

Belos: Oh that isn't needed. I don't care for that anymore. Revenge is all I'm after. Revenge on HIM. On Caleb. 

CT: Revenge? Why? 

Belos: He did this to me! Because of him! I had to... I had to... I had to go to such great lengths!

Ben: But you didn't have to! You could have just embraced it! Instead, you-

Belos: Silence! You've never suffered! You're just a spoiled man who doesn't know the suffering of the world! That's why you preach forgiveness! Ha, what an idiot!!

Ben: (freezes) W-What? S-Spoiled?

Belos: What else would a useless fool like you be?! You let your own ward get possessed! (smirks) What a useless dream demon you are! 

Ben: You... (struggles to keep his cool)

BE Dan: What about you then? You're even more useless if we compare!

Belos: Excuse me?! How dare y-

BE Dan: Witches are still living creatures! And yet you... You were planning on stomping on all that! You're an utter sadist and egomaniac who can't see your own mistakes and keeps claiming it's for the greater good! THE ONLY ONE WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM THAT CRAZY PLAN!!!

Ben: BE Dan... (Surprised) (Thinks: He really took what I said to heart...)

BE Dan: (grabs his Bakuball) We're going to take you down! (pulls out a Gate Card) Gate Card, Set! 

The card multiplies into 6 as a Drome forms around them. This one is particularly enhanced to allow Bakugan to use magic for a short time. 

Nearby, in the Noceda household, an ash blonde male is helping his friend water the plants when he feels it. A sudden shift in the magical aura around the town. 

A familiar aura. One he knows all too well.

Hunter: (nearly drops his watering can, eyes widen) B-Belos!

Luz: H-huh!? Belo-

Hunter: (grabs his palisman staff, runs off) You tell the others okay!? I'll go deal with this myself!

Luz: Wait! Hunt- (growls, turns to head back into the house) Just what is going on now!?

Back in the battlefield, BE Dan holds out his Bakuball.

BE Dan: Let's do this! Bakugan brawl! (rolls out) Bakugan stand! 

BE Fangzor x Aquos roars as they grow to full size, surprising Belos.

Belos: What is that THING!?

BE Dan: You're about to find out! (throws a Ventus Bakucore) Mantazor, use Fusion Beam!

BE Fangzor x Aquos: Heard ya loud and clear Dan! (charges up, hits Belos with the attack)

Ben: (appears behind Belos and summons a sword as he swings it at Belos) TAKE THIS!

Belos: ARGH!!! (gets hit by both attacks) YOU MANIACS! How DARE you hurt me!

BE Dan: We're not done yet! You're about to taste real magic! (Grabs a BakuCore) LET'S DO THIS MANTAZOR! TSUNAMI TEMPEST!!!

The blast is hard enough that it knocks trees down and sends Belos to one. Hard.


Hunter: Your fight is with me Belos!! (Lands, eyes narrowed) Leave these people alone!

BE Dan: No it's oka-

The ground around then suddenly shakes violently as portals begin opening up randomly at record speed. Ben is glowing as he screams in pain. What is this?!

Before any of them can do anything all of them fall down one hole.

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