38: How he was understanding

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I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. I smiled instantly at the heavenly scent. I opened my eyes and saw Namjoon sitting on the edge of the bed with a coffee mug in hand. I smiled at him then down at the huge mug. He chuckled. "It's yours you don't have to flirt." I rolled my eyes, stretched my arms and leg, playfully pushing onto Joon's back as I did. "This fresh-grind dark-roasted coffee will spill if you don't stop that." He chuckled again and I finally sat up straight.

"You are my hero this morning." I mimicked a baby's grabby hands until he handed me the mug. I took the first sip and it was exquisite, it was definitely a fresh grind and the burnt taste definitely confirms it's dark roasted. I hummed in satisfaction. "This is delicious. It's exactly the way Jackson does it." I took another sip and saw Joon rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly. "Joon. What did you do?"

"Well.. Umm.. I may have gotten a little too much to drink last night?"

"Joon.." My tone came out as a warning. The door knocked interrupting my morning investigation, only to answer the unspoken question.

"We have a guest." Joon said as he quickly stood, opened the door revealing Jackson with a cup of coffee.

"Wait, you got her coffee already?" He asked Joon.

"Sorry, thought it would make it hard for her to hit me with a coffee in her hands." He said before stepping out of the room in a blink of an eye. I was still dumbfounded, mind not registering what was happening.

"So I got a call from a drunk Namjoonah.." Jackson started as he found his way to the edge of my bed. "You wanna date him?" I was sipping on my coffee so I choked on it and started to cough frantically. I was going to kill Joon, not just throw a pillow at him. Once I calmed down a bit he bombarded me with more questions. "Did you catch feelings for one of my brothers?" I started coughing again. I was going to bury Joon alive. He chuckled. "Why didn't you just come to me?"

"Jackson.." I took a deep breath after many attempts to stop my coughs. "Honestly, I don't know if those feelings are crushes or just lust. And to be honest, I've never befriended 14 men at once so it's kind of hard for me to figure out whether you guys are being friendly or suggestive. I am clueless with men if it isn't obvious." I took a quick breath before continuing. "I confessed my feelings for Jaebeom not knowing what those feelings were and now I'm having more intense feelings for three guys at the same time and also, it is way to early and my stomach is way too empty for this type of conversation. The least you can do is get food in my belly before I can start to form actual sentences that make sense?" I babbled.

"Okay babygirl, take another deep breath." I obeyed. "Now, let it out." I did. "Let's get you something to eat, then you can tell me all about your little dilemma."

"You came here alone?"

"Would you rather I explain what drunk Namjoon said to Jaebeom and Mark?" I shook my head. "That's what I thought." He chuckled. "Glad you chose to talk to him though, if it was Jungkook, then Bambam and Yugyeom would have exposed your needy ass to everyone." I hit his thigh and he grimaced in pain. "I deserved that."

He took me out for breakfast and I told him about my dilemma. "So according to Joon, I need to get rid of my sexual frustration in order to figure out which one it is." He laughed his hyena laugh and I just looked at him annoyed. Was he mocking me?

"If that's the case, it's easy to solve." I rolled my eyes.

"Enlighten me then."

"Tell you what. Let's have dinner at my place tonight with Hannah and the boys, then you'll get to choose whom you want to be your first. We'll play it fair, even if you choose one of Bangtan, it won't cause an issue."

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