Sohma Akito Arc, Chapter Eight: Official Arrest and Goodbyes

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But it never comes.

When he opens his eyes, a familiar face is there, holding Ren back.

Ben: (shocked) A-Akito?!

Ren: Let go of me, you useless nothing! (struggles to get out of her grasp, but Akito's grip is tight)

Akito: Don't do it.

Ren: E-Excuse me? (stares at her in shock)

Akito: (soft) I've forgiven you, but it doesn't mean I would hesitate to let justice get to you. This is for both our goods, Mother.

Ren: As if! (is suddenly pulled off Ben by Kureno) Gah! (tries to punch him, but is stopped by Sohma Yuki, eyes widen) You-!

Yuki: (grip hardens) Don't you dare hurt her.

Ren: Why?! She's hurt you before-

Yuki: That was because of you! If there's anyone who can understand what it's like to be mistreated by their parents, it's me! (looks at Akito, eyes soften) Maybe the scars inside may never fade, but at least I can rest easy, knowing that she won't do it again.

Akito: Yuki... (smiles softly)

Kyo: (steps in with the other members of the Zodiac, all who look serious for once, and Tohru) She explained everythig to us when she came over with Tohru. And seeing you trying to kill someone over a fear of losing power... Clearly you have something wrong in you.

Rin: (closes her eyes) I may never be able to forgive her for trying to kill me AND forcing my family to hate me, but she's trying. Maybe someday, I will. (gives a small, rare smile) She's proven that.

Kisa: S-She can be better! I-I'm sure of it!

Hiro: Tch, I agree with Kisa.

Ayame: (flips his hair) Tori-san, we must help her get better!

Hatori: (hand subconsciously touches his blind eye, but he nods) I agree. Everyone deserves a chance. You helped me find someone who accepts me. (smiles softly) We're even now.

Kureno: We're all here for you, Akito. Don't you ever forget that.

Tohru: Y-Yeah! We're friends after all!

Momiji: Sou, sou! We won't let you get hurt!

Kagura: We all care for you. You went out of your way to apologise to us, and that's enough. (grins)

Ritsu: A-Arigatou for apologising... I-It helped a lot...

Hatsuharu: Mystery indeed. Just don't push people out anymore.

Akito: Everyone... (eyes water, but she wipes them away and smiles at them) Thank you. I truly love you all more than you'll ever imagine.

The Sohmas grin upon seeing this. Something they hadn't seen in a long time. The real, kind, caring Sohma Akito was back. And this time, she was here to stay. With them.

Ren: ARGH! I've had enough of you all! Disgusting! (struggles)

Ben: You're the one who's disgusting. (gets up, takes his handcuffs out, is about to move over, but stops as he looks at Akito) Do you want to do it?

Akito: (blinks) Me?

Ben: (grins) It's therapeutic to do stuff like this. (hands it over to her) You deserve it too. Consider it graduation from my help.

Akito: (eyes widen) ... (smiles as she takes them) Alright then. I trust your judgement, Ben-san.

Ben: (steps back, followed by the rest of the Sohmas as they let her do this)

Akito: (grips the cuffs tight, looks at her from above)

As she does this, Ben realises, with a start, that Akito's eyes didn't seem so malicious, like in the anime and manga. Instead, they're soft, like petals of a flower slowly growing from a previously wilted plant.

Ben: (smiles, whispering) That is the best metaphor to describe the Akito standing in front of me.

Akito: Sohma Ren, on behalf of Ben Cipher, member of the Tomodachi Tanteisha, I hereby arrest you for emotional abuse, neglect, and attempted murder of Ben Cipher. (slowly cuffs one arm)

Ren: (tries to fight out of there, but Kureno's grip is tight, she hisses) You think you'll ever be forgiven. How foolish-

Akito: I don't expect to be forgiven. But I've said my apologies, and I will change everything from now on. I won't let anyone suffer ever again because of the past. The past is meant to be left behind. Every burden, every mistake... It's all past now. All I can do is look to the future, and embrace together with my family. (finishes cuffing her, gets up as right on cue, the police sirens are heard)

A few minutes later, Ren is dragged out, yelling and screaming murder. The Sohmas, Tohru and Ben are left to watch, and Ben has a smile on his face. Proud, but sad. 

This means that it is finally time for him to head back. With the evidence secured in the house, and the security cameras he had installed in both his and Akito's room, she's bound to stay behind bars while undergoing therapy. Akito was free. 

Yet, for some reason, he feels sad. With a start, he realises that he had grown close to Akito. 

That is proven when she touches his shoulder gently, a smile on her face. 

Akito: (sad tone) I know you have to go back, Ben-san. 

Ben: Akito... I can stay, if you want me to. 

Akito: (shakes her head) No, you can't. You still have many people out there who need your help. You need to help them, just like how you helped me. (smiles softly) You will always be welcome here, though. So I expect weekly visits, if it's okay with you.

Ben: (laughs quietly) What an order. Alright then, Akito. I need to head back, I guess. (ruffles her hair, smiles) You've done great. I'm proud of you. 

Akito: ... (sniffs, suddenly hugs him) I-I'll miss you... 

Ben: (smiles, hugs back gently) I will miss you too. But it's not a complete goodbye. It's just a see you later, okay? 

"*smiles* Stay safe, guys..."

The familiar voice only makes his hug warmer as he remembers. 

Ben: Don't forget what I've taught you, okay? (slowly releases the hug) 

Akito: (wipes the tears away, smiles quietly) Y-Yeah... 

Ben: (gets his backpack from a nearby cop, looks at all the Sohmas with a smile)

"They look like a family..."

Ben: (bows to them) Thank you for having me. I hope to see you again. 

They all smile, and wave at Ben. He grins as he opens a portal for himself. Since they are in a secluded area, it is safe. 

Akito: (grips Shigure's hand, and smiles) 

Ben: (waves back, and grins at Akito) See ya then, Akito. Stay strong. 

Akito: Of course. (smiles) 

Ben grins, and he soon steps through, thus ending his duty. 

Yet, Sohma Akito's redemption arc continues on, and she learns new things. In fact, the only difference with the Another manga might be that Akito spends all her time with other people. 

When her child is born... *giggles* I think we all know who will be the godfather. 

&& Sohma Akito Arc, End &&

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