22: How he did it

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When I didn't move an inch, he sighed and walked over to me. He sat on the floor kneeling in front of me, he rested one hand on both of mine, placed his other one gently under my chin and lifted it up so I could meet his gaze. I thought he'd have the same dark intense stare he had before but instead I was met with his soft gaze, which caused butterflies in my stomach. "Do you not want this?" He asked and I still did not move an inch nor was I able to speak, stunned by how close he was to me and how sweet he was being. "Do you not want me?" The only reaction I had to that was to hold his hand that rested on mine. He smiled and in an instant his lips were on mine. God I missed his lips. They tasted sweet, they felt so soft and they moved hungrily against mine.

The first time he kissed me was soft and sweet but this felt more intense. More suggestive. He placed his hand at the back of my neck to pull me closer to him, to deepen the kiss, to make me crave him even more. He bit my bottom lip and I hummed against him. No one stopped us so I assumed it was not considered a moan. I don't remember how it happened and I still don't get how he did it but suddenly I found myself straddling him on the couch, I gasped at the realization. He probably stood, lifted me up, sat on the couch with myself on his lap.
He smirked against my lips and moved onto my neck leaving sloppy wet kisses on my skin while doing so. I was breathing loudly and so lost in the pleasure, I couldn't control my movements when I started grinding against him. His hand that held mine was now on my thigh with his thumb rubbing my clothed skin, so close to my core. He groaned against my skin, he found a spot on my neck, a spot that made me gasp and whisper his name. "Jaebeom.." I said breathlessly. I could physically feel his smirk against me. I felt his teeth grazing my skin and again I spelled his name.

His lips move momentarily to my ear, he nibbled on my earlobe. "Good girl. Say my name." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I still could not find it within me to say a word, his fingers laced a chunk of my hair and tugged on it, I smiled at the thought of him being rough with me, devouring me, using me. I only snapped when a loud frustrated moan slipped my lips, it was louder than the other moans and I had to halt my movements and everything else. I snapped back to reality.

My eyes were wide. I looked down at him, his hair was a mess, I probably did that, his lips were parted and glistening, they perked up into a small shy smile and I jumped up standing on my feet. "I'm sorry." I mumbled fast before rushing to my room. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to stay there for the rest of the week.

I rummaged through my luggage for a change of clothing, I took a quick shower and when I walked out I saw Bambam sitting on my bed tapping through his phone. Thankfully, I was fully clothed to avoid repeating what happened with Mark earlier that night. "Oh hey, are you okay?" He asked once he noticed me. I felt like all basic words used in the history of humanity had fled my mind. My body tensed, my heart dropped and I felt my whole body heating up. "Su?" He stood and stepped forward, I stepped backwards. The look on his face seemed hurt, confused combined with guilt and sadness. "Listen, I'm sorry, that game was stupid. We made you feel uncomfortable, we forced it on you and-.."

"N-no.." I interrupted him. "You didn't make me feel uncomfortable." I let out a breathy laugh, turned around and sat on the small seat placed in front of the vanity. As I continued to dry my hair, I spoke. "I was just embarrassed. If I hadn't snapped back to reality when I did I probably would have hit my climax in front of everyone." I said lowly. He chuckled and I saw him through the mirror approaching me. I stopped and looked at him. He pointed at my head towel as if to ask for permission, I nodded and he started drying my hair gently.

"I really thought you hated me for coming up with that idea." He said lowly then looked through the mirror to meet my eyes.

"I don't. I'm just embarrassed. I don't think I could ever look at any of you again." I looked away. He laughed and started to move my head aggressively from left to right. "Yahh!!" I yelled at him and he kept laughing but only louder. I glared at him through the mirror.

"See? You're looking at me just fine." He wiggled his brows making me roll my eyes at him. He threw the head towel in the laundry basket and kneeled next to me. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about, okay?" I didn't say anything. Instead, I just smiled at him. "Plus, we want you to feel comfortable around us, don't read too much into what happened out there. As long as you enjoyed it and felt like you let loose even for a little bit. We're okay, we're not gonna judge you. I promise." I nodded

"So, Jackson won?" I asked teasingly.

"What are you talking about? You moaned not a minute after you started making out with Jaebeom hyung." He laughed as he stood.

"What?" I looked at him stunned. I hadn't realize I did. I thought I didn't moan at all. I felt my cheeks burning, then he chuckled.

"You know, as shy as you are, you can be really scary." He admitted.

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad." I hit his shoulder playfully. He put on a straight face and looked deep into my eyes.

"You are the only one who can stand up to him. Even Jinyoung hyung would agree." I looked down at my fiddling fingers. "You're good for us, for him." He smiled sweetly and I wanted to say something, anything but I couldn't. "Get some rest. I'll let the others know you're okay." He said before finally leaving the room. I laid in bed thinking about his words. I moaned the fastest with him without realizing I did? I am good for him? His words lingered as I allowed myself to finally fall into a deep sleep.

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