Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Nine: Welcome Home, My Hope

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Inside his mind after passing out from a lack of strength, Tenko is having his own battle as the ashes of All for One mocks him.

AfO: You are pathetic, useless, and a murderer. You have no purpose in this world!

Tenko: (weak tone) No... you're wrong...


Silhouettes of his family show up and their words begin to mock him too.



"You killed us!"


"No good villain!"

Tenko: No... (cries) No no no... please, stop!

Everything hurts, and Tenko begins to wonder why he had bothered trying to become good. His Quirk could destroy people and kill them. He was destined to be a villain ever since his Quirk awakened. What is the point..?

"Tenko, wake up. Your friends need you."

He stops and freezes.

That voice...

He slowly looks up to see a familiar face he had only seen once, but a face that he would never forget.

Tenko: G-Grandma...?

Nana: (smiles gently) I know that right now the darkness is overwhelming, but you are stronger than your past. You are stronger than what society labels people like who are gifted in things that are classified as evil. No Quirk or gift is ever inherently evil. Only its usage.

Tenko: B-But my Quirk kills people.

Nana: (laughs) Call me a hypocrite, but a Quirk doesn't define you. Only your personality. You're trying to make up for it and that's enough. Don't beat yourself up. (ruffles his hair)

Tenko: (eyes widen) Grandma...

Nana: My Quirk was thought to be useless. But I made it and became a strong hero. You don't have to listen to what others say about your Quirk. (smiles) You are loved, and stupid Quirkists can go and get themselves some therapy because they sure need it. 

After hearing that, Tenko... begins to feel a warmth in his chest. He hasn't felt something like this since his Quirk activated, but he knows its name. 

Nana: (smiles) Call it, Tenko. 

Tenko: (closes his eyes, remembers all the things the team has done for him, opens them with a soft smile) Welcome home, ore no kibou. 

The darkness slowly begins to lift, and the two watch as the specters of the people who had been tormenting before slowly fade off, but not before waving gently at Tenko. His dad waves at him and gives a warm yet sad smile to his mom, and All for One bows to the two before he too disperses, leaving the two there. 

Then Nana begins to disperse as well, smiling with tears in her eyes.

Nana: You've made me proud, Tenko-chan. I'm so glad that you're happy now. Never forget, that we're all in your heart and soul. (smiles, before completely dispersing)

Tenko stands there, a content smile on his chapped lips, as the determination begins to grow, and a warm light surrounds him.

Tenko: Thank you so so much, everyone. I... I WON'T LET THIS STOP ME EVER AGAIN!

The light brings him back to reality, but this time, he musters up the strength he has and touches the glass with all five fingers. 

It disintegrates, and he barely lands on the floor as the water flows everywhere, damaging some of the equipment around.

Kyudai: Huh?! (turns, eyes widen) Impossible! You were close to death!

Tenko: (stumbles up, eyes glow slightly as he cracks his knuckles) Hope has powers you would have never understood. 

Ben: Gotta agree on that. (grins as he rubs his wrists, Enji behind him) Well, everyone's here now, so let's kick some Nomus to the moon. Kyudai is one mad scientist we need to shut down. 

Kurogiri: Let's go then. No time to waste. 

All four of them look at each other, and Ben quickly makes a long sword for Enji, handing it to him before making himself a katana.

They then turn to the High End Nomus and Kyudai.

Tenko: You're going down, Final Level Boss. That I swear on. 

mama_kurogiri Tenko's redemption!

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