20: How the teasing started

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I wore my usual style of attire. A pair of black sweats and a tight tank-top with a big baggy black hoodie over it. I walked down to the dining room and saw a full feast spread across the table. "This smells like heaven." I said lowly as I entered the room. I was stunned by the heavenly smell, the beauty of the interiors, the amount of food and how it colored the table beautifully that I hardly noticed a set of arms snaking their way from the back around my waist and a head that rested on the crook of my neck. Until he took a deep breath and let out a humming sigh.

"It does smell like heaven." I tensed up when I heard his voice. He rarely ever makes such a move. He's usually the gentleman type. I mean, don't get me wrong he's so naturally flirtatious but he was always respectful when it came to skinship.

"Uhmm.. Jackson? What are you doing?" I asked  but didn't want to move. Not away from the hug nor accept it. I literally just froze. For some reason, I was anxious at the anticipation of Mark and Jaebeom's reaction of what was happening but they literally did not even look my way. Jackson held me tighter before finally letting go with a smirk plastered on his handsome face. He shrugged which I assumed was a gesture to answer my question.

Halfway through dinner, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering through Mark's words. "Uhmm.." The voices died down as they looked at me. "Mark mentioned a game?" I asked hesitantly.

"Let's talk about it after dinner." Jinyoung smiled sweetly but something in my gut told me, nothing about that game was sweet.

"Okay but can we play RPS beforehand? If I win, I get to choose whether I agree to play along or not. If not, I'll play without protesting." They were all excited.

"Deal." Jinyoung said.
The first round happened after dinner, Jackson was out. Then Jinyoung and Mark. The tension between both me  and Jaebeom could be felt in the thick air. As we played, I read his body language and just knew he'd choose scissors but my stupid uncooperative brain forced my hand into paper. I groaned as they all cheered loudly. "Fine. What's the game?" I sighed as we settled in the huge living room.

"The game, my dear friend is to see who is better at turning you on." My eyes widened at Bambam's casual way of saying these words. Hannah laid in the couch with a throw cushion on her face. Something told me she was either feeling second-hand embarrassment or she was the one who suggested what was about to happen.

"How will that happen?" I asked in a tone barely audible. Bambam chuckled as he sat next to me, wrapped an arm around my shoulder, moved my hair away from the side of my neck and traced his finger from my earlobe down to the crook of my neck. I visibly shivered and shrugged moving away from him.

"Each of them will have 3 minutes to explore your ravishing neck.." He whispered in my ear. I laughed nervously pushing him away.

"Stop being weird." I said through laughs.

"And the winner is whomever gets you to moan faster." His voice back to normal.  My face was bright red I was sure, my eyes popped out of their place. "Not a sigh, not an accelerating breath just a plain old moan."

"What are the limits?" Jackson asked seriously and curiously. They all looked at me, I just smiled awkwardly.

"No hands on her sensitive parts." Jinyoung pointed at his chest and lower region. "That'll be cheating."

"Wait, you said them.. you're not gonna play?" I asked Bambam. He shook his head.

"Maknaes and the winner of this game will play a different one later." He wiggled his brows. I rolled my eyes. "So who wants to start?" He asked. I suddenly felt my entire body burning.

"Wait, it's gonna happen here? In front of everyone?" I looked around the room. Hannah still under the throw cushion.

"You lost. No protests." Youngjae smirked. I covered up my face in embarrassment.

What did I get myself into?

"I'll go first but you need to lose the hoodie. It gets in the way." Jinyoung pointed at my very cozy, very safe hoodie. I pouted but he reminded me. "No protests." I should have known better than to play RPS with them and choose my own penalty. If I'd learned anything from watching them on variety shows, it was the one who chooses the penalty will always be the loser. I was just so cocky, claimed I could read people but couldn't control my own body. I took off my hoodie and felt exposed. Especially when I noticed most of them swallowing thickly at the sight of me in just a tank-top.

God, let's get this over with.

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