Final Arc of Redemptions, Chapter Two: A Lonely House in the Woods

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BE Haavik: (grumbling) He knows nothing!!! (storms through the woods) I swear, he claims to be a villain but all he does is rant on about stupid hope! Is he an idiot?! What kind of idiot would do that!?

Nearby, a pile of goop watches him.

?????: Yes... you will do just fine. (grins evilly)

BE Haavik: (hears that, turns around) Hu- (gets attacked by it) AHHHH!!!!!! 

Meanwhile, the group appears in front of the house where the five had arrived in the human world, and Ben notices something.

Ben: Hey, where's BE Haavik?

CT: Good question...

DT: We should look for him-

BE Dan: Why bother? (harsh) He'll refuse to come back because we "hurt his feelings". 

Ben; BE Dan-

BE Dan: Am I wrong? (blunt) He's a child. He never admitted that he was wrong. 

Ben: Still, shouldn't you give him a chance? 

BE Dan: He doesn't even try to make sense or repent! Why do we have to bother with him!? He won't change! He'll never change! (Frustrated) Why do you care so much anyway?!

Ben: .... Isn't that what we could have done with you?

BE Dan: H-Huh?

Ben: We could have given up on you. We could have given up on freeing you. Your friends could have done the same. But they, we, none of us did, right? We kept fighting. You're not the only one who had a hard time. All of us in the team have had those times when no progress seems to be made. Heck, Fic is definitely a prime example. But none of us give up on our teammates. So please... don't give up on Haavik.

BE Dan: .... Mr. Ben... (Goes quiet, looks down)

He's right, BE Dan realises. Even if Haavik's caused so much pain for his friends and him, he was still not completely at fault. The Diggorys had caused his mindset in a way. Had done this to them. 

BE Dan: ... You're... right... I'm so sorry, I was out of line. 

Ben: It's okay. Don't worry about it. For now, we focus on finding BE Haavik, then we get back to our mission.

BE Dan: Alright-

???: Kekekkekekkekekkeekekke~

Everyone freezes. That voice...!

BE Haavik, with green goop dropping from his hair, walks out towards them.

???: My, my, it took you a while. I got so bored I went to find you instead.

Ben: What the- 

CT: (growls) I don't like the smell he gives off!

DT: (frowns) It's almost as if... He's from the depths of an inferno. 

BE Dan: H-Haavik...? (shocked)

Ben: That aura, though... Could you be?...

The person smiles as his eyes glow blue. Grey strands begin showing.

Belos: iNdEeD. iT iS i, EmPeRoR bElOs. NoW, pRePaRe FoR yOuR dOoM.

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