11: How he convinced me

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I walked out after tidying up the place and changing out of my work clothes and into my casual attire. He offered me that sweet  smile that melts my heart away. The way he was dressed so neatly with a turtleneck shirt and a long coat, he truly looked like he had royal blood running through his veins. "Ready to go?" He asked and extended his hand for me to hold. I forced a smile as I felt butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach. I nodded and held his hand gently.

As we walked out, the sky was drizzling a bit. A few drops hit my skin before he opened his umbrella that helped with the chances of hiding his identity better. "Where are we going?" I asked as I scooted closer to him to avoid getting wet. He chuckled before wrapping his arm around me causing my body to stiffen.

"Just a nearby café, somewhere quiet so we can talk." He said before taking a sudden turn into a small alley. "We're here." There was a small wooden door, next to it a large window glass with mosaic art on it. It looked cozy enough. "The owner is a friend of ours." We walked in and it sure was. The staff knew him as they said their hellos, I noticed some of our regulars, actors, journalists, reporters and even idols. I was hesitant to walk further. "Yes, it's basically a safe place for us to just be who we are as people without the anxiety of being recognized." He said once he noticed me noticing the type of customers this café welcomes. "Here, take a seat. What do you want to drink? I'll order."

"Just hot cocoa will be fine." I said, offering him a genuine smile.

A while after, he came back with a tray of our drinks and pies. "I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty to order a blueberry pie. It tastes so good. You have to try it." He said excitedly. I nodded and forced a small smile. "All jokes aside." His voice that was once cheerful, then turned serious. Still had a beautiful smile on his face but not really as bright, just simple, small and sympathetic. "Are we ready to talk?" He asked. I nodded.

"I have nothing say." I said and he raised his brows expectantly. "Correction, I don't know what to say. Why don't you ask and I'll answer truthfully?" I smiled looking at the marshmallow as the floated freely in my mug.

"Fair enough." He let out a soft chuckle. "Did you really leave because of that fight?"

"I left because of the fear that fight has caused. The thought that I'm not worth you guys getting in trouble. And.." I drifted off as I thought of what Jaebeom said.

"And?" He asked, his voice was smooth, gentle and warm.

"And that night when Jaebeom went MIA.. he said a few things that really clicked in my head. I know he may not have meant to say them but.." I sighed. "It made sense. It still does."

"What did he say?" He reached for my hand, rubbed my knuckles gently. "You can tell me." I could hear his sweet smile but I couldn't look up, I needed to calm my speeding heart rate.

"I overstepped my boundaries and told him I noticed how he wasn't feeling okay. He snapped, said that I shouldn't act like I know him, that I'm just a fan, that I only know what he chooses to let me." I let out breathy laugh feeling a little sting at the memory. Strangely he seemed more calm than I expected him to be.

"That is why you lashed out like that back at the salon." His voice understanding and genuine. I nodded.

"Look, I'm not blaming him. He's right. I'm just a fan who thought she could befriend her ults. When the truth is.. that only happens in one's imagination." I smiled weakly.

"You've been honest with me so I will be honest with you Su." He said before letting go of my hand. God, I felt awful when he did, I felt sick like I was about to vomit my insides out. "It started as a regular fan club, the gifts you sent were beautiful and so much effort were put into them and we were touched because almost every gift from our fans were special, handmade, customized or whatever but it was the words you wrote that really made a difference." He paused. "Look at me." I did, I didn't know what to say. "Your words made so much difference. Do you even know how many times I've thought about giving up? About terminating my contract?" I shook my head. "It's more than I can even tell you but your birthday letter, your random DMs kept me going. I always told them that I had to meet you. I had to meet you to make sure that you're a real person not an angel. I had to meet you to know that world is truly a better place." He smiled. I didn't even know he read the random texts I used to write and send to their DMs on SNS. They never appeared to be seen.

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