Flaming Ashes Arc, Chapter Two: Gunga Mountain Villa

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Ben: Are you sure it's around here?

Tenko: (nods, wraps his hand around a vial filled with ashes on a necklace) This is the mountain.

Kurogiri: All For One's experimental base where Garaki Kyudai is based. And where... (goes quiet) Where I was made...

Enji: (frowns) Why are we here? 

Ben: (sighs) It's simple; we need to clear up All For One's mess. He left a huge mess behind, and even after he passed on, his influence is very clear. From being a dark ruler in the Dark Matter Realm AND Demonseu's father, twisting Tenko for his own needs, and corrupting Ryder to his side when he ended up bonding with the 6th Galaxy Weapon... Well I think you get it. 

Tenko goes quiet. He seems regretful of what had happened between them. He remembers when he had attacked the TTS in Olympus, only for the reincarnation of his grandmother Shimura Nana, Lizzy Blueton, to snap him out of it. Afterwards, the more recent happenings of the original 6 Galaxy Weapons, when All for One had hurt the group by mocking them. 

Kurogiri notices and pats his back.

Kurogiri: You are not at fault here. Life just works that way. 

Ben: (nods) Yeah. You've changed too, Tenko. Your necklace is an example. (gestures to the vial) Burning your family's remains and keeping them close to you is something admirable. 

Tenko: (shakes his head quietly) It doesn't change how much fun I had killing Father.... (sighs) let's just go. (walks towards the hideout)

Ben and Kurogiri share a glance. 

Ben: I'm worried for him.

Kurogiri: As am I, but we can only hope for the best. 

Ben: (exhales) Yeah. Come on then. (follows Tenko) 

Kurogiri: (nods, follows him) 

Enji frowns, but follows them as well, a bit curious on what they were talking about. Why had Shouto told him to come here when he had work to do? Why had he been told to come here when they still had to figure out what to do with Dabi / Todoroki Touya? 

The answers would soon come. 

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