4: How they extended the first invitation.

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Thankfully the boys did not mention a thing, did not approach me or try anything during the rest of the shoot. Not when I had to fix their makeup between sessions and not even when they came back to the room, to remove the makeup. I was thankful they dropped it.

Once we were out, done with loading the assistant's car with the bags and bidding our goodbyes, we headed towards my car to finally go back home after a long day. "Well, if it isn't Ms. Gods7 herself." I heard Bambam shouting through a long high-pitched laugh.

I spoke too soon

I had my earbuds in but was playing nothing so I heard it but pretended that I didn't. That was until Hannah waved her hand at me. I swore I wanted to kick her right then and there. I sighed as I took out my earbuds and turned to meet their curious gazes. I mustered up all the courage I had within me to say and do what I did next.

I bowed a 90-degree bow and started to apologize. "죄송합니다. I didn't want you to think that we're a bunch of stalkers. It has been an honor to work with you today but I totally understand if you'd like to change your makeup artist and hairstylist. But please, accept our apology, we didn't mean to overstep any boundaries, it was just all a coincidence." I said in one breath while looking at the ground.

"Jeez, are you always so uptight? I thought you told Jinyoung hyung off because you were working. But you seem really stiff." I still did not dare to look up. "Are you sure you're our fan? Or are you embarrassed to be one?" Youngjae huffed. I looked up with wide eyes. How could I be embarrassed of supporting such great artists? Of course, my mouth refused to let any word come out.

"She's not embarrassed, she plays your songs on repeat back at the salon. Even the songs that are not officially released." Hannah took over the talking and I felt like I wanted to dig up a hole and bury myself to never see the light of day ever again. "There's a song on Soundcloud she really likes." She looked at me and I shook my head vigorously. "Deeper, was it?" She said through an evil smirk. I felt as if my eyes were about to pop out of place so I shut them tightly as I chewed on my bottom lip. I heard the boys laughing and cheering. I opened my eyes only to meet Jaebeom's gaze, it was... intense.

I felt my heart drop. I instantly looked away, clearing my throat. The other guys looked relaxed around us. Except for Mark, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact.

"We don't want to hold you back from your plans. We should leave, you have another long day tomorrow." I said bowing slightly and unable to look at anyone. If they decided not to change their makeup artist and hairstylist, we had another shoot the next day.

"Yah! Kwon Su.." Jinyoung called out for me. I had to basically drag my gaze to meet his. "I am the one who requested you, so no. We do not want to switch staff." I nodded looking at the ground. "Unless you feel differently." I shook my head and offered him a polite smile. "Then it's settled, we will see you tomorrow." I nodded and headed to the passenger's seat and threw the car keys to Hannah.

Once I plopped in the passenger seat, I took out my phone, I hadn't checked it the whole time I was there. I saw multiple notifications from the fansite. A few were from Mark, the picture he took was of himself but I was in the frame since I appeared in the reflection. He texted a few times during the shoot.

MYT: [Is that you?]
MYT: [.]
MYT: [Why did you lie?]
MYT: [The necklace is custom-made, you pabo.]
MYT: [Why aren't you reading my texts?]
MYT: [Did you not want to believe it was us? That it was me who you were talking to this whole time?]
MYT: [I'm sorry we caused you such inconvenience. I won't bother you again.]

The most recent text stung the most.
MYT: [I thought we were friends.]

I sighed and felt my heart aching. Celebrity or not, that person was truly my friend, he came to me to vent and I always listened, he was there for me too whenever I had to complain about work or whatever. I just felt like everything got messy and complicated. I decided to at least try to amend this friendship. I texted him as soon as I got home and plopped on the couch.

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