31: How I spent the first night at my new place

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A few days after I woke up in a hospital, I was discharged after I spoke to the police as the boys helped me move to Jaebeom's penthouse. Once I was settled in one of the guest rooms, Youngjae knocked on my door and popped his head in. "Mind if I come in?" He grinned cheerfully. I smiled and nodded. "I didn't really get a chance to talk to you after that day. I really was worried about you." He walked in towards the bed and I patted the comforter gesturing for him to join me. He climbed on the bed and I snuggled into him, he gave the best cuddles. "I think we're all staying here from now on." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Whatever happened to that man?" I looked up at him questionably. His body stiffened as if he found it uncomfortable to talk about that day.

"According to Ian hyung, there was a glitch in the surveillance system so the patrol men were fast to act and barged into the house before that man escaped or worse, took you with him." He explained without looking at me, he was just staring at our hands fiddling. "My opinion though, they weren't fast enough." He sighed before looking at me. "I know that this whole thing started as all fun and games, teasing you and such but I hope you know how much you mean to us. To me." My heart started racing as he looked deeply into my eyes. His eyes held so much sorrow, guilt, worry and anger. "I never had a sister so I don't know if this is the closest thing I have to getting one. I love you so much and it would kill me if I lost you." A tear slipped his beautiful dark brown eye before he quickly wiped it looking away. "You just mean more than you could ever imagine." I tightened my grip around his torso. I felt so lucky to be loved by such a pure and kind human being, because from my perspective, I didn't think I deserved his love and adoration.

"You mean a lot to me too Youngjae. I know we don't spend time together too often but you've grown on me so much that I cannot imagine my life without you. I'm so lucky to call you a friend." I said after snuggling into him.

"I swear when Jaebeom hyung got the call and stormed out of the practice room, I just knew that something bad happened. I knew we shouldn't have left you all alone. That'll never happen again." He said while stroking my back gently. "I could almost swear Jaebeom hyung, Mark hyung and Bambam only slept 5 hours total in the past three weeks. They refused to go back home, they only did that to get quick showers before rushing back to you." My heart ached as I learned about that. "Hannah kept calling us on a daily basis through Jungkook and Yugyeom. She felt so helpless. We all did." God, I missed her so much. But I thought it was best that she'd stay with Bangtan. They were untouchable.

"I'm sorry I kept you worried about me." I looked up at him and he smiled sweetly.

"Don't be. Just promise me you'll stay safe." I nodded and he sighed. "As for that man, the attacker. He's behind bars but knowing what I know about your father, he might be out soon. I don't know." My stomach flipped at the mention of the word father.

"I'm just glad you guys are safe." I said before closing my eyes.

"I'll gladly risk my life if it means I get to protect yours." I heard Mark's deep voice by the door and my eyes shot open and looked towards him. He walked over and Youngjae excused himself. Mark sat on the edge of the bed and I just turned to look at him, still laying down. He started stroking my hair then gently caressed my cheek. His gaze held an overwhelming amount of fear, a hint of anger and pure agony. "You may not be mine, and probably never will be but that doesn't mean I would ever stop protecting you." My heart dropped at his sudden words. Was he confessing to me all of a sudden?

"Mark.." I didn't know what to say. I had nothing to say.

"Don't say anything. Just know that you're not alone, that you'll always have a safe place to run to, people you can lean on and a heart that will love you unconditionally." I felt so sorry for him. Sorry I couldn't return those pure feelings he offered me.

"I love you." As a friend. His gaze only seemed sadder at those three words I had said.

"I know. And I do too." But in a way I could never.

"Hey, mind if we join you?" Jackson said after knocking on the open door. The rest of the boys stood by the door looking in. I nodded. "We're crashing here tonight." Jackson said cheerfully as he jumped on the bed next to me. I laughed weakly.

"It is your apartment." I smiled.

"No. I meant here. Your room." My eyes widened. I only slept next to one man my entire life and that was Jaebeom. "Do you mind?" I shook my head and tried to act normal but my heart was racing. One by one the boys went out to bring extra blankets and pillows. Some took the sofa bed and others laid on the floor but I felt a bit guilty having a huge bed all to myself.

"Ummmm, guys.." I started and they all paused what they were doing and turned their heads towards me. "I think maybe a few of you should use the bed. I can take the sofa."

"No, it's your room now." Jinyoung said firmly. "Unless you want to share the bed." He winked and I rolled my eyes laughing.

"I am willing to share if you guys promise not to get too handsy." I was speaking fast because I knew my brain disagreed with that decision. There was an awkward silence before Jaebeom stood, grabbed his pillow and joined me under the covers.

"Jinyoung, you don't toss and turn much. You can come up." Jaebeom mumbled and as dumbfounded as we all were, Jinyoung did as told and was tucked under the covers next to his hyung. Not even an hour later after we turned off the lights, the boys started snoring showing how they were already exhausted and needed to sleep. I slowly shifted and turned to face Jaebeom. His relaxed face in the dark with the moon shining over it through the window made him look like an absolute angel. I did not overthink it, I let my hand gently push his long hair behind his ear and softly stroked his earlobe. Then I let my pointing finger slowly slide down to his neck, barely touching his soft skin. His sudden grip on my wrist took me by surprise.

"Sorry. I.. I didn't.." I stuttered as I tried to talk lowly without waking the others. He said nothing, did nothing other than holding my wrist. He slowly moved my wrist down and held my hand. My heart was beating so fast and so loud, I actually thought he heard it.

"Are you okay? Is it bothering you that we're all sleeping here? Is that why you can't sleep?" He asked through a low whisper. I shook my head.

"I'm not uncomfortable. I just have a lot on my mind." I smiled weakly. He caressed the back of my hand as a sad gaze took over his beautiful tiny eyes. "I thought you couldn't sleep if it wasn't your bed." I asked trying to change the subject.

"Some things are more important than a good night sleep." I don't how much time we spent just looking at one another after that statement, we never spoke, just enjoyed each other's company. Next thing I knew, the blinding sun shining through the sheer curtains waking me up in an empty room. Just a note on my bedside table.

(We have a full-day schedule today. But don't worry, no one can come up to the penthouse if not identified by one of us. You're safe. There's breakfast for you in the kitchen. We'll see you later tonight.
- Double B)

I smiled at the sweet note he left me. The thought that they were taking care of me when it was already difficult to take care of themselves left me in awe. I found myself a family with them and I was truly thankful.

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