Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Eight: Sleeping Tigers, Awaken!

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Kurogiri: I won't... let you win...

Kyudai: Huh?

He turns from the monitor and is surprised to see Kurogiri getting up despite the mental restrains he had placed on the Nomu since he liked obedient children.

Kyudai: W-what?!

Ben: (stirs) Urgh... (notices Kurogiri and the change in eye colour, eyes widen, thinks: What?)

Kyudai: How?!

Oboro's voice echoes from the body.

Oboro: You underestimated the power of bonds. Kurogiri and I won't let you make us your children! We aren't, and we will walk the path of light no matter how our past tries to hold us down!

As he says this, the body glows, and a soul begins to form on his left.

Kyudai: This is...!

The soul's eyes open, and the two slide into battle stances.

Kurogiri: It's time to stop you once and for all!

Oboro: Yeah!

Kyudai: TCH! Bring it then! (Grabs his stuff) My children, come on out!

The other capsules open up, and deformed hands come out from them.

Kyudai: Destroy them! (Points to the two)


Enji: (Curls up into a ball, tries in vain to block out the words blasting through his mind)

He is in a small dungeon located under the lab, and his breathing is laboured. The memories are overwhelming him. How he never stopped to think for others, how he always put his pride first.

Enji: I am pathetic, useless, and don't deserve the title of Number One Hero. (bites his lip) I got what I wanted, but the price was too high...

With All Might gone and All for One officially dead thanks to the efforts of the TTS, smaller villains had begun moving, and aside from that, he has to deal with the scandals of Todoroki Touya's revelation to the public via a TV program visiting the rehab center he had been placed in.

Enji: Why... Why had I... Why had I done such horrible things...? (lets his tears fall) I am such a useless person... And... the worst father... I hurt my children for ambition... (grips his head) 

"Don't ever give up on yourself, Endeavor."

As if it knew it was needed, Enji hears Toshinori Yagi's voice from a flashback when the two had been talking; a normal habit at this rate.

"The day you give up is the day you cut off all ties with your family. As long as you hold on, and keep working hard, as socially awkward as you are, they will slowly understand that you've changed. That's why... your past doesn't define the present you. Don't give up on the soul within that's hurting." 

His eyes widen. Yagi... was right. Maybe it had been him talking from experience, but he... he has a point. He knows Yagi had made mistakes before, yet he also remembers how much he had fought and persevered through those mistakes.

Maybe, just maybe, he could do the same.

Enji: (closes his eyes, begins to take in deep breaths)

He feels calm... For the first time since he realised All Might was too much for him, he feels determined. 

Enji: ... (chuckles) Plus Ultra... Indeed...

The embers in his soul begin to mend themselves, and he gets up. 

So what if he has no Quirk? He won't give up. He became a hero not to give up like this. He became a hero to save lives, even if at times he could mess up, he knows that he will make his way up again. 

Enji: From rock bottom to Plus Ultra. (gets up, moves to the door, closes his eyes, inhales, punches the door with all his might)

The wooden door falls apart, and he steps out. 

Enji: Time to get out of here. 

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