Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Seven: Now I am Found

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Kurogiri: No... no... This is... all my fault...

Tenko is struggling inside a tube filled with water. His red eyes are terrified and he scrambles for anything to grip. 

A quick flashback reveals that Ben had been knocked out first after Tenko tried to attack him, and it had resulted in both of them being carried. Tenko was scared of hurting Kurogiri, so he had to stop.

And it has led to the current situation

Kurogiri: SHIGARAKI TOMURA!! (Tries in vain to teleport him out of there, but his body won't move)

Kyudai: It's useless. (Laughs) Everything you try to do is useless. You're just a dead body after all. 

Kurogiri: (grips his head) No... 

Ben is knocked out, tied to a chair with his hands behind his back. A gag covers his mouth so he won't scream. 

Kurogiri: Why...? (feels tears fall down his cheeks) Why did I...? How did I? 

Memories of what he had done working under All for One flash in his mind, making him grip his head. 

"I'm useless, pathetic, horrible... I'm a walking corpse who doesn't deserve to live. I only pull people back..."

"It's my fault."

"No, it's not your fault."

Kurogiri: H-Huh? (stops) Who's there?

Inside his mind, an unfamiliar person steps out. 

Kurogiri: W-Who are you?

?: (smiles) I'm Shirakumo Oboro. I am the person whose body you are using right now.

Kurogiri: (eyes widen) W-What?

Oboro: It's a long story, but Quirks have their own souls too, y'know. And let's just say that I am not happy with All for One and Kyudai that rotten jerk for doing this to you.

Kurogiri: (blinks) Not to you? (confused tone) 

Oboro: (sad smile) I'm already dead, but I'm glad that my body could be used to create you. Doesn't mean I'm not ready to throw Kyudai out the window. 

Kurogiri: (chuckles quietly) Same here, honestly. (sighs) I am truly sorry for this, though. 

Oboro: No no, water under the bridge. (waves it off) At least my body was useful for something after everything that's happened. 

Kurogiri: (blinks again) Y-You are really fine with my existence?

Oboro: Of course! What's wrong with that? Plus, you're a good person deep down. I know that. No one is born evil, after all. It's the environment that they live in that creates bad people. 

Kurogiri: (eyes widen) ...

All his life, he thought that he was useless and only useful for certain things like teleporting, but now... 

Tenko's smile and Ben's grin flashed in his mind, and he slowly wipes his tears away as his eyes begin to glow a light green. 

Kurogiri: I... Thank you so much, Shirakumo-san. 

Oboro: No no no, call me Oboro. (laughs) I consider you a brother by skin, after all. 

Kurogiri: (gives a small smile of determination) Alright then. Shall we kick some butt then? 

Oboro: Oh totally! 

XenoSaiyan, here's Kurogiri's new beginning!

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