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Ben: (sighs, adjusts hoodie as he gets up) Remind me again why you guys are here.

Dipper: How can we NOT be here?

Leo: You're technically starting this thing using the SRS' funds.

Steven: We can give him a break, though, guys. I mean, he's trying hard.

Pearl: I still find it hard to trust him.

Percy: (mumbles something)

Jeremie: (rubs forehead) Percy...

Yumi: Let him be. We've gotten used to this already.

Ulrich: Plus, he has the right idea.

Amethyst: Agreed.

Bill: Anyway, we should let him get ready, don't you think? His first assignment is coming in.

Jill: (looks nervous) Will this go well?

Will: Seconded.

Ben: I'll be fine guys. I won't go loco like before. (Laughs)

Mabel: Alright then. Just stay safe.

Ben: Will do guys!

With that, the group leaves, and Ben gets up.

Ben: (gets his backpack) See ya, guys.

Bill: Okay then. Stay safe.

Ben: You got it. (Steps out of the room, walks away)

So, who should be his first assignment? And why?

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