Assignment Seven

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Ben: (stretches) I'm so tired. But this should be the final one that Fic will chronicle before it's all reports that will be published and that is a relief! Alright, let's see these final files! (looks them over)

Ben: First one is Cartoon Tyler, an OC of Littlexheatwave/Ava. (reads backstory) Oh dang, this one needs a lot of help. If I could find Cartoon Cat I would just want to TALK-

Ben: Next one is Demon Taeyang, another OC of Ava. He's been lied to by Demon Speed, so he will have to do a lot of redemption work and some rehab too. Got it. 

Ben: Ooh, we have BE Dan here too. Honestly, I knew this one was coming a mile away, but still. (sips tea) Killing parents, yeouch. He really does deserve a hug. It wasn't his fault. 

Ben: ... Why is BE Haavik in this list, Fic? His OD self is better than his BE self for sure! (sighs) But I'll go with it. 

Ben: The last two, though... Hunter and Emperor Belos from the Owl House, as requested by mama_kurogiri. Hoo boy, this is going to be HARD. But nothing like a good old challenge to get the blood pumping! (grins) Alright, let's go! 

The final arc before just reports is here!!! No voting required, but you can request for people to be redeemed below! I'll get to them eventually! 

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