15: How the secret was out

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A few weeks had passed since I said thank you. Who thanks someone after a kiss? Oh yeah, my very stupid inexperienced self. We were on good terms, myself and the boys. I'd meet up with one of them or a bunch of them casually for coffee, smoothies or whatever. We've gotten past acquaintances. The boys added both me and Hannah to their group chat, they'd talk daily, send random updates and memes that their fans make of them. I never hesitated to send them funny tweets too.

Gyeom: [How come you stopped posting sexy pictures of us.]
Han: [Because it's awkward now. Knowing you'll see whatever we post.]
Me: [^What she said.]
MarkT: [But we've always been there.. we've seen it.]
Me: [I didn't know you did.]
Jackson: [Lol, pretend you don't know we're watching you.]
Me: [So you can tease me? Hell nah. No sir thank you.]
Bambam: [Even the fanclub members are finding it odd.]
Me: [Fine. But I will not write captions. I'm already embarrassed of the previous ones.]
MarkT: [Why embarrassed of loving "Bodies sculpted like the greek gods"? 😏😂]
Me: [You're an ass..]
MarkT: [Excuse you. You love my ass.]
Han: [Truth..]
Jackson: [Wait, does that make you our Hera? Or our Aphrodite?]

I blushed when I read his text. I didn't know how to reply.

Bambam: [She's the hottest of both 😉]
Me: [Oh god!]
Jaebeom: [Practice.]
Yugyeom: [Yes dad.]
MarkT: [Party-pooper]

I stifled a laugh when I read Mark's text but couldn't stop myself from reliving that moment, when I felt Jaebeom's soft lips on mine. The way he kissed me, as if I was a fragile piece of glass he was so afraid to break. Hannah pulled me out of my thoughts when she barged into my room. "It's Saturday, we're having dinner at Jackson's." I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Um. Okay?" I paused. "They didn't mention that in the group chat." I stated the obvious.

"Well, duh.. Jackson just texted me. They demand your famous lasagna." She started pulling on my hand to help me up and away from my comfort. "You need to start cooking."

"I only cook for the both us. I cannot cook a meal for 9 people." I groaned.

"Correction.." Oh no... "16 my love." I rolled my eyes. "Oh and you're wearing that sweater dress I bought a few days ago. They're gonna go so well with the new boots. It's feminine but definitely your style"

"Han, it's chilly outside. I cannot be wearing such things." I protested.

"Nope. You're gonna wear them. Or I'm telling everyone about your kiss with Jaebeom." She had smug smirk that was so devilish.

"You wouldn't." I knew she wouldn't.

"Bet." She held her phone and I knew she wouldn't but I budged anyways.

"Okay, fine." I groaned as I headed to the kitchen and got a kickstart.

We arrived at Jackson's place, some of the boys were gathered in the spacious living room, others were out by the pool and the rest were doing god knows what in the kitchen. "Come in. Come in.." Jin motioned for us to enter the kitchen as each of us held a lasagna pan. Bambam being his gentleman self offered to take our coats before I offered to help the boys making soups and salads.

"Nice outfit

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"Nice outfit." Bambam smirked looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes at his flirtatious comment were exactly that. Just random comments but never real actions, which oddly made me ease up to him even more.

"Well damn..." I heard Mark speaking under his breath which kind of boosted my self-confidence.
Later, the kitchen started to clear up as the boys scattered to set the table and call out for the others. I was tidying up the kitchen and clearing up the sink when I felt a set of hand snaking their way around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder. "First a kiss, now back-hugs?" I let out a breathy laugh.

"Who kissed you?"


"What?" I asked feeling extremely stupid.

"Su.." He looked at me expectantly. I sighed in defeat.

"Well, not here." I pointed at the direction of the boys' loud laughters were coming from. He nodded. He pulled me out of the kitchen and led me to one of the guest rooms.

"How about now?" He said crossing his arms.

"Jaebeom kissed me and it was heart fluttering and perfect but me being myself I thanked him right after and we haven't spoken since." I said in one breath, afraid of how he'd react. He tried to stifle back his laugh but couldn't so he bursted out laughing.

"You thanked him?" He said between laughs. I nodded with a pout. "Well, that's very polite of you." He laughed again. I hit his shoulder. "Ouch!" He stopped laughing but still had a stupid grin on his face.

"It's not funny Mark." I grumbled.

"Well, you said it was perfect?" He asked with a serious tone as he stepped closer to me. I nodded as I took a step back. "Heart fluttering?" He kept walking forward making me back up. His voice lowered and was more sultry. I felt my heartbeat accelerating and my breath getting heavier. "Was it soft?" I was backed up against the wall, his hand snaked around my waist. I could barely nod. "Passionate?" His lips were so close to mine, I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I visibly shivered. But answered nonetheless.

"Yes.." I said breathlessly.

"Like this?" His lips brushed gently over mine, moved them painfully slowly against me and let his hands rest on my sides. He then licked my lower lip asking for an invitation which I gladly extended. I moved my lips with his before I parted them slightly enough for him to devour me. He tasted sweet, like the red wine he was drinking. I felt his hand roaming my side, down to my thigh and back. He caressed my skin and I allowed my body to respond to him, lifted my leg slightly as he got a hold of the back of my thigh. His fingers so close to brushing my core yet they were so far away. He left a trail of wet kissed down towards my jawline and further down my neck.. he explored me looking for his prize. When he kissed the soft skin right under my ear, I gasped at the feeling. I felt weak at the knees, like I was going to fall if I didn't grip onto his shoulders.

I felt him smirk against my bare skin before I felt him nipping, sucking on that spot. A moan escaped my lips and made me jerk my eyes wide open. "Mark.." I said breathlessly.

"Do I make you feel as good as he did?" He asked against my neck and I felt like a teenager when I couldn't stop another moan from escaping. He chuckled this time. "I'll take that as a yes." He kept doing what he was doing until he finally released me. He looked at me fondly. "Well, this will stir up his jealousy." He touched the spot he was working on. I ran to the mirror and sure it was turning into a dark purple color. "You like it?" He asked cautiously.

"I feel like a teenager." I touched the spot and I could still feel his teeth on me. At the thought I felt my core throbbing. Then it hit me like a train crash. I was basically really sexually frustrated and surrounded by 14 different men. 7 of whom, I meet up with on a regular basis. I'm fucked. Or will be.. "Seriously, I can barely understand Jaebeom. This hickey will not help my situation." I said looking at Mark. "He's hot and cold, he'll be sweet to me one second and bark at me the next. Don't you think this will complicate things?"

"Just trust me, okay?"

"As if I have any other choice.."

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