Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Ten: Our Resolve

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Kyudai is shocked. All his precious High-End Nomus... are now lying on the ground, either disintegrated or disfigured beyond recognition. 

How... How had these rejects done it? The Number One Pro Hero with no Quirk, the former leader of the League of Villains, his perfect child, who had REBELLED AGAINST HIM, his own creator, his own father, and a former supervillain who had destroyed worlds for his amusement? 

How had they defeated him? He had made sure to make them particularly resistant to demon magic after All for One's passing! 

As it is, right now he is backed against the wall, with the group surrounding him. 

Ben: It's over, Garaki Kyudai. No more destroying bodies for your own personal experiments. The souls of those you treated like objects will finally get justice! 

Enji: (grips the sword tight, it is aimed at Kyudai's neck) You won't have your way anymore. 

Kyudai: I-I... How did you do it? Even though... I was sure I immobilized you... 

Tenko: (steps forward)

Kyudai: (flinches, expecting a slap or anything, but instead he sees an outstretched hand) H-huh?

Tenko: (smiles gently) Hope is more powerful than you can ever imagine. I should know. I was stuck in despair for so long... And I realise I... I had hated myself the most due to the past. Because of what All for One had tricked me into believing... (closes his eyes) I won't ever be able to get rid of the regret, but I want it to become my strength. The good and bad, the past and the future, I will embrace it all, and clear the rubble of my old path to form a new one for myself and those I love. 

Kurogiri: I agree. I thought that my destiny was just to be a puppet, but my... friends (smiles at Enji and Ben slightly) and family (looks at Tenko) taught me that I am my own person. I might never be able to call you my parent, but I still wish to thank you for creating me. 

Oboro: (smiles) Yep yep! I agree! 

Enji: (stays quiet, but notices the others' gazes) What? (sounds a bit whiny) 

Ben: (snickers) Don't you have anything to say, Endeavor? 

Enji: (stops, goes silent) ...  No, don't call me that anymore. 

Ben: (blinks, genuinely surprised) Huh? 

Enji: Endeavor... I had let that title blind me for so long. I forgot what it was like to have to work hard for something. I don't want it anymore. I want to... I want to change it, to turn over a new leaf.

Ben: Huh... Then, what about Ataraha Uragae?

Tenko: Turn a new leaf? (eyes light up) Not a bad idea, NPC. 

Ben: (pouts) Tenko!

Enji: That.. (smiles) I'll take it then. 

Ben: (laughs) I'm honoured. 

Enji: But thank you, everyone. (a genuine smile appears) You reminded me of who I was before pride and ego blinded me. 

Ben: (waves it off) It's fine. Anyway, who's on call-the-SDA duty?

The three TTS members then stare at each other.

Kurogiri: (smirks) Not it. 

Ben, Tenko: NOT IT!

The three then burst out laughing, and Enji himself laughs. Kyudai is quiet as he watches this interaction, and he... he suddenly understands everything. 

It is because they used to be villains, and had suffered so much that they could grow in their hearts. 

It... just touches him. 

Kyudai then swears to himself that he will work hard in rehab. 

Eventually, Ben calls them over and the scientist is taken away, leaving the group there.

Ben: Well, that was nice. (smiles) Now time to head home-

His phone then jingles and he checks the text message. 

He blinks, but keeps his phone and turns to the others. 

Ben: Are you guys up for one last battle? We gotta help the others with something. 

Tenko: Sure! 

Kurogiri: Let's go!

Enji: (nods) 

Ben: Yosh, ikuze!

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