25: How we met an old friend

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I looked around the room before I turned to him. "Me?" I pointed at myself. The boys chuckled and so did he before he nodded and offered me his hand. Mine was shaking before I rested it on his. His hand felt soft, warm and as if it was made to fit mine so easily. He stroked the back of it gently as he led us to the dance floor. Swiftly, he pulled me closer to him, both his hands on my waist, both of mine were on his hard chest to brace myself for the impact that never happened because he was so swift, gentle and firm all at once. He knew how to control his body movements well as well as leading mine. I slowly trailed my hands to rest on his inhumanly wide shoulders as he leaned down to whisper to my ear.

"You look stunning tonight." I felt my cheeks getting warmer, my heart racing and my knees weakening as I looked down. "You don't believe me?" He asked, after gently lifting up my chin to meet his gaze. When he saw my reddened face, he smirked and let out a soft chuckle. I hit his shoulder playfully. "What? Am I not allowed to speak my mind?" He teased which caused me to laugh as I rolled my eyes. "That's more like it." He looked at me in a way I've never seen before, his gaze was soft but also intense, confused but determined. It drove me crazy how I couldn't read him at that moment. We danced in comfortable silence until we were interrupted by a voice I hadn't heard in a very long time.

"Mind if I steal your girl?" I turned around to see him. He looked effortlessly stunning, breathtaking, mind blowing, jaw dropping gorgeous. Almost immediately, I clung onto him, hugged him tightly while squealing and mumbling incoherently. He laughed at my reaction as he hugged me with the same enthusiasm and lifted me up a bit and spun us 360 degrees before letting me land on my feet. "Glad to see you missed me as much as I missed you." He chuckled.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?" I said before I realized that I had completely forgotten about the man I was dancing with. The man who stood there dumbfounded and stunned. "Sorry. Rude of me. Jaebeom, this is Christian Yu, Chris, this is Jaebeom." I introduced them to one another.

"Hyung, it's been a long time." I looked at Jaebeom surprised he knew him. They shook hands with smiles spread all over their faces.

"Jaebeom." He tilted his head to a little bow then turned to me. "It's Jackson Wang, are you really surprised I'm here?" He asked chuckling and I shook my head. "How do you know them though? I mean.. how did you befriend them? I know you've been a fan since-.." i placed my hand on his mouth as I stood on my tiptoes to reach him.

"No embarrassing stories tonight." I laughed nervously as I looked at him. "And, I don't know. It just happened." I said between continuous nervous laughters.

"It's Ian by the way." He said and I furrowed my brows since I wasn't exactly following. "I go by Ian not Chris." I rolled my eyes.

"You'll always be my Chris." I teased and grinned at him.

"Your Chris? You guys..." Jaebeom asked and I wanted to deny it but then the thought hit me. Chris would be the perfect candidate. I'm comfortable enough around him, he's obviously extremely attractive, he'd never hurt me because we've known each other for the longest time. And he's always busy anyways so I wouldn't have to worry about it being awkward.

"We're just friends. I've known her since she moved here." He answered Jaebeom while still looking at me. "Care to dance?" He offered me his hand and I slowly nodded. Suddenly shy at the thought I was having. There was only one downside, I had a massive crush on him before and if I did this with him, it would stir unwanted feelings within me. He kept a hold on my hand as he rested it near his heart, I volunteered to rest my other hand around his shoulder and thankfully I wore the type of high heels that helped made it easier for me to rest my chin on his shoulder without looking awkward.

"I missed you." I said lowly as my eyes scanned the room. He chuckled softly.

"I missed you too Jones." My body stiffened for a bit. I let out a breathy laugh as I pulled away just enough to meet his gaze.

"It's been a long time since I've heard that. I forgot all about it." I said softly and he looked at me with sad eyes.

"Do they know?" His eyes drifted towards the 7 men that had been taking good care of me for the past couple of months.

"They know the bare minimum." I nodded. "They know I had an abusive father and they know what he did to me." His grip around my hand tightened just a bit, he pulled me closer and tighter in his warm embrace. He buried his face in the crook of my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm always here for you. No matter how busy you think I am, if you need anything. I'm a call away." I nodded. Damn, this is why I had feelings for him. He was always protective of me, always there for me and he helped me have the new life I have now. He never once complained or made me feel like a burden. But he always turned me down every time I try to confess to him. "You're my sister, okay?" Yup, that was always his favorite sentence. I nodded again. He pulled away to a safe proximity with his hands still on me. "You've changed."

"What do you mean?" I laughed nervously.

"You seem more confident. More.." He drifted off as if to think of the right word to use. "Free." I laughed.

"I am. I feel better about myself." I felt my cheeks burning.

"You know, being all shy and red in the past, made you give off a cute innocent vibe but your confidence now combined with the shyness I'm thankful you still have makes you give off an alluring vibe, very mysterious and extremely dangerous for all men." I laughed uncontrollably because that's what I usually did when I got nervous. He laughed along.

"I don't even know why men say and think I'm dangerous when I'm seriously still finding hard to approach them." I said between laughs.

"Dangerous because if a man falls for you completely, he'd lose all his willpower. He'd want to do anything and everything for you. Your happiness would become his priority." He said seriously which made me look at him curiously. He sighed before continuing. "Whomever said that you're dangerous is already halfway there." My knees gave up on me and I almost fell but he caught me. "You okay?" He looked at me worriedly, an eyebrow raised as his strong arms held me in place. I felt my heart racing.

"I-I- ummm I'm o-okay." I stuttered, he walked me slowly to a nearby table. The boys came to us asking if I was okay. I just laughed nervously. "Just casual clumsiness." I said through fake laughter. They all looked at me suspiciously as Ian looked at me knowingly. He excused himself after promising he'll keep in touch. I loved him so much and trusted him with my entire life but I knew he couldn't keep that promise with the busy life he leads.

"We're gonna have a serious talk later." A deep voice whispered in my ear which sent shivers all over my body. He sounded firm and demanding. I was a little intimidated by what was so important for him to use such a tone with me.

"Mark.." I looked at him and his eyes were burning with an unfamiliar fire. I swallowed thickly. "I-is e-ev-verything o-okay?" I stuttered but asked lowly.

"I don't know. You tell me."

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