We're Not Monstrous Arc, Chapter Seven: A Small Talk

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Ben: You know, you're not the only one who's had a bad childhood. 

Bowser stops as he turns to Ben. 

Bowser: A bad childhood? (doesn't seem angry, just... curious)

Ben: (shrugs) I was verbally, emotionally and socially abused by my parents. 

Bowser: What? (eyes widen) 

Ben: (leans against the wall the best he can with the chains on him) And it went on for years, decades, centuries... until I snapped and went loco. 

Bowser: (goes quiet) ... I did hear about it. (curious) But how did you get out of it? 

Ben: I had help. And a heck ton of support. (chuckles) From the people who brought my downfall, no less. 

Bowser: How does that work out!? 

Ben: (grins) It's called forgiveness. They managed to look past my past crimes (See what I did there?) and realised my actions was just anger at the world for what my parents did to me. And I realised that it was wrong. That all this time I was just projecting the feelings I wanted erased to them.  (laughs) It's liberating, honestly. 

Bowser: (raises an eyebrow) Is it? 

Ben: Totally! In the end, it doesn't matter what others think of you. If you choose to move forward as a person, not for them but for you, you can find true happiness! 

Bowser: R-Really?...

Ben: You don't need a princess to prove to the world that you're a king. You're already one. You don't have to prove your strength to the world in order to find a true friend. (grins) You already have a family who loves you. 

Bowser: A... A family?

Ben: Yeah! All your henchmen! Don't you see them as your kids or something?

Bowser: (stops) .... K-KIDS?! (face flares up)

Ben: (chuckles) You never thought of it that way? 

Bowser: (looks away) N-No way! T-They're just pawns... (quivers)

Ben: Are you sure? (raises an eyebrow) 

Bowser: O-Of course!

Ben: You know, it ain't weakness to admit stuff like that. It's actually a strength. 

Bowser: H-Huh?... (confused) 

Ben: Yeah! If you know you've done wrong, and are willing to turn from it, it's a strength! Repentance is something we all need and yet we refuse to accept. (smiles) It's there, waiting for you to accept it and walk through the thorny path with a fire in your heart. 

Bowser: (eyes widen) W-What...?

Ben: (looks up, fond smile) A lot of people would ask me, "Why did you do all that? How could you do it for love and affection and so many things?" But the truth is... that's the past me. It's still me, but it's a me I'm embracing. 

Bowser: .... I... see.... (looks contemplative) So... I don't need a princess--

He is cut off by the door slamming open as his son, Bowser Jr comes back with Peach tied up.

Bowser Junior: Dad, Dad, I got her! (cheerful) 

Peach: Let me go you little gremlin! (tries to smack him)

Bowser: (eyes widen) Wonderful! 

Ben: (thinks: DANG IT! It was going so well!)

Bowser: Put her there! (points to a wall nearby with chains on it) 

Bowser Junior: Yes sir! (rushes there) 

Bowser: (smiles, but his eyes... speak a different story, thinks: Why... do I not feel anything about this?)

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