35: How my first oral happened.

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"What?" His body tensed next to mine and I immediately regretted speaking. I felt so self-conscious.

Of course he'd say I'm attractive but not really mean it. What was I thinking?

"I'm sorry. I.. I just.. You know what? Forget I mentioned it." I stuttered but quickly moved out of the bed and landed on my feet. But before I could take a step he held onto my wrist.

"I just wanna know if you're sure about this." He turned my entire body facing him as he sat up straight. "So, are you sure? I don't want you to think I'm using you." He lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes while saying those words.

"How can you possibly be using me when I'm literally the one asking for it?"

"I know but still... are you sure?"

"Well.. I.. umm.."

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Really?" I asked in a hopeful tone and he nodded. "Okay, how do we... uhmmm.. start?"

"Come here." He pulled me closer to him, our lips barely brushing against one another. He waited for me to reject or accept. But for the first time, I took the initiative and closed the gap between us. His plump lips danced with mine in a delicious rhythm. The kiss was soft and smooth, but once his hands landed on my sides, pulled me up and landed me on his lap in a straddling position, our smiles slowly broke the kiss. I felt my heart fluttering as my heartbeats increased so much so that I could feel it drumming in my ear.

"I can't believe this is happening." I don't know why I said that when I was grinning like an idiot against his lips. Maybe I was mirroring him because he was doing the same thing. He chuckled while moving his hand up to my neck, letting his thumb brush gently along my jaw and looking into my eyes. I felt all warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. His smile was genuine and pure. He connected our lips again but that kiss was deeper, needier as if it portrayed hidden feelings on both sides. His tongue brushed against my lower lip asking for permission which I wholeheartedly accepted. The way his tongue moved effortlessly along with mine, made my mind wander around the thought of him eating me out. As if he knew I was out of the moment, he pulled me by the neck closer to bring me back to that moment with him. I moaned against his lips and as soon as I did, I felt something poking my core. I smirked against his lips and moaned again, he grunted and tugged on the roots of my hair lightly. He started to leave a trail of luscious wet kisses starting from my jaw then down to my neck. I gasped when he found my weak spot and felt his teeth grazing my soft skin. I moaned a bit louder when he bit harder. My fingers were playfully fiddling with the hem of his shirt but when he bit me harder, I tugged on it, signaling for him to take it off. He obliged and did the same for me. He paused for a moment looking at my chest and I felt self-conscious. Was I that hideous he had to look like he was sick in his stomach? Then it hit me when he touched my scar.

"Does it hurt?" He looked up at me, straight into my eyes. I shook my head. "Don't be embarrassed, even your scars are beautiful." I felt myself blushing but I was so awkward that I didn't know how to respond.

"Thanks. I should get stabbed more often." I let out a breathy laugh, he looked at me with a serious gaze.

"That's not funny Su." I rolled my eyes.

"No, what's funny is how sentimental you're being when I can literally feel you hard as a rock against me." He smirked.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be a gentleman." He said teasingly as his soft hands caressed my sides, fingers lightly pushing down my sweatpants.

"Yup. Sure you are." I said sarcastically before I pushed him back on the bed, kissed him and captured his bottom lip between my teeth. Then continued down to his jaw and further down to his neck, I was searching for his weakness when I let my hands roam his muscled torso then let them go further down until they reached his belt and unbuckled it. He chuckled but quickly grunted when I kissed the spot above his collarbone. I smirked against his skin before I marked him right there and felt him thrust lightly against me as I was unzipping his pants. We parted for a bit so he could slide down his attire and what I saw made me halt any further movements. "Fuck." I sat up straight and mumbled lowly. He did the same but looked at me with concern.

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