Mera-Mikettio Arc, Chapter Six: Her Resolve in the Ghost Town

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Mera: Are... We... There... Yet?....

Mikettio: Not yet. The town should be around here, though. (frowns) It's either the map is a dud, or it's an illusion. 

The two are moving as they keep up the search for the temple. According to the map, they have to go through Kinja Town to get some supplies before arriving there due to some ritual of sorts. While they have been searching fruitlessly for a day, they are not willing to give up for Ben's sake. His vitals are getting slower, so they have to hurry. 

Mera: (pants) This... is... so... tiring....

Well, hurry in between the rests Mera has had to take no thanks to her Epithet's side effects. 

Mikettio: Can't say a word against that. (adjusts Ben's body slightly) 

Mera: Can... we... take... a... break?...

Mikettio: We should probably do so- (catches something, blinks) Hey, what's that? 

His eyes catch a silhouette of a big building shrouded in fog. Curiosity bubbling within, he turns and heads there, with a confused Mera following. 

When the fog clears, the two gasp as they see an archway with the words "Kinja Town" written on it. The words seem to have never faded, and the town beyond its gate look intact, contrasting the landscape they had just come from.

Mikettio: (shocked) We found the town....

Mera: No time to be surprised. We have to go find someone to heal him. (heads in) 

Mikettio: R-Right. (follows her) 

They enter and see that no one is around. Even if it's still intact, it doesn't mean that people still live here. 

Mikettio: This is a ghost town for real...

Mera: This is one scary place. (shivers) 

Mikettio: (looks at the map) Let's just get the gear, heal Ben, and get out of here. I don't want to stay here for long. 

Mera: Agreed. Where should we go? (looks around) 

Mikettio: It's the house at the edge of the town. It's big, and there's a passage to the temple from there. Well, according to the map, anyway. 

Mera: Alright. 

The two then head over there. The sounds of their footsteps echo, making the atmosphere even more eerie.

They soon arrive at the said house. It towers over them, bringing fear into their hearts once more. 

But they have no room to complain. They have to fix this. 

Mikettio: Alright, let's go. (heads in)

Mera: (follows, is a bit more hesitant) 

The door is open, so they look around as they look back at the map. The place reminds Mikettio of the dorms in Y Gakuen, honestly...

Mikettio: Alright, so the sick bay should be around here... (heads to a hallway) 

Mera: Hopefully this works... (strides ahead, finds it) Ah got it! (twists the door, but it won't open) Huh? It's not opening- 


The two feel shivers go down their spines hearing that, but Mera, doing something out of character, gathers her courage and steps forward.

Mera: We have an injured man with us. Please let us heal him. We plan to head out to the temple as soon as possible, so there is no need to get us the gear. With or without it, we'll succeed. 

?: Hm... I see. Then, let me ask you, Mera Salamin. Why do you seek the temple?

Mera: (stops) 

Something Ben said over the phone comes back to her. 

"Why I'm helping you? *chuckles* Does one need a reason to help a fellow ex-villain? I don't think so."

Mera: ..... 

Mikettio: Mera? 

Mera: ... (looks to the door) I want to go to the temple because I want to stop hurting the people I love and care for. I... (closes eyes) I've hurt them a lot because of my problems. All this time, I've been selfish, only thinking for myself. But I never realised just how much of an impact my actions had on others. I only learnt my lesson after Ben showed me... He taught me that no one is irredeemable. He was a super villain, and hurt many people, but... Despite that, he has the courage to admit it and work to be a better person. He's amazing, and I want to be like him. To see the positive side of things and to believe in others. To believe in Molly, Sylvie, Giovanni and Indus. To believe in all of my friends. (smiles) 

There is silence, and Mera fears that the door would not open up for them, until it speaks again, tone saying otherwise

?: Very good answer. I will heal Ben Cipher and give you the gear. You two must set off once he's healed. This place is not safe for any of you. We have no time left, so please lie him on the ground.

Mikettio: Got it. (gently puts him down on the floor) 

There is a glow from the door, and a light blinds the two. 

?: I wish you luck in your journey, Mera Salamin. You deserve it. 

When they get their eyesight back, there's a vial on the ground, and Ben's eyes slowly open.

Ben: Urgh... What happened? (rubs his head as he gets up) I don't remember much-

Mera, Mikettio: BEN! (hugs him) 

Ben: Woah woah woah! I feel dizzy now! (laughs gently) You guys sound so relieved, I'm a bit proud! 

Mikettio: TCH! Don't you dare laugh at us like that! 


Ben sheepishly laughs, which dissolves their momentary spurt of anger, and soon they're all laughing. It feels good to be like this again...

But now they have one more thing to do; get to the temple. 

And they're ready. 

Mera: (takes the vial, gets up) Well then, shall we end this journey? 

Mikettio; Ah! 

Ben: Sounds like a plan! (grins) 

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