Mera-Mikettio Arc, Chapter One: Arrival

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The pale green doors seem to tower over Molly, Sylvie and Giovanni as the three stand in front of the correctional facility, waiting for Molly's friend to come out. 

Sylvie: When is she getting out? (groans) 

Molly: She said that it should be around this time...

Giovanni: (yawns) This is too boring for my sake! When will she get out? We have to take her to our lair, you know. 

Molly: Well, we're not taking her there... Remember the group Uju, Jinpei, Ranto, Sandayuu, Taeyang and Swag are part of? The SRS?

Giovanni: Course! They reminded me of you, Bear Trap!

Molly: Well, Taeyang called and said that another member is coming here. He said that the member wants to help Mera break the side-effects of her Epithet. 

Giovanni: ... WHAT?! (gasps) 

Sylvie: Is that even possible? (frowns, adjusts glasses) 

Molly: He said that they'll have to see. They wanted to come, but they couldn't due to something happening in their place, so it'll be just him and another member. 

Sylvie: Fascinating.... I would love to go along as well, since I am a scientist.

Molly: (sweatdrops) I guess... 

Then, a swirling green portal opens up in front of them as two people step out of it.

Giovanni: It's a cat! (gapes) A very very tall one. 

Mikettio: (tick marks appearP Huh?! What did you call Oresama?! 

Ben: Mikettio, calm down. (places his hand on the cat Youkai's shoulder) It won't help to be mad. (turns to Molly and Giovanni, smiles) Hey there. I'm guessing you're Molly and Giovanni?  

Giovanni: Indeed, I am! Giovanni Potage, who will conquer this world! 

Molly: So you're close to Taeyang? 

Ben: Well, I suppose you can say that. We don't interact a lot in the group, honestly. (scratches the back of his neck) Anyway, I'm Ben Cipher. Nice to meet you! 

Mikettio: Oresama wa Mikettio. (smirks) 

Ben: We're here to pick Mera up. I've talked it out with her over the phone a few days ago, and she agreed. I dragged Mikettio here cause he needed some tuning up as well. 

Mikettio: T-Tuning up!? Oresama?!

Ben: (deadpan) Excuse me, but who was the one who imprisoned Bakera, Goromi and Bluepon inside and tried to murder Jinpei when he wanted to rescue them? 

Mikettio: ...

Thankfully, the doors open, and the group turns to see Mera as she steps out, Indus by her side as per usual. 

Molly: (grins, waves) Mera! 

Sylvie: Finally. (adjusts glass, but there is a smile) We've been waiting for ages! 

Mera: (looks away) Thanks. I'm glad you came here despite everything.

Indus: Lady Mera, you shouldn't be so closed off! You must state your feelings clearly!

Giovanni: Eh. (takes out a backpack, tosses it to her) Be glad you have Bear Trap on your side, otherwise I would have never gotten these things for you. 

Mera: (checks it, closes it) Thanks. (looks at Ben) I suppose you're Ben Cipher? (slings the backpack on her shoulder) 

Ben: You're not wrong. (tilts his cap slightly) Ben Chi Cipher at your service. 

Mera: Wow, quite the playboy, I suppose. (smirks) 

Ben: Far from it. I'm still single, after all. But I do flirt from time to time. (smirks back) 

Indus: Stand back Lady Mera! He is a threat to you! (steps forward, only for Mera to gesture for him to back off) Lady Mera? 

Mera: Well, jokes aside, I only agreed to this so you could help me get rid of the pain. That's all. I don't care about being good. So don't get too close. 

Ben: (blinks) .... (thinks: She reminds me of Sarah...) (waves it off, smiles) Deal. Are you ready for this then? (gets his phone out) 

Mera: Of course. (looks at Indus) You go with Molly. This is something I have to do on my own. 

Indus: But Lady Mera! 

Mera: Stay back you useless minion.

Indus: (freezes) Y-Yes, Lady Mera. (backs away, looks hesitant) 

Molly: (pats his back, feels bad for him) 

Giovanni: Hey! That is no way to treat your minion! 

Mera: (scoffs) I don't care. Let's just go already. 

Mikettio: Ooh, I like her. Can we recruit her? 

Mera: Stuff a sock into your mouth, cat. 

Mikettio: Tch, you're nothing compared to Oresama, lady.

Ben: (groans, mentally wonders why he was doing it, then remembers the mess back at the base, thinks: Never mind....) 

Mera: (rolls her eyes) Anyway, let's just go, Cipher.

Ben: Right.... (opens the portal) Let's go then. 

Mikettio: Ah. (steps in) 

Mera: (follows him, is grumbling about stupid cats) 

Ben: (sighs, turns to them) I guess that's my cue to leave. See you guys. Taeyang and co say hi, by the way. 

Molly: Don't worry about it. (smiles) Stay safe. 

Indus: And keep Lady Mera safe! 

Ben: You got it. Go visit Taeyang and the others when you have the chance. 

Molly can only nod before he smiles and steps into the portal, letting it close behind him.

Molly: Good luck......

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