43: How I was sold

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It had been about a week since that night, the perfect night, the night I stayed in his arms as he took care of me and made sure I drifted into deep sleep as comfortably as I'll ever be. The boys came over for the first time after my drunken night and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I made a fool out of myself, that alone was enough for me to try to avoid them for the entire week but when the weekend showed up, they barged in with food and drinks as if they owned the place. -They actually do but that's beside the point.-

You could feel the thick air whenever myself, Mark and Jaebeom were in the same room. We were all trying to deny the awkwardness, ignore it but it was inevitable. I told Mark I didn't want to choose someone who'd cloud my judgment but I did exactly that. He probably thought I only said that to make it easier for him to accept that I wouldn't choose him. I couldn't take it anymore. "Mark, do you mind?" I pointed toward the glass doors that led to the outdoors city view. The silence that followed my question could be cut with a knife. Everyone knew how awkward the whole situation was. Not even Jaebeom's self-restraining abilities could take away the attention. Mark only nodded quietly and ushered me out.

"I'm sorry." We both spoke those two words.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"For making this whole thing so awkward for you and everybody else..." He explained.

"Mark. I..." He interrupted me before I could even say anything.

"I never meant for any of you to feel uncomfortable. You're a grown woman who has the right to choose whomever to be her partner and I am also a grown man who can suppress his feelings and not lash out because of the girl he lo-likes chose someone else." He chuckled to ease the tension and the hurt that hid in his tone.

"I was drunk." I wanted to find better words. I wanted to make things better.

"I know." He leaned his back against the railing and I walked over to him. "And even though you were wasted, you still chose him." I felt a sting in my heart as he sighed. "I don't want you to feel guilty Su. It's okay to choose him, it's okay to be with him. I don't want you to think that going after what you want or who you want is wrong because it never is." He reached out for my hands, grabbing them gently and a rush feeling of safety ran through me as he rubbed the back of them with his thumb.

"That's the thing... I don't know who I want." I said hesitantly. I felt his body going rigid for a mild second before he relaxed again in an attempt to keep this demeanor. "I feel confused and as much as I want to be selfish and choose everyone my heart skips a beat for, I can't. Because it's not fair to any of you." I could literally feel his hands going cold and only then had I realized what I had said.

"Any of us?" I couldn't bring my eyes to meet his, I didn't know what to reply to that. Thankfully I was saved by the ringing of my phone.

"Ms. Jones!" An unfamiliar voice sang enthusiastically. Maybe I shouldn't have been thankful. I acted on a whim and replied in Hangul that I couldn't understand what he was saying. "Okay I'll admit you could have fooled me with that Korean accent of yours." The fear was evident in my eyes. Mark had worried expressions plastered all over his face.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked. In an attempt to hardening my voice, it actually came out shaking and I hated myself for it. I hated how I still could not find it in me to be well spoken.

"A dear friend of your father." Just as I heard those frightening words I saw Ian coming out of the elevator. The look on his face had nothing familiar to the ones I've seen before. I knew then and there that I was fucked.

"My father is dead." I deadpanned. Mark's expressions dropped and he dragged me inside. I heard a sick sound of laughter echoing through my ear.

"Not yet but he's going to be... Let me tell you a little story. And while I'm at it, put me on speaker so your boyfriend can hear. Or dare I say boyfriends? Plural?" He chuckled darkly and I felt my stomach twisting, my heart dropping to my feet. Was he watching us? "Go ahead deary." I did as told, placed the phone on the table and pulled back. The boys looked confused.

"You're on." I said, dropping my weight on the floor, my hands pulling frustratingly the roots of my hair.

"I don't know if I should be annoyed or impressed. Thought you were an abused kid, emotionally broken and mentally scarred yet here you are surrounded by what? 8? Boyfriends? Never thought you'd turn out to be a whore." The laugh made me shudder. Jinyoung was about to go off but Jackson and Jaebeom held him back. Ian spoke instead.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He sounded calm but a bit annoyed.

"Oh you're the Aussie dude who helped her escape the poor excuse of a father." He sounded amused. "Anyways, I was gonna tell Suzan a story but didn't feel like repeating multiple times so here we are..." The pause was taunting and tears had already streamed down my face. At that point I had so much too lose. I wasn't a high school kid without any care in the world anymore. These men were everything to me, they meant the world and how could I forget Hannah who has been there since day one.
"See, Johnathan Jones was a good acquaintance of mine. I truly believed he was smart enough to not double cross me but he had the balls to do so... Although I gotta give it to him, he did save himself by getting locked up in jail." He laughed bitterly. I had no idea my father was deep in his shit. "Long story short, he owes me... a lot and we came to the conclusion that you Suzan Jones have what's mine."

I felt my chest tightening. My breath stuck in my throat. Only a soothing hand caressing mine pulled me out of my deadly trance. "I don't have anything. I didn't take anything of that bastard's. I don't even have enough money to have my own apartment let alone to pay for whatever that asshole owes you." I cried hysterically. The dark chuckle made me want to throw the phone against the wall so bad.

"I mean if you ask the right people you would have enough money but unfortunately I don't want that. I don't want your money." We all exchanged worried and confused glances. "Your father sold you for his freedom. You are what's mine Ms. Jones." Just then, everything around me blurred, I didn't know if it was the tears, the dizziness or the fact that I was being sold to some psychopath. All I knew is that fury and fear took over and everything around me went black.

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