Mera-Mikettio Arc, Chapter Seven: The Last Obstacle

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Ben: Well, this is it. (looks up) 

The three are looking at a massive temple with the kanji for King written proudly on its front. What used to be the Enma Tribe's holy place is now ruins. 

Apparently, it was destroyed during the N aliens' invasion ordered by Mazera/Demonseu, but its temple remained intact due to its distance from the palace. Inside the temple, Enma had said that it would have records of many mythical instances, like Quirks and Epithets. 

They are here for the latter. 

Mera: Let's go and end this charade, once and for all. 

Mikettio: Ah. We should find out what happened to all those Youkai and restore this place. Didn't Enma tell you to do that Ben? 

Ben: Yeah...

"Please, help me restore the Youmakai!" 

Mikettio: (stretches his arms) Let's do this then! 

Mera: Oh! 

Ben: (grins) Alright. 

The three enter, and they are faced with three corridors. A copper plate can be seen on the floor, so Mikettio kneels down to try to read it. 

Mikettio: One will lead to your destination, but two will make you use the long way. One will be the safe one, but two can kill you. It all comes down to why you come. Intuition will guide the way. 

Mera: What the... Intuition? 

Ben: (frowns) I'm a bit conflicted about this. So what should we do? 

Mikettio: (growls) We need a surefire way to get there. We can't leave it all to luck-

"Mike-chan, you shouldn't try to pave your own way too fast." 

He freezes, and he finds himself going back to his childhood, where his mother is comforting an angry child. 

"Mama, why can't I?"

"You can't push it. Sometimes, it all comes down to luck. I know that you think otherwise, but once in a while, you have to have faith in yourself." 

"But Mama, what if I make a mistake?" 

"Then it's okay, time will fly, but you will make it. Everyone's journey in life is different. You can't force your way. Intuition is good. Mistakes happen, but they strengthen you and give your intuition more knowledge to make less mistakes in the future." 

He used to hate her words so much, but now... He understands what it means. 

He steps forward, closing his eyes as he stands above the plate. He lets his feelings lead him. 

Gusts of wind hits his face from the middle and right, and it clicks for him. 

Mikettio: It's the left one! (moves) 

Mera: Wait, you sure? 

MIkettio: I... (inhales, but smiles) I trust my gut. Let's go. 

Mera: .... Alright then. (smiles) But it better be right. 

Mikettio: Don't doubt me! 

Ben: (laughs, thinks: They're getting along well... Must be  nice...) Let's go you guys. No time to bicker. 

The two nod before they head towards to the left corridor.

After a while, they find themselves in a huge room. Parchments seem to overflow from the baskets lining the room. At the center, there is a single parchment with the Enma seal on it sitting on a wooden table which seemed like its time as a working table was over. 

Ben: (squints) I guess that's our aim here. 

Mera: Alright then. We should be careful, though. I doubt this place doesn't have booby traps. 

Mikettio: Old ones, but still likely to work well. 

They then start off, heading to the center while avoiding possible areas for traps. 

Mera gets there first, and she stands as she looks at the parchment. 

Mera: Is this it? 

Ben: Who knows? (leans in, eyes catch something) Well, first we need a parchment as heavy as this one. This thing is sensitive to weight. 

Mikettio: (looks back) I think I saw something similar to the one here. The one with the Enma emblem, right? 

Ben: Probably. 

Mikettio rushes to find it, leaving the two alone.

Mera: .... Hey Ben? 

Ben: (looks up from inspecting) Yeah? 

Mera: I... I'm sorry for what I said. 

Ben: (surprised) Huh? 

Mera: I was insensitive. The pain I feel is nothing compared to you, and yet you still feel that I can be redeemed. I... I don't know what I did to deserve this. 

Ben: ... (chuckles) No villain ever deserves it. I know that in fiction there exists a trope called the Moral Event Horizon, and there are some people who can't be redeemed, but I still want to try. (smiles) After all, I did the same, so why can't others? As long as you have someone who believes in you, it'll work out. 

Mera: .... (smiles) I understand now. Thank you for letting me know.

Ben: Hey, no sweat.

Mikettio returns with another scroll identical to the one on the stand, and they quickly switch it out bit by bit by sliding the new one into the stand.

Mikettio: Alright, time to see what this scroll's about-

Just then, a light blinds them, making them yelp in surprise. 

When they open their eyes, a voice speaks up.

?: You have made it far, I see. 

Mera: (blinks) It's that voice we heard last time! 

Mikettio: Yeah, the one that helped us heal Ben. 

?: Indeed. You have made it far, Mera Salamin, Mikettio, Ben Cipher. (tone goes a bit rough) But I must ask you, what makes you believe that you are worthy of the scroll? 

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