Final Arc of Redemptions, Chapter Six: A Home?

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BE Haavik: Ugh... What.. Happened...? (gets up)

Ben: You feeling good? You got possessed by sludge.

BE Haavik: ... Pardon?

BE Dan: For real, you did. And it was not pleasant.

BE Haavik: Oh...

Hunter: You look pretty pale, though. Are you a Witch?

BE Haavik: Pardon?

Ben: He's not, I assure you.

Hunter: (Skeptical) You sure? You seem pretty pale to me.

BE Dan: That's his normal skin tone. He's an alien.

Hunter: (gasps) Are you for real?!

BE Dan; Yeah. He's pretty strong too.

Hunter: (eyes sparkle) Oh my TITANNNNN!!! That is so COOL!!!!

BE Haavik: (surprised) Why, thank you! 

No one has ever... complimented him for being an alien... 

BE Haavik: (thinks: Huh... maybe... I could find a home here... The Diggorys never truly gave me a home, so...) 

It did seem like a good idea to him, but... Would anyone accept him? Would he find a home, anywhere?

He doesn't know, and that fact scares him...

Hunter: Hey, you good? (concerned)

BE Haavik: O-Oh, m-me? I'm fine!

Hunter: (frowns) You sure? You seem out of i-

BE Haavik: I am in tip top shape, I assure you! I am just... disoriented! I am the greatest entertainer in my time, so it would be ridiculous if I couldn't get back up again! 

Hunter: Entertainer?

BE Haavik: Indeed! An entertainer is meant to bring smiles to those around them! (Pauses) At least, that's the definition the SRS seems to have. 

Hunter: (confused) Who's the SRS? Never heard of them. 

Ben: Huh, I'm guessing that since it aired after the Second Reboot, the world never got assimilated. They only stopped around 2020's beginning, after all. 

Hunter: Huh?

BE Dan: You're saying that this is...?

Ben: An Ex-P AU. I honestly, I didn't expect this. (sighs) I thought it was already integrated. 

BE Dan: We all make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up like that!

Ben: (smiles a bit) True. Thanks, BE Dan. 

BE Dan: (grins) Always happy to help!

BE Haavik feels... melancholic at that. 


Where does he belong...?

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