7: How I've been pushed out of my comfort zone.

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(Mark's POV)
Did I hear her correctly? Did she call Su, Mary? "Wait, MARY?!" I asked grabbing everyone's attention. She flushed and mumbled something about being suffocated and left. "We should change." I said before leaving to the dressing room.

"Why did you two call her Mary?" Jaebeom said once he followed me to the dressing room taking off his clothes without turning to face me.

"I don't think it's my place to tell." I told him bluntly. He nodded without saying anything more. I always respected him for that, he was never the type of man to press on matters that he knows is none of his business. The rest of the boys walked in chatting about the same subject.

"Hyung.." Bambam was about to ask but I just sighed.

"It's none of our business. It seemed like it slipped Hannah's tongue. It's up to Su to explain or not." I said putting on my hoodie. "Can we let it go? For her sake. We're trying to befriend her but it's not gonna make her feel comfortable if we ask her about it." I told them and they all nodded.

Once we walked out towards the cars, I saw her standing there, leaning on her car looking effortlessly beautiful. She was nervously nibbling on her nails. I chuckled remembering the time I asked her what she'd do if she saw any of us, she explained her nervous state. Nibbling on her nails, stuttering, turning red and the thing I found was the cutest was avoiding eye contact.

"Ready to go?" I asked her and Hannah. Hannah seemed down, as if she was feeling guilty, but she forced a cute smile that made me smile back in an instant, she was cute too. Su didn't look up. "Su?" She hummed but still refused to look up. I leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I didn't tell them." She stiffened and turned red immediately. I swear I didn't mean to embarrass her, I just wanted to comfort her and I didn't want the others to listen. I pulled back and lifted her chin up to allow myself get a glimpse of her beautiful eyes. She had odd eyes, one hazel eye and the other one was green, she told me this before but she always said that she wore contacts, it made her nervous when people stared into her eyes for too long. I pulled myself back to reality and finally spoke. "It's not my place to tell. It's not our business to speak of it. It will all be forgotten soon. So, let's just have fun tonight okay?" She nodded gently while looking away. God, she was so cute. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders to embrace her before I left a quick peck on the top of her head. I realized what I had done once I felt her tense between my arms.


I backed away and cleared my throat. "Let's get going." I said clearly then I winked at Hannah, I wanted her to lighten up too.

"Where are we going?" Su asked without looking at us, as she headed to the driver's seat.

"A nearby bar, Jaebeom hyung knows the DJs there. But, I think we need a change of clothes." Bambam answered. "Well not me and Jackson hyung but maybe the others and you two." He snickered before opening the backdoor to her car. "But, not to worry, Jackson hyung and I will come to help you dress for the part." He said confidently. I rolled my eyes and headed to the van. "We'll meet you guys there." Bambam said. I waved my hand without turning to see him.

(Su's POV)
I was relieved for a few minutes when Mark said his comforting words. I really appreciated him. But it wasn't long before my body tensed for the millionth time this week.

Did he just plant a kiss at the top of my head? Is that what friends do?

Then, Bambam mentioned a bar. My alcohol tolerance is almost a zero. I get wasted over 2 shots of tequila. Maybe 3 max.I wasn't going to survive the night. But my heart exploded when dropped the real bomb. Aka, helping us "dress for the part"? What does that even mean? All I could think about was having idols over to my very humble apartment.

"We're here." Hannah said lowly. I knew she felt guilty, I told her it was okay but yes, if I was her, I'd want to kill myself for embarrassing my best friend like that. But then again, she had a big mouth and I loved her in spit of that.
We entered the small apartment and I was visibly uncomfortable having these two with us. It's not like I was embarrassed of my living state but more because we were having two gorgeous men in this tiny space and one of them was Hannah's bias. I was brought back to reality when I heard Bambam laughing out loud as he ran out of Han's room and Hannah screamed muffled words as she followed him. "Yah! Forget you saw anything."

"NEVER." He retorted with a huge smug smirk on his face.

"What did you two do?" Jackson asked.

"She's the owner of King Kunpimook fansite." Bambam snickered. "I really need to talk to you about my angles though. Always make sure you get my good side." He said lifting his chin up a bit and tilting his head to the side. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I always liked his confidence and the way he teases his fans. I just didn't like it when it was me he was teasing. He sure knows how to make a girl shiver. "Why are you laughing? Closet, now." He said pushing me inside my room.

He started to go through closet fishing for dresses, which I had none of. "I can dress myself. Why don't you help Hannah?" I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable with him rummaging through my clothes.

"Hannah is.. well, she can dress well." I was about to protest but he pulled out my favorite hoodie. "You, on the other hand. You dress like Jaebeom hyung on a lazy day." I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't find anything to say. I liked baggy clothes. They made me feel safe and cozy, I didn't like it when people stared too much. "I'm calling reinforcement. Hyung!" Bambam called for Jackson who in seconds was standing by my bedroom door. I plopped onto bed with hands covering my face. "She has nothing for tonight. How fast can we get noona to bring her a nice dress?" He asked and I still refused to look up but still argued.

"YAH! I am not going to wear anything I am not comfortable with." I grumbled and they both laughed.

"Beauty is pain baby girl." I lost my breath once I heard Jackson's raspy voice using that pet name.

"Oh god, just wear one of my dresses." Hannah said, she was already wearing skin-tight champaign dress but was curling her hair. I felt my vision blurring. "You have to take out your contacts. Rest your eyes if you want to wear other contacts before leaving." She said and I nodded. The boys looked confused, I sighed before I took out my contacts and turned to them.

"I have naturally odd eyes. I hate it when people stare too long looking at them, it makes me uncomfortable. I also have myopia -short eye sight-. So, I wear medical colored contacts to avoid uncomfortable situations." I explained as I wore my glasses.

"Wow, they're beautiful." Jackson said. I looked around and Bambam was nowhere to be seen. I felt my cheeks burning up as he stared intently into my eyes. Before I could point out that looks like that made me uncomfortable we were interrupted by Bambam and Hannah.

"She's never gonna wear that." Hannah crossed her arms as she leaned against the doorframe. I saw the dress and damn well my girl knows me. I'd never wear that.

"Yes. She will. It's beautiful, suits her and you said it's her size. Also, if she doesn't wear it." Bambam turned to look at me. "I will google what Mary means." He looked straight into my eyes. "Damn, they are breathtaking." He said, lost in my gaze. I closed my eyes and shooed them out of my room.
I guess, I'll just wear that very revealing dress. So much for hiding myself.

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