3: How my first on-set went.

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I was loading my car with makeup and hair equipment bags as we were getting ready to leave for set. "It feels so odd, this isn't our first time being on set but this time my stomach's rolling, I feel nauseous." I said shutting the backdoor after loading the last bag.

"That my dear is because you have never been on-set with your crushes." Hannah teased. I rolled my eyes. "How could you not choose a bias? Have you not seen King Bambam?" She said once we both settle in the care and I started to drive.

"Says the one who gets wrecked by everyone else." I laughed. "Besides, you know Jaebeom has a special place in my heart but damn, but then there's Mark." I paused. "Of course there's Jackson oh and Jinyoung.. Youngjaaae." I sighed. "Bambam puffing himself up is not helping. Then there's Yugyeom." I sighed and she laughed. "I'm a hoe, aren't I?" I asked sarcastically.

"Honey.." She reached out for my free hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. "In order to be hoe, one must not be a virgin." I swapped her hand away as we both laughed.

"Stop teasing me. It's not like I haven't tried." I shook my head. "I just-.."

"Don't have the time." She completed my sentence. "Maybe one of them can rectify your situation." I cringed at the way she said that.

"Do not use 50 shades of Grey quotes when it comes to my nonexistent sex-life." I threw the bag of tissues at her. "Plus, stop talking as if we'll befriend them. We're merely staff members." She rolled her eyes and sighed looking out the window. "Stop fantasizing, we're here." We pulled over and so did another car that was filled with out team. "Isn't it chilly around here?" I asked as I regretted not wearing something warmer."

As we walked in, the place was hectic, people were yelling, some were setting up equipments and others were taking care of the set's design. One of the staff members helped us to the styling room to set up our own equipments.

After finishing up, I walked out to the set and saw the photographer's bag open. The set he had was astonishing. "Is that a 200-400 mil zoom lens from the L series?" I whispered to myself as I was in awe admiring it. It was hella expensive. I bought the 200-400 mm and couldn't eat out for two whole months.

"You sure know your lenses. You're a photographer?" A handsome young man said as he switched lenses. "I'm Jun, the photographer. You are?" I introduced myself and we kept talking about photography and lenses. My god, that lens was my dream. If I had that, I wouldn't care if I were seated in the cheapest seat at a concert, I'd still get the perfect shot. We were interrupted by the boys walking in. "I guess you better head to your station. They're here. Please don't take too much time?" He pleaded and I laughed before walking in to the styling room.
I stood by my vanity as I waited for the boys to walk in. Mark walked in first with his beautiful bare face and messy hair. He had already worn his outfit, so he only needed to do hair and makeup. "Would you like to start with the hair or makeup first?" Hannah who's always wrecked by our homeboy said with a nervous tone, I almost let a laugh slip.

"Oh, I thought I would automatically start my hair first then move to makeup." He said and looking at both sides of the room.

"I guess today you get to choose what you'd like to start first." I said stifling a laugh while looking at Hannah. He nodded and moved to sit on the chair placed in front of Hannah's vanity. She mouthed 'oh my god', And before I could tell her that her stupid ass was standing between two mirrors -meaning he saw her reflection-, he chuckled.

"I'm guessing you're a fan, huh?" He said pulling out his phone. Hannah giggled nervously before moving to do her job. As I waited for the others to arrive I -unintentionally- saw him open the chatroom in my fansite. Before I could silence my phone in my pocket he took a photo of himself and sent it to the chat. My phone chimed and he looked up at the reflection. "That's an odd coincidence." He smirked and sent another text but thankfully I had silenced my phone.

"Excuse me?" I asked, trying to seem as clueless as possible.

"Nothing. Maybe I'm wrong" He chuckled and started to play a few games on his phone.

A few minutes later, the room started to get crowded as our assistants walked in to help with the boys. They all started with their hair first then my assistants helped put their base and foundation. Before they came to me one after the other. Jinyoung surprisingly was the first one on my chair. I smiled at him as I wore my earphones and played music to help me focus on the work and not at the fact that I was touching my crush's face. I heard him muffle something but I couldn't hear it clearly du to the music playing in my ear. He looked up at me and smiled. I took one earpiece out. "Sorry, did you say something?" I asked.

"I said, we meet again." He chuckled. I tilted my head to bow, put my earpiece back and went back to adding the lightest eye makeup. he didn't need much to make his more alluring. "You're not much of a talker are you?" He asked while pulling away. He knew I couldn't hear him, that's why he pulled away, but he spoke at the end of a song. I pulled out my earpiece again.

"Jinyoungssi, if you're gonna keep distracting me, you're gonna hold up the queue which will extend the photoshoot time which means, you won't be home at the time you desire." I said politely and in a low voice. He chuckled and nodded. Thankfully the other guys barely acknowledged my existence and rarely spoke to me unless they wanted to comment on my work. I preferred it that way, when on set, I always preferred to keep my earbuds in so I don't overhear conversations that I wasn't supposed to hear.

The last one was Jaebeom. He bowed politely before sitting on the chair with a book in his hand. He kept himself busy reading and for a moment he stopped and looked up at me. His eyes met mine which caused the brush to fall out of my hand. He went to grab the brush and so did I. In the process of doing so, our foreheads collided. "Oh your hair!" Was the first thing I said, not ouch, not sorry, I commented on his hair and the possibility of it being ruined by that bump. Yup, I'm that much of a dumbhead. He chuckled.

"I'm okay, my hair is safe. Are you?" He asked offering a polite smile. I smiled back. He wrinkled his forehead as he looked at my neck. "That is one odd necklace. Is it custom made?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I doubt it. I got it from a friend whom I have never met, probably a crazy stalker." I laughed nervously and had to physically bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything more. He looked at me stunned. "Uhhmmm you're almost done." I said before finishing up the final touches.

As he walked out to the set, I slowly followed to get a sneak peak at the photoshoot and lord did they look ethereal. The maknaes were in front of the camera and flashing lights. I was focused on them, Hannah was doing final touch ups based on the photographer's requests when I heard Jaebeom whispering. "I just saw the necklace." I panicked and before I could tuck it like I always did my eyes met the hyung line watching me. Mark smirked, Jackson offered a friendly smile, Jinyoung had a poker face and as for Jaebeom, I couldn't shake the feeling that I may have disappointed him. But why?
Was it because he thought I was invading their privacy as a fan and took advantage of my job? Or was he disappointed after setting a certain image to the owner of the fansite? Maybe he was disappointed I lied to Jinyoung about being a fan. But, this all could be made up by my overthinking brain.

I ran back into the room and hoped to god this necklace wasn't custom-made, I hoped this wasn't from them and I didn't just embarrass myself. But I did. All my hopes crashed right in front of me.

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